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Li, L., Greer, C., Eisenman, R.N., and Secombe. Essential functions of the histone demethylase Lid. PloS Genetics 6: e1001221 PMID: 21124823. 2010
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Mendrysa, S.M., Akagi, K., Roayaei, J., Lien, W.-H., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A., and R.N. Eisenman. An integrated genetic-genomic approach for the identification of novel cancer loci in mice sensitized to c-Myc-induced apoptosis. Genes & Cancer 1: 465-479. PMID: 20927200. 2010
Conerly, M. L., Teves, S. S., Diolaiti, D., Ulrich, M., Eisenman, R. N., and Henikoff, S. Changes in H2A.Z occupancy and DNA methylation during B-cell lymphomagenesis. Genome Res. 20:1383-1390.PMID: 20709945. 2010
Lin CH, Jackson AL, Guo J, Linsley PS, Eisenman RN Myc-regulated microRNAs attenuate embryonic stem cell differentiation. EMBO J 28: 3157-3170. 2009.
Freie, B.W. and Eisenman, R.N. Ratcheting Myc. Cancer Cell 22:2755-2766. 2008
Eilers, M., and Eisenman, R.N. Myc’s Broad Reach. Genes Dev. 22:2755-2766. 2008
Laurenti, E., Varnum-Finney, B., Wilson, A., Ferrero, I., Blanco-Rose, W., Ehninger, A., Knoepfler, P., Cheng, P.-F., MacDonald, R., Eisenman, R., Bernstein, I, and Trumpp, A. Hematopoietic stem cell function and survival depend on c-Myc and N-Myc activity. Cell Stem Cell 3:611-624. 2008
Martins, R.A., Zindy, F., Donovan, S., Zhang, J., Pounds, S., Wey, A., Knoepfler, P.S., Eisenman, R.N., Roussel, M.F., and Dyer, M.A. N-myc coordinates retinal growth with eye size during mouse development. Genes Dev 22(2): 179-193. 2008
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Mendrysa, S.M., O’Leary, K.A., McElwee, M.K., Michalowski, J., Eisenman, R.N., Powell, D.A. and Perry, M.E. Tumor Suppression and Normal Aging in Mice with Constitutively High p53 Activity. Genes Dev. 20: 16-21 2006.
Shiio Y., Rose D. W., Donohoe S., Aebersold R., and Eisenman R. N. Identification and characterization of SAP25, a novel component of the mSin3 corepressor complex. Mol. Cell Biol. 26: 1386-1397. 2006.
Grandori C, Gomez-Roman N, Felton-Edkins ZA, Ngouenet C, Galloway DA, Eisenman RN, White RJ, C-Myc Binds to Human Ribosomal DNA and Stimulates Transcription of RRNA Genes By RNA Polymerase I., Nature Cell Biology, 7(3):311-8, Mar 2005
Orian, A., Grewal, S.S., Knoepfler, P.S., Edgar, B.A., Parkhurst, S.M. and Eisenman, R.N. Genomic Binding and Transcriptional Regulation by the Drosophila Myc and Mnt Transcription Factors. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.70. 2005
Grewal SS, Li L, Orian A, Eisenman RN, Edgar BA, Myc-dependent Regulation of Ribosomal RNA Synthesis During Drosophila Development., Nature Cell Biology, 7(3):295-302, Mar 2005
Okubo T, Knoepfler PS, Eisenman RN, Hogan BL, Nmyc Plays An Essential Role During Lung Development As a Dosage-sensitive Regulator of Progenitor Cell Proliferation and Differentiation., Development (cambridge, England), 132(6):1363-74, Mar 2005
Welcker M, Orian A, Grim JA, Eisenman RN, Clurman BE, A Nucleolar Isoform of the Fbw7 Ubiquitin Ligase Regulates C-Myc and Cell Size., Current Biology : Cb, 14(20):1852-7, Oct 2004
Swanson KA, Knoepfler PS, Huang K, Kang RS, Cowley SM, Laherty CD, Eisenman RN, Radhakrishnan I, HBP1 and Mad1 Repressors Bind the Sin3 Corepressor PAH2 Domain With Opposite Helical Orientations., Nat Struct Mol Biol, 11(8):738-46, Aug 2004
Welcker M, Orian A, Jin J, Grim JA, Harper JW, Eisenman RN, Clurman BE, The Fbw7 Tumor Suppressor Regulates Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Phosphorylation-dependent C-Myc Protein Degradation., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America., 101(24):9085-90, Jun 2004
Pierce SB, Yost C, Britton JS, Loo LW, Flynn EM, Edgar BA, Eisenman RN, DMyc Is Required for Larval Growth and Endoreplication in Drosophila., Development (cambridge, England), 131(10):2317-27, May 2004
Cowley SM, Kang RS, Frangioni JV, Yada JJ, DeGrand AM, Radhakrishnan I, Eisenman RN, Functional Analysis of the Mad1-mSin3A Repressor-corepressor Interaction Reveals Determinants of Specificity, Affinity, and Transcriptional Response., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24(7):2698-709, Apr 2004
Secombe J, Pierce SB, Eisenman RN, Myc: a Weapon of Mass Destruction., Cell, 117(2):153-6, Apr 2004
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Iritani BM, Delrow J, Grandori C, Gomez I, Klacking M, Carlos LS, Eisenman RN, Modulation of T-lymphocyte development, growth and cell size by the Myc antagonist and transcriptional repressor Mad1, The Embo Journal, 21(18):4820-30, September 2002
McArthur GA, Foley KP, Fero ML, Walkley CR, Deans AJ, Roberts JM, Eisenman RN, MAD1 and p27(KIP1) cooperate to promote terminal differentiation of granulocytes and to inhibit Myc expression and cyclin E-CDK2 activity, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 22(9):3014-23, May 2002
Hurlin PJ, Steingrimsson E, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Eisenman RN, Mga, a dual-specificity transcription factor that interacts with Max and contains a T-domain DNA-binding motif, Embo Journal, 18(24):7019-28, December 1999
Johnston LA, Prober DA, Edgar BA, Eisenman RN, Gallant P, Drosophila myc regulates cellular growth during development, Cell, 98(6):779-90, September 1999
Laherty CD, Billin AN, Lavinsky RM, Yochum GS, Bush AC, Sun JM, Mullen TM, Davie JR, Rose DW, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG, Ayer DE, Eisenman RN, SAP30, a component of the mSin3 corepressor complex involved in N-CoR-mediated repression by specific transcription factors, Molecular Cell, 2(1):33-42, July 1998
Foley KP, McArthur GA, Queva C, Hurlin PJ, Soriano P, Eisenman RN, Targeted disruption of the MYC antagonist MAD1 inhibits cell cycle exit during granulocyte differentiation, Embo Journal, 17(3):774-85, February 1998