Technical Reports | Biostatistic & Biomathematics | Biomedical Collaborative Projects | Mathematics | Related Interest
Technical Reports (Methods)
- Simplicial-complex structures and statistical models for connectivity in brain health, Randolph T, Cohen A, Harezlak J.
- Joint Matrix Decomposition Regression for Supervised Multiomics Data Integration, Wang Y, Ma J, Randolph T, Shojaie A.
- Regularized estimation and inference in regression with adaptive auxiliary information, Knight P, Wang Y, Brzyski D, Harezlak J, Shojaie A, Ma J, Randolph T. See preliminary code.
Methods in Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
- A sparsity inducing nuclear norm estimator (SpINNEr) for matrix variate regression in brain connectivity analysis, Brzyski D, Hu X, Goni J, Ances B, Randolph T, Harezlak J. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2024) 71(4):1378-1390. Article, bioRxiv
- Generalized matrix decomposition regression: estimation and inference for two-way structured data, Wang Y, Randolph T, Shojaie A, Knight P, Ma J, Annals of Applied Statistics (2023) 17(4):2944-2969 Article
- ConQuR: batch effects removal for microbiome data in large-scale epidemiology studies via conditional quantile regression, Ling W, Lulla A, Zhao N, Plantinga AM, Fu W, Zhang A, Liu H, Li Z, Chen J, Randolph, T, Tuddenham SA, Koay WLA, White JR, Sears CL, Launer LJ, Fodor AA, Meyer KA, Wu MC, Nature Communications (2022) 13(1):5418 (winner of 2023 ASA WJ Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing) Article
- Incorporation of Spatial- and Connectivity-based Cortical Brain Region Information in Regularized Regression: Application to Human Connectome Project Data, Steiner A, Abbas K, Brzyski D, Paczek K, Randolph T, Goni J, Harezlak J, Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022) 16:957282 Article
- Connectivity-informed adaptive regularization for generalized outcomes, Brzyski D, Karas M, Ances B, Dzemidzic M, J Goni, Randolph TW, Harezlak J, The Canadian J of Statistics (2021) 49(1):203-227. bioRxiv, Article. See: project page.
- The GMD-biplot and its application to microbiome data, Wang Y, Randolph T, Shojaie A, Ma J, mSystems (2019) 4(6):e00504-19. (Editor's Pick) Article
- Incorporating deep features in the analysis of tissue microarray images, Yan D, Randolph T, J Zou J, Gong P, Statistics and Its Interface (2019) 12(2):283-293. Article
- Kernel-penalized regression for analysis of microbiome data, Randolph T, Zhao S, Copeland W, Hullar M, Shojaie A, Annals of Applied Statistics (2018) 12(1):540--566. Article
- Brain connectivity-informed regularization methods for regression, Karas M, Brzyski D, Dzemidzic M, Goni J, Kareken DA, Randolph T, Harezlak J, Statistics in Biosciences (2017). journal, Article. See: project page.
- Adaptive penalties for generalized Tikhonov regularization in statistical regression models with application to spectroscopy data, Randolph T, Ding J, Harezlak J, Journal of Chemometrics (2016) 32(4):e2850. Article
- Longitudinal functional models with structured penalties, Kundu MG, Harezlak J, Randolph T, Statistical Modelling (2016) 16:114-139. Article (arXiv)
- Comparative study of computational methods for reconstructing genetic networks of cancer-related pathways, Sedaghat N, Saegusa T, Randolph T, Shojaie A, Cancer Informatics (2014) Suppl. 2, 55-66. Article
- Structured penalties for functional linear models--partially empirical eigenvectors for regression, Randolph T, Harezlak J, Feng Z, Electronic Journal of Statistics (2012) 6:323–353. Journal, Article
- Statistical Methods for Analyzing Tissue Microarray Images - Algorithmic Scoring and Co-training, Yan D, Wang P, Linden M, Knudsen B, Randolph T, Annals of Applied Statistics (2012) 6(3):1280-1305. Journal arXiv. See: project page.
