Contains data from orchid\orchratio2.dta obs: 53 glass array mRNA expression ratios; see vars: 1,539 4 Aug 2004 14:32 size: 326,162 (98.4% of memory free) (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tsid str4 %9s tissue id tsn byte %8.0g tissue no. g1 float %9.0g g2 float %9.0g g3 float %9.0g g4 float %9.0g g5 float %9.0g g6 float %9.0g g7 float %9.0g g8 float %9.0g g9 float %9.0g g10 float %9.0g . . . etc. g1531 float %9.0g g1532 float %9.0g g1533 float %9.0g g1534 float %9.0g g1535 float %9.0g g1536 float %9.0g d byte %8.0g dlbl ovarian tissue source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: tsid ********************** value labels for variables with numeric codes: dlbl: 0 normal 1 Ca ********************* notes: _dta: 1. g* variables correspond to 1536 microarray gene spots 2. 53 observations correspond to ovarian tissue samples from 23 ovarian Ca cases and 30 controls 3. reference: Pepe MS, Longton GM, Anderson GL,and Schummer M. Selecting differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments. Biometrics 59(1):133-42. 2003. 4. a key file with gene labels/identifiers corresponding to the genes in this dataset is available upon request from Michel Schummer, email: