Contains data from aki_sim.dta obs: 36,000 Simulated AKI marker data (see -notes-) vars: 6 14 Feb 2008 14:17 size: 828,000 (94.7% of memory free) (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id int %8.0g subject identification y float %9.0g marker value s float %9.0g * marker measurement time (days) tevent float %9.0g * time from measurement to event (days) statusall byte %13.0g statusall * event status tmfull float %9.0g * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ********************** value labels for variables with numeric codes: statusall: 0 controls 1 severe AKI 2 mild AKI 9 non-AKI death ********************* notes: _dta: 1. simulated biomarker data for detection of acute kidney injury (AKI) during major cardiac surgery 2. reference - Pepe M, Zheng Y, Jin Y. Evaluating the ROC performance of markers for future events. UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series no. 313. University of Washington. 2007. 3. see Appendix B of reference for simulation description. 4. (GML note - see ~\d\mp\dabs_data\aki_jin\ s: 1. marker measurement time with respect to surgery tevent: 1. time from marker measurement to AKI event 2. valid only for statusall = 1,2,9. statusall: 1. controls = no AKI after surgery