
Sara teaches at the University of Washington.

Current Teaching

PHG511/EPI517 “Genetic Epidemiology” (3 credits)

Covers research methods for evaluating genetic influences on disease and risk factors and for assessing genetic-environment interactions. Study designs and statistical methods that are covered include twin studies, family-based studies, genome-wide association studies, rare variant association studies and Mendelian randomization studies. Prerequisite: either EPI 511 or equivalent; either BIOST 511 or equivalent; and either BIOST 509, experience with R programming language, or experience with other programming software highly encouraged; recommended: either GENOME 371 or equivalent.

Offered Spring Quarter


Previous Teaching

EPI583 “Epidemiology Seminars” (1 credit)

Presentation of current epidemiologic research and application of epidemiologic research in the practice of public health.

Offered Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarters


Summer Institute of Statistical Genetics (SISG): “Genetic Epidemiology”. 2.5-day course

Co-taught with Dr. Alison Fohner (https://epi.washington.edu/faculty/fohner-alison) or Dr. Burcu Darst (https://epi.washington.edu/faculty/darst-burcu/)

This module provided an overview of genetic epidemiology, with a focus on design, analysis and interpretation in studies of complex disease. The module is meant as an introduction to the field with a focus on surveying the various methods for discovering how genetic factors influence health and disease.

Link to 2023 SISGhttps://si.biostat.washington.edu/archives/SISG2023/SM2311