- Effcient use of longitudinal CD4 Counts and viral loads in survival analysis, Holte S, Randolph T, Ding J, Tien J, McClelland RS, Baeten JM, Overbaugh J, Statistics in Medicine (2012) 31(19), 2086-2097. Journal
- Analyzing LC-MS/MS data by ion abundance and spectral count: two case studies, Milac T, Randolph T, Wang P, Statistics and its Interface (2012) 5(1):75-88. Article, arXiv
- Detecting genomic aberrations using products in a multiscale analysis, Yu X, Randolph T, Tang H, Hsu L, Biometrics (2010) 66(3):684-693. Article
- Signal detection in high-resolution mass spectrometry data, McLerran D, Feng Z, Semmes OJ, Cazares L, Randolph T, Journal of Proteome Research (2008) 7(1):276-285. Article
- Multiscale processing of mass spectrometry data, Randolph T, Yasui Y, Biometrics (2006) 62, 589-597. Journal
- Scale-based normalization of spectral data, Randolph T, Cancer Biomarkers (Section A of Disease Markers) (2006) 2 nos. 3-4, 135-144. Article Journal
- Ultrasensitive detection and analysis of post-translational modifications using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Sundararajan N, Mao D, Chan S, Koo T-W, Su X, Sun L, Zhang J, Sung K-b, Yamakawa M, Gafken P, Randolph T, McLerran D, Feng Z, Berlin A, Roth M, Analytical Chemistry (2006), 78 (11), 3543-3550. Article
- A suite of algorithms for the comprehensive analysis of complex protein mixtures using high-resolution LC-MS-- msInspect, Bellew M, Coram M, Fitzgibbon M, Igra M, Randolph T, Wang P, Eng J, Lin C, Goodlett D, Fang R, Detter A, Zhang H, Whiteaker J, Paulovich, McIntosh M, Bioinformatics (2005) 22 (15), 1902-1909. Article
- Denoising array-based comparative genomic hybridization data using wavelets, Hsu L, Self S, Grove D, Randolph T, Wang K, Delrow J, Loo L, Porter P, Biostatistics (2005) 6, 211-226. Article
- Quantifying peptide signal in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data, Mitchell B, McLerran D, Lampe P, Feng Z, Randolph T, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (2005), 4, 1990-1999. Article
Biomedical Collaborative Projects
- Genome-wide association study (GWAS) of host germline variation and the gut microbiome: The Multiethnic Cohort Study, Hullar M, Curtis K, Li Y, Lampe J, Jenkins I, Randolph T, Lim U, Wilkens L, Le Marchand L, Kristal B, Monroe K, Zhao K, Stram D, Cheng I. (under revision)
- Characterization of clonal dynamics using duplex sequencing in donor-recipient pairs decades after hematopoietic cell transplantation, Ueda M, Higgins J, Jenkins I, Randolph T, Smith T, Valentine C, Salk J, Yeung C, Beppu L, Campbell J, Carpenter PA, Flowers MED, Lee SJ, Radich JP, Storb R, Science Translational Medicine, (2024) 16(770):p.eado5108. Article
- CXCR1/2 antagonism inhibits neutrophil function and not recruitment in cancer, Kwak J, H Nguyen, A Camai, S Mekvanich, G Huffman, X Zhu, T Randolph, AM Houghton, OncoImmunology (2024) 31;13(1):2384674.
