Visit NCBI to see Dr. Josh Hill’s complete publication record.
Hill JA, Nichols WG, Marty FM, Papanicolaou GA, Brundage TM, Lanier R, Zerr DM, Boeckh M. Oral Brincidofovir Decreased the Incidence of HHV-6B Viremia after Allogeneic HCT. Blood 2020 April 23;135(17):1447-1451. PMID 32076716. PMCID: PMC7180083 [original work]
Wight DJ, Aimola G, Aswad A, Lai CYJ, Bahamon C, Hong K, Hill JA, Kaufer BB. Unbiased optical mapping of telomere-integrated endogenous human herpesvirus 6. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020 Dec 8. PMID 33229517. PMCID: PMC7733811. [original work]
Olson A, Politikos I, Brunstein C, Milano F, Barker J, Hill JA. Guidelines for infection prophylaxis, monitoring and therapy in cord blood transplantation. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 May; 27(5):359-362. PMID: 33965172 [review, peer-reviewed]
Heldman MR, Job C, Maalouf J, Morris J, Xie H, Davis C, Stevens-Ayers T, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Fann JR, Zerr DM, Boeckh M, Hill JA. Association of Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 with Neurologic Symptoms and Management after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Jun 7; PMID 34111575. PMCID: PMC8403634 [original work]
Kampouri E, Zamora D, Kiem ES, Liu W, Ibrahimi S, Blazevic RL, Lovas EA, Kimball LE, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Oshima MU, Mielcarek M, Zerr DM, Boeckh MJ, Krantz EM, Hill JA. HHV-6 Reactivation and Disease after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the Era of Letermovir for CMV Prophylaxis. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2023 Jul 31; S1198-743X(23)00354-3. PMID: 37532126 [original work]
Hill JA, Lee YJ, Vande Vusse LK, Xie H, Chung EL, Waghmare A, Cheng GS, Zhu H, Huang ML, Hill GR, Jerome KR, Leisenring WM, Zerr DM, Gharib SA, Dadwal S, Boeckh M. HHV-6B detection and host gene expression implicate HHV-6B as pulmonary pathogen after hematopoietic cell transplant. Nature Communications. 2024 Jan 16; 15(1):543. PMID: 38228644 [original work]
Hill JA. Human Herpesvirus 6 in transplant recipients: an update on diagnostic and treatment strategies. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2019 Sept 17. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 31567413 [review]
Weschke DP, Leisenring WM, Lawler RL, Stevens-Ayers T, Huang M-L, Jerome KR, Zerr DM, Hansen JA, Boeckh M, Hill JA. Inflammatory Cytokine Profile in Individuals with Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 31678540 [original work]
Ward KN, Hill JA, Hubacek P, de la Camara R, Crocchiolo R, Einsele H, Navarro D, Robin C, Cordonnier C, Ljungman P. Guidelines from the 2017 European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia for management of HHV-6 infection in patients with hematological malignancies and after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Haematologica. 2019 Aug 29 [Epub ahead of print] PMID 31467131. [original work]
*Hill JA, Vande Vusse LK, Xie H, Chung EL, Yeung C, Seo S, Stevens-Ayers T, Fisher CE, Huang M-L, Stewart FM, Jerome KR, Zerr DM, Corey L, Leisenring WM, Boeckh M. Human Herpesvirus 6B and Lower Respiratory Tract Disease after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. J Clinical Oncol. 2019 Oct 10; 37(29):2670-2681. Epub Aug 26. PMID 31449472. [original work]
Chemaly R, Hill JA, Voigt S, Peggs K. In vitro comparison of currently available and investigational antiviral agents against pathogenic human double-stranded DNA viruses: A systematic literature review. Antiviral Res. 2019 Mar; 163:50-58. PMID: 30677427 [review, peer-reviewed]
Hill JA, Ikoma M, Zerr DM, Basom RS, Peddu V, Huang M-L, Sedlak RH, Jerome KR, Boeckh M, Barcy S. RNA sequencing of the in vivo human herpesvirus 6B transcriptome to identify targets for clinical assays distinguishing between latent and active infections. J. Virol. 2019 Jan 17; 93(3): e01419-18. Epub 2018 Nov. PMID: 30429336. PMCID: PMC6340040 [original work]
