Welcome to the Tobacco-Related Health Disparities (TREHD) Research Group. The primary focus of our research is improving treatment for tobacco-related health disparities groups — including people with mental health conditions and Veterans receiving care through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) — by testing new treatment content (e.g., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and behavioral activation) and increasing treatment accessibility through high-reach delivery modalities of telephone, web and mobile.
Heffner J.L., Watson, N.L., McClure, J.B., Anthenelli, R.M., Hohl, S., Bricker, J. "I smoke like this to suppress these issues that are flaws of my character": challenges and facilitators of cessation among smokers with bipolar disorder.
Heffner, J.L., Mull, K.E., McClure, J.B., Bricker, J.B. Positive affect as a predictor of smoking cessation and relapse: does it offer unique predictive value among depressive symptom domains?
Bricker, J.B., Mull, K.E., McClure, J.B., Watson, N.L., Heffner, J.L. Improving the quit rates of web-delivered interventions for smoking cessation: Long term results from a full scale randomized trial.
Hutch News | Diane Mapes | Nov. 16, 2017
Lighting up can be a source of shame and treatment complications for cancer patients, but Fred Hutch researchers are here to help them quit.
Read more Fred Hutch News Stories on Smoking-Cessation
Hutch News | Coco Davis | Jan. 20, 2020
Recent studies have reported that depression or anxiety could reduce the likelihood of quitting smoking by 50%. This app is designed to address depression symptoms as a barrier to smoking cessation.
HealthLine | Gillian Mohney | Sept. 5, 2017
More apps being developed to help people overcome addiction issues as medical professionals try new ways to reach out to their patients.