Takuya Kaneko - postdoc 2018-2024
Faculty Member, Nagoya University
Ruxandra Bachmann - postdoc 2009-2012
Junior Group Leader
Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
University of Zurich
Rachel Barsh - Graduate Student
James Bennett - postdoc 2011-2012
Assistant Professor
Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Amanda Carmany-Rampey - postdoc 2003-2006
Law Associate
Monsanto Corp.
Kimberly Cooper - grad student 2000-2005
Assistant Professor
Division of Biological Sciences
University of San Diego
Crystal Davey - grad student 2009-2015
Rosenblatt lab
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Bruce Draper - postdoc 2001-2005
Associate Professor
Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of California
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
Lei Feng - grad student 2004-2009
New York, NY
Austin Forbes - res tech 2011-2012
Research Technician
Oregon Health Science University
Rachel Garcia - res tech 2012-2021
Quality Assurance Specialist
Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute
Paul Grant - grad student 2004-2009
Staff Scientist
Biological Computation
Microsoft Research
Cambridge UK
Rafael Hernandez - grad student 2001-2006
Assistant Professor
Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Adam Isabella - Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-2023
Principal Investigator University of Minnesota
Hilary Kemp - postdoc 2004-2009
Adjunct Faculty
South Seattle Community College.
Chelsea Kidwell - Graduate Student
Taylur Ma – res tech 2007-2011
Research Associate
Andrew Matthewson
Graduate Student
Adam Miller - postdoc 2008-2015
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Oregon
John Morgan – res tech 2006-2011
Law Associate
SeedIP Law Group
Seattle, WA
Luyuan Pan - postdoc 2008-2014
Research Staff
China Zebrafish Resource Center
Wuhan, China
Aaron Putze - postdoc 2004-2006
Associate Professor
Whitworth University
Spokane, WA
Arish Shah - res tech 2011-2016
Graduate Student
Boston, MA
Chen-Ying Su - postdoc 2011-2014
Research Assistant Professor
National Taipei University of Technology
Minna Roh - Postdoctoral Fellow
Anja Tjaden - res tech 2009-2012
Medical Student
University of Washington
Atheana Vichas - Postdoctoral Fellow
Lisa Voelker - res tech 2011-2013
Graduate Student
Bai lab
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/
University of Washington
Greg Walsh - postdoc 2005-2011
Assistant Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond VA
Andrew Waskiewicz - postdoc 1998-2003
Department of Biological Science
CS 405, Biological Science Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada
Alex Whitebirch - res tech 2013-2015
Graduate Student
Behnia lab
Columbia University, NY
Hung-Hsiang Yu - postdoc 2000-2005
Assistant Research Fellow
Academica Sinica, Taiwan
Mihaela Zigman - postdoc 2007-2009
Senior Scientist
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Garching Germany