- Intestinal Microbiota Controls Graft-versus-Host Disease Independent of Donor-Host Genetic Disparity, Koyama M, Srinivasan A, Hippe D, Proll SC, Miltiadous O, Ensbey KS, Hoffman NG, Schmitdt C, Minnie SA, Zhang P, Fiedler TL, Kowalsky J, Clouston AD, Van den Brink, Immunity (2023)
- Multi-omic Biomarkers Improve Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Risk Assessment, Lastwika KJ, Wu W, Zhang Y, Ma N, Zecevic' M, Pipavath SNJ, Randolph TW, Houghton, AM, Nair VS, Lampe PD, Kinahan PE, Cancers (2023) 15(13):3418 Article
- Posttranslational modifications induce autoantibodies with risk prediction capability in patients with small cell lung cancer, Lastwika KJ, Kunihiro A, Solan JL, Zhang Y, Taverne R, Shelley D, Rho J-H, Randolph TW, Li CI, Grogan EL, Massion PP, Fitzpatrick AL, MacPherson D, Houghton AM, Lampe PD, Science Translational Medicine (2023) 15(678) eadd8469 Article
- Annexin A2/TLR2/MyD88 pathway induces Arginase-1 expression in tumor-associated neutrophils, Zhang H, Zhu X, Friesen TJ, Kwak JW, Pisarenko T, Mekvanich S, Velasco MA, Randolph TW, Kargl J, Houghton AM, J of Clin Investigation, (2022) 132(22):e153643. Article
- Personalized nutrition using microbial metabolite phenotype to stratify participants and non-invasive host exfoliomics reveal the effects of flaxseed lignan supplementation in a placebo-controlled crossover trial, Mullens DA, Ivanov I, Hullar MAJ, Randolph TW, Lampe JW, Chapkin RS, Nutrients (2022) 14(12). Article
- Lipidomics of cyclophosphamide 4-hydroxylation in patients receiving post-transplant cyclophosphamide, Navarro SN, Zheng Z, Randolph TW, Nakamura R, Sandmaier BM, Hockenbery D, McCune JS, Clinical and Translational Science (2022) 15(11) 2772-2780. Article
- Pharmacometabonomic Association of Cyclophosphamide 4-hydroxylation in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients, McCune J, Nakamura R, O'Meally D, Randolph T, Sandmaier B, Karolak A, Hockenbery D, Navarro S, Clinical and Translational Science (2022) 15(5):1215-1224. Article
- Dietary Intake Mediates Ethnic Differences in Gut Microbial Composition, Borrello K, Lim U, Park S-Y, Monroe KR, Maskarinec G, Boushey CJ, Wilkens LR, Randolph TW, Le Marchand L, Hullar MAJ, Lampe JW, Nutrients (2022) 14(3):660. Article
- Prediction of Busulfan Clearance by Predose Plasma Metabolomic Profiling, McCune J, Navarro S, Baker KS, Risler L, Phillips B, Randolph T, Shireman L, Schoch G, Deeg HJ, Y Zhang, Men A, Maton L, Huitema A, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2022) 113(2):370-379. Article
- Association of the Gut Microbiome with Hepatic Adiposity in the Multiethnic Cohort Adiposity Phenotype Study, Hullar MAJ, Jenkins I, Randolph T, Curtis KR, Monroe KR, Ernst T, Shepard J, Buchthal S, Fan B, Stram D, Ceng I, Kristal BS, Wilkens L, Franke A, Le Marchand L, Lim U, Lampe JW, Gut Microbes (2021) 13(1):e1965463 Article
- The Gut Microbiome Is Associated with Circulating Dietary Biomarkers of Fruit and Vegetable Intake in a Multiethnic Cohort, Frankenfeld, CL, Hullar MAJ, Maskarinec G, Monroe KR, Shepherd JA, Franke AA, Randolph TW, Wilkens LR, Boushey CJ, Le Marchand L, Lim U, Lampe JW, J of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2021) (in press). Article
- Long-term Association between Diet Quality and Characteristics of the Gut Microbiome in the Multiethnic Cohort Study, Ma E, Maskarinec G, Lim U, Boushey CJ, Wilkens LR, Setiawan VW, Le Marchand L, Randolph T, Lampe JW, Hullar MAJ, British J Nutrition (2021) 128(1), 93-102 Article
