Contains data from muller\mlt1.dta obs: 1,200 see vars: 6 1 May 2003 12:50 size: 12,000 (99.9% of memory free) (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mode byte %9.0g imaging modality reader byte %9.0g repeat byte %9.0g d byte %9.0g ynlbl disease y byte %9.0g image classification image byte %9.0g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ********************** value labels for variables with numeric codes: ynlbl: 0 no 1 yes ********************* notes: _dta: 1. Data references: 2. Muller, C, Wasserman, HJ, Erlank, P, Klopper, JF, Morkel, HR and Ellmann A. Optimisation of density and contrast yielded by multiformat photographic images used for scintigraphy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 34: 473-81. 1989. 3. Thompson, M.L. and Zucchini, W. (1989). On the statistical analysis of ROC curves. Statistics in Medicine 8: 1277-90.