Greninger AL, Knudsen GM, Roychoudhury P, Hanson DJ, Sedlak RH, Xie H, Guan J, Nguyen T, Peddu V, Boeckh M, Huang M-L, Cook L, Depledge DP, Zerr DM, Koelle DM, Gantt S, Yoshikawa T, Caserta M, Hill JA, Jerome KJ. Comparative genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic analysis of Human herpesvirus 6. BMC Genomics. 2018; 19(1):204 PMCID: PMC5859498 [original work]
*Hill JA, Magaret A, Hall-Sedlak R, Mikhaylova A, Huang M-L, Sandmaier BM, Hansen JA, Jerome KR, Zerr DM, Boeckh M. Outcomes of hematopoietic cell transplantation using donors or recipients with inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6. Blood. 2017 Aug 24; 130(8) 1062-1069. PMCID: PMC5570681 [original work]
This article was selected for ‘This Week in Blood’, a weekly snapshot of the hottest studies from each week’s issue of Blood, and was accompanied by an editorial: Chromosomally integrated HHV-6: a new piece of the puzzle. PMID 28838940
Hill JA, Sedlak RH, Magaret A, Huang ML, Zerr DM, Jerome KR, Boeckh M. Efficient Identification of Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 Using Specimen Pooling. J. Clinical Virol. 2016; 77, 71-76. PMCID: PMC4792650 [original work]
Hill JA†, Lopez Roa P†, Kirby KA, Leisenring WM, Huang ML, Santo TK, Jerome KM, Boeckh M, Limaye AP. Coreactivation of HHV-6 and CMV is Associated with Worse Clinical Outcome in Critically Ill Adults. Crit Care Med. 2015; 7, 1415-1422. PMCID: PMC4470856 [original work]
Hill JA, Hall Sedlak R, Jerome KR. Past, present, and future perspectives on the diagnosis of Roseolovirus infections. Curr Opin Virol. 2014; 9, 84-90. PMCID: PMC4573551 [review, peer-reviewed]
Hill JA, Boeckh MJ, Sedlak RH, Jerome KR, Zerr DM. Human Herpesvirus 6 Can Be Detected in Cerebrospinal Fluid without Associated Symptoms after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. J Clinical Virol. 2014; 2, 289-292. PMCID: PMC4165730 [original work]
*Hill JA, Koo S, Guzman Suarez BB, Ho VT, Cutler C, Koreth J, Armand P, Alyea III EP, Baden LR, Antin JH, Soiffer RJ, Marty FM. Cord-blood hematopoietic stem cell transplant confers an increased risk for human herpesvirus-6-associated acute limbic encephalitis: a cohort analysis. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Nov; 18(11):1638-48. PMCID: PMC3816521.
This article was selected for the George Santos Award for best clinical science article by a new investigator (ASBMT, 2012).
Hill JA, Zamora D, Xie H, Thur LA, Delaney C, Dahlberg A, Pergam SA, Leisenring WM, Boeckh M, Milano F. Delayed-onset cytomegalovirus infection is frequent after discontinuing letermovir in umbilical cord blood transplant recipients. Blood Adv. 2021 Aug 24; 5(16):3113-3119. PMID: 34402885. PMCID: PMC8405185 [original work]
Boonyaratanakornkit J, Vivek M, Xie H, Pergam SA, Cheng G-S, Mielcarek M, Hill JA, Jerome KR, Limaye AP, Leisenring W, Boeckh MJ, Waghmare A. Predictive Value of Respiratory Viral Detection in the Upper Respiratory Tract for Infection of the Lower Respiratory Tract with Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. J Infect Dis. 2019 Sep 21. PMID 31541573 [Epub ahead of print] [original work]
Hill JA, Pergam SA, Cox E, Xie H, Leisenring WM, Boeckh M, Delaney C, Milano F. A modified intensive strategy to prevent CMV disease in seropositive umbilical cord blood transplant recipients. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018; 24(10):2094-2100 PMID: 29753836. PMCID: PMC6417882 [original work]
*Hill JA†, Mayer B†, Xie H, Leisenring WM, Huang M-L, Stevens-Ayers T, Milano F, Delaney C, Jerome KR, Zerr DM, Nichols G, Boeckh M, Schiffer JT. Kinetics of Double-Stranded DNA Viremia after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Clin Infec Dis. 2018 Jan 18; 66(3): 368-375. PMCID: PMC5850428 [original work]
*Hill JA, Mayer BT, Xie H, Leisenring WM, Huang M-L, Stevens-Ayers T, Milano F, Delaney C, Sorror ML, Sandmaier BM, Nichols G, Zerr DM, Jerome KR, Schiffer JT, Boeckh M. The cumulative burden of double-stranded DNA virus detection after allogeneic HCT is associated with increased mortality. Blood. 2017; 129(16), 2316-2325. PMCID: PMC5399484 [original work]
This article was selected for ‘This Week in Blood’, a weekly snapshot of the hottest studies from each week’s issue of Blood.