- Associations of the Dietary In ammatory Index with total adiposity and ectopic fat through the gut microbiota, lipopolysaccharides, and C-reactive protein in the Multiethnic Cohort-Adiposity Phenotype Study, Lozano CP, Wilkens LR, Shvetsov YB, Maskarinec G, Park S-Y, Shepherd JA, Boushey CJ, Hebert JR, Wirth MD, Ernst T, Randolph T, Lim U, Lampe JW, Le Marchand L, Hullar MAJ, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2021) 115(5):1344-1356. Article
- Urinary enterolactone is associated with plasma proteins related to immunity and cancer development in healthy participants on controlled diets, Miles FL, Navarro SL, Garrison CB, Randolph TW, Zhang Y, Shojaie A, Kratz M, Hullar MAJ, Raftery D, Neuhouser ML, Lampe PD, Lampe JW, Human Nutrition & Metabolism, (2021) 25:200128. Article
- The gut microbiome and type 2 diabetes status in the Multiethnic Cohort, Maskarinec G, Raquinio P, Kristal B, Setiawan VW, Wilkens L, Franke A, Lim U, Le Marchand L, Randolph T, Lampe JW, Hullar M, PLoS One (2021) 16(6). Article
- Prediction of acute graft versus host disease and relapse by endogenous metabolomics in patients receiving personalized busulfan-based conditioning, McCune J, McKiernan J, van Maarseveen E, Huitema A, Randolph T, Joachim DH, Ryotaro, N, Baker SK, J Proteome Research (2020) 20(1):684-694. Article
- Plasma lipidomic profiles after a low and high glycemic load dietary pattern in a randomized controlled cross over feeding study, Moghadam SD, Navaro SL, Shojaie A, Randolph T, Bettcher LF, Le C, Hullar MAJ, Kratz, M, Neuhouser ML, Lampe PD, Daniel Raftery D, Lampe JW, Metabolomics (2020) 16(12):121. Article
- Impact of the analytical approach on reliability of MRI-based assessment of hepatic fat content, Burhans MS, Balu N, Schmidt KA, Cromer G, Utzschneider KM, Schur EA, Holte SE, Randolph T, Kratz M, Current Developments in Nutrition, (2020) 4(12):nzaa171. Article
- Effect of a Flaxseed Lignan Intervention on Circulating Bile Acids in a Placebo-Controlled Randomized, Crossover Trial, Navarro SL, Levy L, Curtis KR, Elkon I, Kahsai OJ, Ammar HS, Randolph T, Hong NN, Neto FC, Raftery D, Chapkin RS, Lampe JW, Hullar MAJ, Nutrients (2020) 12(6):1837. Article
- Associations of plasma trimethylamine N-oxide, choline, carnitine, and betaine with inflammatory and cardiometabolic risk biomarkers and the fecal microbiome in the Multiethnic Cohort Adiposity Phenotype Study, Fu B, Hullar MAJ, Randolph T, Franke AA, Monroe KR, Cheng I, Wilkens LR, Shepherd JA, Madeleine MM, Le Marchand L, Lim U, Lampe JW, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2020) 111(6):1226-1234. Article
- Comparison of prediction models with radiological semantic features and radiomics in lung cancer diagnosis of the pulmonary nodules: A case-control study, Wu W, Pierce LA, Zhang Y, Pipavath SNJ, Randolph T, Lastwika KJ, Lampe PD, Houghton AM, Liu H, Xia L, Kinahan PE, European Radiology (2019) 29:6100-6108. Article
- Colonic mucosal and exfoliome transcriptomic profiling and fecal microbiome response to flaxseed lignan extract intervention in humans, Lampe JW, Kim E, Levy L, Davidson LA, Goldsby JS, Miles F, Navarro SL, Randolph T, Zhao N, Ivanov I, Kaz AM, Damman C, Hockenbery DM, Hullar MAJ, Chapkin R, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2019) 110(2):377-90. Article
- Differential DNA methylation as a potential mediator of the association between cigarette smoking and bladder cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative, Jordahl KM, Tindle H, Liu S, Randolph T, Tinker LF, Phipps AI, Kelsey KT, White E, Bhatti P, Epigenetics (2019) 14(11):1065-1073. Article
