Contains data from sj_ms2_fig1scen2b.dta obs: 20,000 simulated data for fig 1, scenario 2, SJ article. see -notes- vars: 3 4 Jun 2008 12:51 size: 200,000 (98.7% of memory free) (_dta has notes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d byte %8.0g outcome z byte %8.0g covariate y float %9.0g marker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ********************* notes: _dta: 1. Simulated data for a continuous marker y, binary outcome d, and binary covariate z. Marker values vary with z, but the discriminatory accuracy of the marker (i.e. the ROC curve) is the same in the covariate-specific populations. In scenario 1, there are different proportions of cases (d=1) and controls (d=0) in the two covariate groups. In scenario 2, the case-control ratio is constant across the covariate-specific populations. 2. for figure 1, scenario 2, SJ article: Janes, Longton, Pepe. Accommodating covariates in ROC analysis. 2008. 3. see