Hill JA†, Sahoo F†, Xie H, Leisenring W, Yi J, Goyal S, Kimball LE, Lee I, Seo S, Davis C, Pergam S, Flowers M, Liaw K-L, Holmberg L, Boeckh M. Herpes Zoster in Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients in the Era of Acyclovir or Valacyclovir Prophylaxis and Novel Treatment and Maintenance Therapies. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017; 23(3), 505-511. PMCID: PMC5373666 [original work]
†Hill JA and Sahoo F contributed equally and should be considered co-first authors. Sahoo is listed first on the publication.
Kampouri E, Ibrahimi SS, Xie H, Wong ER, Hecht JB, Sekhon MK, Vo A, Stevens-Ayers TL, Green DJ, Gauthier J, Maloney DG, Perez A, Jerome KR, Leisenring WM, Boekch MJ, Hill JA. CMV Reactivation and CMV-Specific Cell-Mediated Immunity after Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2023 Nov 17;ciad708. PMID: 37975819 [original work]
Walti CS, Krantz EM, Maalouf J, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Keane-Candib J, Joncas-Schornce L, Stevens-Ayers T, Dasgupta S, Taylor JJ, Hirayama AV, Bar M, Gardner RA, Cowan AJ, Green DJ, Boeckh MJ, Maloney DG, Turtle CJ, Hill JA. Antibodies to vaccine-preventable infections after CAR-T-cell therapy for B-cell malignancies. JCI Insight. 2021 Jun 8; 6(11):e146743. PMID: 33914708 [original work]
*Hill JA, Seo SK. How I prevent infections in patients receiving CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T cells for B-cell malignancies. Blood. 2020 Aug 20; 136(8):925-935. PMID: 32582942. PMCID: PMC7441168. [invited expert guideline/review]
Hill JA, Krantz EM, Hay KA, Dasgupta S, Stevens-Ayers T, Bender Ignacio R, Bar M, Maalouf J, Cherian S, Chen X, Pepper G, Riddell SR, Maloney DG, Boeckh M, Turtle CJ. Durable preservation of antiviral antibodies after CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cell immunotherapy. Blood Advances. 2019 Nov 26; 3(22): 3590-3601. PMID 31743392 [original work]
Cordeiro A, Bezerra ED, Hirayama AV, Hill JA, Wu V, Voutsinas J, Sorror M, Turtle CJ, Maloney DG, Bar M. Late events after treatment with CD19-Targeted Chimeric Antigen Receptor Modified T-cells. 2019 Aug 13. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 Aug 13. pii: S1083-8791(19)30517-8. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 31419568. [original work]
Hill JA, Giralt S, Torgerson TR, Lazarus HM. CAR-T – and a side order of IgG, to go? Immunoglobulin Replacement in Patients Receiving CAR-T Cell Therapy. Blood Rev. 2019 Nov; 38: 100596. Epub Aug 7. PMID 31416717. [review, peer-reviewed]
*Hill JA, Li D, Hay KA, Green ML, Cherian S, Chen X, Riddell SR, Maloney DG, Boeckh M, Turtle CJ. Infectious complications of CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor-modified T-cell immunotherapy. Blood. 2018 Jan 4; 131(1): 121-130. PMCID: PMC5755046 [original work]
This article was selected for ‘This Week in Blood’, a weekly snapshot of the hottest studies from each week’s issue of Blood and was accompanied by an editorial: CD19 CAR-T therapy and sepsis: dancing with the devil. PMID 29301772
Hill JA, Menon MP, Dhanireddy S, Wurfel MW, green M, Jain R, Chan JD, Huang J, Bethune D, Turtle C, Johnston C, Xie H, Leisenring WM, Kim HN, Cheng GS. Tocilizumab in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: Clinical outcomes, inflammatory marker kinetics, and safety. J Med Virol. 2020 Nov 17. PMID 33200828. PMCID: PMC7753799. [original work]
Cheng GS, Hill JA. To Toci or Not to Toci for COVID-19: Is That Still the Question? Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Jul 31; PMID: 32735642. PMCID: PMC7454367 [editorial commentary]
Kuderer NM, Hill JA, Carpenter PA, Lyman GH. Challenges and Opportunities for COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Cancer. Cancer Invest. 2021 Mar; 39(3):205-2013. Epub 2021 Feb 18. PubMed PMID: 33534645. [review, peer-reviewed]
Iovino L, Thur LA, Gnjatic S, Chapuis AG, Milano F, Hill JA. Shared Inflammatory Pathways and Therapeutic Strategies in COVID-19 and Cancer Immunotherapy. J Immunother Cancer. 2021 May; 9(5). PMID: 33986127. PMCID: PMC8126446 [review]
Hill JA, Ujjani CS, Greninger AL, Shadman M, Gopal AK. Immunogenicity of a heterologous COVID-19 vaccine after failed vaccination in a lymphoma patient. Cancer Cell. 2021 Jun 26; PMID 34242571. PMCID PMC8233960 [case report]
This article was accompanied by an editorial, PMID 34242573.