- Plasma metabolomics profiles suggest beneficial effects of a whole grain dietary pattern compared to a diet high in refined grains and added sugars on inflammation and energy metabolism in healthy adults on controlled diets, Navarro SL, Tarkhan A, Shojaie A, Randolph T, Gu H, Djukovic D, Osterbauer KJ, Hullar MAJ, Kratz M, Neuhouser ML, Lampe PD, Raftery D, Lampe JW, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2019) 110(4):984-992. Article
- Fecal Microbial Diversity and Structure are Associated with Diet Quality in the Multiethnic Cohort Adiposity Phenotype Study, Maskarinec G, Hullar MAJ, Monroe KR, Shepherd JA, Hunt J, Randolph T, Wilkens LR, Boushey CJ, Le Marchand L, Lim U, Lampe JW, The Journal of Nutrition (2019) 149(9):1575-1584. Article
- Proteomic Analysis of Plasma Reveals Fat Mass Influences Cancer-Related Pathways in Healthy Humans Fed Controlled Diets Differing in Glycemic Load, Garrison CB, Zhang Y, Navarro SL, Randolph T, Hullar MAJ, Kratz M, Neuhouser ML, Raftery D, Lampe PD, Lampe JW, Cancer Prevention Research (2019) 12:567-78. Article
- Tumor-derived autoantibodies identify malignant pulmonary nodules, Lastwika KJ, Kargl J, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Lo E, Shelley D, Ladd JJ,Wu W, Kinahan P, Pipavath SN, Randolph TW, Shipley M, Lampe PD, Houghton AM, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (2019) 199(10):1257-1266. Article
- Temporal variability and stability of the fecal microbiome: the Multiethnic Cohort Study, Fu BC, Randolph T, Lim U, Monroe KR, Cheng I, Wilkens LR, LeMarchand L, Lampe JL, Hullar MAJ, Cancer Epi, Biomarkers & Prev (2018) 1(24):154-162. Article
- Differences in serum biomarkers between combined glucosamine and chondroitin versus celecoxib in a randomized, double-blind trial in osteoarthritis patients, Navarro SL, Herrero M, Martinez H, Zhang Y, Ladd J, Lo E, Shelley D, Randolph T, Lampe JW, Lampe PD, Antiinflamm Antiallergy Agents Med Chem (2019) 19:190-201. Article
- Circulating bile acids in healthy adults respond differently to a dietary pattern characterized by whole grains, legumes and fresh fruits and vegetables compared to a diet high in refined grains and added sugars: a randomized, controlled, crossover feeding study, Ginos BN, Navarro S, Schwarz Y, Gu H, Wang D, Randolph T, Shojaie A, Kratz M, Hullar MAJ, Lampe PD, Neuhouser ML, Raftery D, Lampe JW, Metabolism (2018) 83:197-204. Article
- Genome-wide DNA methylation in pre-diagnostic blood and bladder cancer risk in the Women’s Health Initiative. Jordahl KM, Randolph TW, Song X, Sather CL, Tinker LF, Phipps AI, Kelsey KT, White E, Bhatt P, Cancer Epi, Biomarkers & Prev (2018) 27(6):689-695. Article
- Plasma metabolite abundances are associated with urinary enterolactone excretion in healthy participants on controlled diets, Miles FL, Navarro SL, Schwarz Y, Gu H, Djukovic D, Randolph T, Shojaie A, Kratz M, Hullar MAJ, Lampe PD, Neuhouser ML, Raftery D, Lampe HW, Food & Function, (2017) 8(9):3209-3218. Article
- Nightshift Work, Chronotype and Genome-wide DNA Methylation in Blood, Adams C, Jordahl JM, Randolph T, Song X, Sathe Cr, Davis S, Dana E, Kelsey K, Bhatti P, Epigenetics (2017) 12(10):833-840. Article
- Comprehensive site-specific whole genome profiling of stromal and epithelial colonic gene signatures in human sigmoid colon and rectal tissue, Knight J, Ivanov I, Davidson L, Goldsby J, Kim E, Hullar M, Randolph T, Kaz A, Levy L, Lampe JW, Chapkin R, Physiological Genomics (2016) 48(9):651-659. Article
- Pharmacometabonomic prediction of busulfan clearance in hematopoetic cell transplant recipients, Navarro SL, Randolph T, Shireman LM, Raftery D, McCune JS, Journal of Proteome Research (2016) 15(8):2802–11. Article
