
M. Elizabeth Halloran, MD, MPH, DSC

M. Elizabeth Halloran, MD, MPH, DSC

Title: Professor
Phone: 206.667.2722

View CV
Follow Dr. Halloran on Twitter: @betzhallo

Full Member, Vaccine and Infectious Disease and Public Health Sciences Divisions, Fred Hutch
Head, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology (BBE) Program, VIDD
Professor of Biostatistics and Professor of Epidemiology, University of Washington
Member, National Academy of Medicine
Director, Center for Inference and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases (CIDID)
Founder and Director, Summer Institute for Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)

Rebecca Allen

Rebecca Allen

Title: Project Coordinator
Phone: 206.667.7754
Stephanie Shadbolt

Stephanie Shadbolt

Title: CIDID Associate Director/Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 206.667.2794