Contains data from wieand\wiedat2b.dta obs: 141 S. Wieand - Pancreatic cancer diagnostic marker data vars: 3 8 Dec 1999 16:34 size: 1,833 (99.9% of memory free) (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- y1 float %9.0g CA 19-9 y2 float %9.0g CA 125 d byte %9.0g ynlbl * Pancreatic cancer * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ********************** value labels for variables with numeric codes: ynlbl: 0 no 1 yes ********************* notes: _dta: 1. Data reference: Wieand S, Gail MH, James BR, and James KL. A family of nonparametric statistics for comparing diagnostic markers with paired or unpaired data. Biometrika 76(3):585-92. 1989. d: 1. non-cancer patients (d==0) are pancreatitis controls.