- Prediction of intravenous busulfan clearance by endogenous plasma biomarkers using global metabolomics, Lin YS, Kerr SJ, Randolph TW, Shireman LM, Senn T, McCune JS, Metabolomics (2016) 12:161. Article
- Characterization of the gut microbiome in epidemiologic studies: The Multiethnic Cohort experience, Fu BC, Randolph TW, Lim U, Monroe KR, Cheng I, Wilkens LR, Le Marchand L, Annals of Epidemiology (2016) 26(5):373-379. Article
- Oxidative DNA damage during night shift work, Bhatti P, Mirick DK, Randolph T, Gong TJ, Buchanan DT, Zhang JJ, Davis S, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2016) 74(9):680-683. Article
- Oxidative DNA damage during sleep periods among nightshift workers, Bhatti P, Mirick DK, Randolph TW, Gong TJ, Buchanan DMT, Zhang J, Davis S, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2016) 73:537-544. Article
- Towards microbiome transplant as a therapy for periodontitis: an exploratory study of periodontiti microbial signature contrasted by oral health, caries and edentulism, Pozhitkov AE, Leroux B, Randolph TW, Beikle T, Flemmig TF, Noble PA, BMC Oral Health, (2015) 15:125. Article
- Enterolignan producing phenotypes are associated with increased gut microbial diversity and altered composition in premenopausalwomen in the United States, Hullar MAJ, Lancaster SM, Li F, Tseng E, Beer K, Atkinson C, Wahala K, Copeland W, Randolph TW, Newton KM, Lampe JW, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (2014) 24(3):546-554. Article
- The clathrin adaptor Dab2 recruits EH domain scaffold proteins to regulate integrin beta 1 endocytosis, Teckchandani A, Mulkearnsa EE, Randolph TW, Toida N, Cooper JA, Molecular Biology of the Cell (2012), 23(15), 2905--2916. Article
- Pre-validation of salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection, Elashoff D, Zhou H, Reiss J, Wang J, Henson B, Hu S, Arellano M, Sinha U, Le A, Messadi D, Wang M, Nabili V, Lingen M, Morris D, Randolph T, Feng Z, Kastratovic DA, Abemayor E, Chia D, Wong DT, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (2012) 21, 664—672 Article
- Cruciferous vegetable supplementation in a controlled diet study alters the serum peptidome in a GSTM1-genotype dependent manner, Brauer H, Libby T, Mitchell B, Li L, Chen C, Yasui Y, Lampe JW, Lampe PD, Nutrition Journal (2011) 10 (1), 11 pages. Article
- Occurrence of autoantibodies to annexin 1, 14-3-3 theta and LAMR1 in pre-diagnostic lung cancer sera, Qiu J, Choi G, Li L, Wang H, Pitteri SJ, Pereira-Faca SR, Krasnoselsky AL, Randolph TW, Omenn GS, Edelstein C, Barnett MJ, Journal of Clinical Oncology (2008) 26(31), 5060-5066. Article
- Analytical Validation of Serum Proteomic Profiling for Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer: Sources of Sample Bias, McLerran D, Grizzle W, Feng Z, Bigbee W, Banez L, Cazares L, Chan D, Diaz J, Izbicka E, Kagan J, Malehorn D, Malik G, Oelschlager D, Partin A, Randolph T, Rosenzweig N, Srivastava S, Srivastava S, Thompson IM, Thornquist M, Troyer D, Yasui Y, Zhang Z, Zhu L, Semmes OJ, Clinical Chemistry (2008) 54 (1), 44-52. Article
- SELDI-TOF MS whole serum proteomic profiling with IMAC surface does not reliably detect prostate Cancer, McLerran D, Grizzle W, Feng Z , Thompson IM, Bigbee W, Cazares L, Chan D, Dahlgren J, Diaz J, Kagan J, Lin D, Malik G, Oelschlager D, Partin A, Randolph T, Sokoll L, Srivastava Sh, Srivastava Su, Thornquist M, Troyer D, Wright G, Zhang Z, Zhu L, Semmes OJ, Clinical Chemistry (2008), 54 (1), 53-60. Article
- Regularization and frequency-domain stability for well-posed systems (with Y Latushkin and R Schnaubelt), Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, (2005) 17, no. 2, 128-151. Article. Journal version.