Hill JA. Humoral immunity after mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in allogeneic HCT recipients: room for improvement and much to learn. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep 1; 4(9):e2127454. PMID: 34519771 [editorial commentary]
Gottlieb RL, Vaca CE, Paredes R, Mera J, Webb BJ, Perez G, Oguchi G, Ryan P, Nielsen BU, Brown M, Hidalgo A, Sachdeva Y, Mittal S, Osiyemi O, Skarbinski J, Juneja K, Hyland RH, Osinusi A, Chen S, Camus G, Abdelghany M, Davies S, Behenna-Renton N, Duff F, Marty FM, Katz MJ, Ginde AA, Brown SM, Schiffer JT, Hill JA. Early Remdesivir to Prevent Progression to Severe Covid-19 in Outpatients. N Engl J Med. 2021 Dec 22, PMID: 34937145. [original work]
This article was accompanied by an editorial: PMID 34936760 in addition to an audio interview with the editors of the NEJM: PMID 34936745
Nakamura R, La Rosa C, Yang D, Hill JA, Rashidi A, Choe H, Zhou Q, Lingaraju CR, Kaltcheva T, Longmate J, Drake J, Slape C, Duarte L, Al Malki MM, Pullarkat VA, Aribi A, Devine S, Verneris MR, Miller JS, Forman SJ, Aldoss I, Diamond DJ. A phase II randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy of cytomegalovirus PepVax vaccine in preventing cytomegalovirus reactivation and disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Haematologica. 2024 Jun 1; 109(6):1994-1999. PMID: 38328852; PMCID: PMC11141674 [original work]
Heldman MR, Ahmed AA, Liu W, Vo A, Keane-Candib J, Stevens-Ayers T, Boeckh M, Blauwkamp TA, Fisher CE, Hill JA. Serial quantitation of plasma microbial cell-free DNA before and after diagnosis of pulmonary invasive mold infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 5; jiad255. PMID: 37405403 [original work]
Hill JA, Martens MJ, Young JAH, Bhavsar K, Kou J, Chen M, Lee LW, Baluch A, Dhodapkar MV, Nakamura R, Peyton K, Shahid Z, Armistead P, Westervelt P, McCarty J, McGuirk J, Hamadani M, DeWolf S, Hosszu K, Sharon E, Spahn A, Toor AA, Waldvogel S, Greenberger LM, Auletta JJ, Horowitz MM, Riches ML, Perales MA. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in the first year after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant: a prospective, multicentre, observational study. eClinicalMedicine. 2023 May, 59:101983. PMID: 37128256. PMCID: PMC10133891 [original work]
Hill JA, Park SY, Gajurel K, Taplitz R. A Systematic Literature Review to Identify Diagnostic Gaps in Managing Immunocompromised Patients with Cancer and Suspected Infection. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Dec 07; 11(1):ofad616. PMID: 38221981 [review]Gonzalez MA, Bhatti AM, Fitzpatrick K, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Huang ML, Campbell VL, Hecht J, Ibrahimi S, Wanner SN, Green DJ, Maloney DG, Gauthier J, Cowan AJ, Greninger AL, Krantz EM, Koelle DM, Hill JA. Humoral and Cellular Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Before and After Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Modified T Cell Therapy. Blood Adv. 2022 May 9; 7(9):1849-1853. PMID: 36094846. PMCID: PMC9474406 [original work]
Casto AM, Fredricks DN, Hill JA. Diagnosis of infectious diseases in immunocompromised hosts using metagenomic next generation sequencing-based diagnostics. Blood Rev. 2021 Nov 6; 100906. PMID: 34802773 [review]
Walti CS, Loes AN, Shuey K, Krantz EM, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Keane-Candib J, Loeffelholz T, Wolf CR, Taylor JJ, Gardner RA, Green DJ, Cowan AJ, Maloney DG, Turtle CJ, Pergam SA, Chu HY, Bloom JD, Hill JA. Humoral immunogenicity of the seasonal influenza vaccine before and after CAR-T-cell therapy. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC). 2021 May 11; 2021.05.10.21256634. PMID: 34013294. PMCID: PMC8132269. [original work]
Hill JA, Dalai SC, Hong DK, Ahmed AA, Ho C, Hollemon D, Blair L, Maalouf J, Keane-Candib J, Stevens-Ayers T, Boeckh M, Blauwkamp TA, Fisher C. Liquid biopsy for invasive mold infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients with pneumonia through next-generation sequencing of microbial cell-free DNA in plasma. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 29; PMID 33119063 [original work]