Contains data from leisenring\lplaudio_b.dta obs: 3,152 see vars: 8 16 Jun 2003 11:50 size: 59,888 (99.7% of memory free) (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cid int %8.0g ear byte %8.0g test byte %8.0g testl testl loc byte %8.0g loc location age float %9.0g age in weeks d byte %8.0g ynlbl hearing impairment sev float %9.0g severity: audio threshold dB y byte %8.0g posneglb test result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ********************** value labels for variables with numeric codes: testl: 1 B 2 A 3 C loc: 0 room 1 booth ynlbl: 0 no 1 yes posneglb: 0 neg 1 pos ********************* notes: _dta: 1. Data references: 2. Leisenring W, Pepe MS, Longton G (1997). A marginal regression modelling framework for evaluating medical diagnostic tests. Statistics in Medicine 16:1263-81.