- Adaptive-critic based optimal neuro control synthesis for distributed parameter systems (with R Padhi, SN Balakrishnan), Automatica, J. of International Fed. on Automatic Control, (2001) 37, 1223-1234. Abstract/Preview. Journal version.
- Stability radius and internal versus external stability in Banach spaces: an evolution semigroup approach (with S Clark, Y Latushkin, S Montgomery-Smith), SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, (2000) 38 no. 6, 1757-1793. Manuscript. Journal version.
- Exponential dichotomy and mild solutions of nonautonomous differential equations in Banach spaces (with Y Latushkin and R Schnaubelt), Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (1998), 10 no. 3, 489-510. Abstract/Preview. Journal version.
- Evolution semigroups and stability of time-varying systems on Banach spaces (with Y Latushkin and S Clark), Proceedings of the IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (1997) 36, 3932-3937. Article.
- Eigenvalues and eigenvector determination for damped gyroscopic systems (with D Malone, D Cronin), Journal of Applied Mechanics (1997) 64 no. 3, 710-712. Journal version.
- Evolutionary semigroups and dichotomy of linear skew-product flows on locally compact Banach spaces (with Y Latushkin, S Montgomery-Smith), Journal of Differential Equations (1996) 125 no. 1, 73-116. Article. Journal version.
- Dichotomy of differential equations on Banach spaces and an algebra of weighted translation operators (with Y Latushkin), Journal of Integral Equations and Operator Theory (1995), 23 472-500. Abstract/Preview. Journal version.
- Computation of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nonclassically damped systems (with S Peres-da-Silva, D Cronin), Computers and Structures, 57 no. 5 (1995), 883-891. Abstract/Preview. Journal version.
- Semigroups afflliated with algebras of operators (with P Patterson), Studia Mathematica (1994) 108, 87-102. Article. Journal link.
- Spectral relationships in Banach algebras, Mathematical Proc. of the Royal Irish Academy (1993) 93A (1), 1-16. JSTOR Link to Article
Related Interest
- Structured penalties for generalized functional linear models (with J Harezlak), in Recent Advances on Functional Data Analysis and Related Topics (2011; Springer-Verlag, Berlin) edited by F Ferraty, pp. 161-167. A book on functional data analysis and uses of operator theory for high-dimensional data. Preprint.
- Profiling High-Dimensional Protein Expression Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Biomarker Discovery, (with Z Feng and Y Yasui) in Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology, 2nd Edition, Chapman & Hall 2006, Ed. by J Crowley and DP Ankerst, Chapter 24, pp. 437–456. Link to the book.
- Evolution Semigroups in Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations by C Chicone and Y Latushkin, American Mathematical Society, 1999. Chapters 4 and 5 highlight work with Y Latushkin and others, referenced above.
- An experimental harvest from the logistic equation (with S Clark, S Coble, M Moody), C*ODE*E, Newsletter of the Consortium for Ordinary Differential Equations Experiments (1994), 9-12. Article