Visit PubMed to view Dr. Stanley Riddell's complete publication record
Srivastava S, Salter AI, Liggitt D, Yechan-Gunja S, Sarvothama M, Cooper K, Smythe KS, Dudakov JA, Pierce RH, Rader C, Riddell SR. Logic-Gated ROR1 Chimeric Antigen Receptor Expression Rescues T Cell-Mediated Toxicity to Normal Tissues and Enables Selective Tumor Targeting. Cancer Cell. 2019 Mar 18;35(3):489-503.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2019.02.003. PMID: 30889382.
Salter AI, Ivey RG, Kennedy JJ, Voillet V, Rajan A, Alderman EJ, Voytovich UJ, Lin C, Sommermeyer D, Liu L, Whiteaker JR, Gottardo R, Paulovich AG, Riddell SR Phosphoproteomic analysis of chimeric antigen receptor signaling reveals kinetic and quantitative differences that affect cell function. Sci Signal. 2018 Aug 21;11(544).
Veatch JR, Lee SM, Fitzgibbon M, Chow IT, Jesernig B, Schmitt T, Kong YY, Kargl J, Houghton AM, Thompson JA, McIntosh M, Kwok WW, Riddell SR. Tumor-infiltrating BRAFV600E-specific CD4+ T cells correlated with complete clinical response in melanoma. J Clin Invest. 128(4):1563-1568, 2018.
Sommermeyer D, Hill T, Shamah SM, Salter AI, Chen Y, Mohler KM, Riddell SR. Fully human CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptors for T-cell therapy. Leukemia. 31(10):2191-2199, 2017
Liu L, Sommermeyer D, Cabanov A, Kosasih P, Hill T, Riddell SR. Inclusion of Strep-tag II in design of antigen receptors for T-cell immunotherapy. Nature biotechnology. 34(4):430-4, 2016.
Paszkiewicz PJ, Fräßle SP, Srivastava S, Sommermeyer D, Hudecek M, Drexler I, Sadelain M, Liu L, Jensen MC, Riddell SR, Busch DH. Targeted antibody-mediated depletion of murine CD19 CAR T cells permanently reverses B cell aplasia. J Clin Invest. 126(11):4262-4272, 2016.
Turtle CJ, Hanafi LA, Berger C, Hudecek M, Pender B, Robinson E, Hawkins R, Chaney C, Cherian S, Chen X, Soma L, Wood B, Li D, Heimfeld S, Riddell SR, Maloney DG. Immunotherapy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a defined ratio of CD8+ and CD4+ CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells. Sci Transl Med. 8(355):355ra116, 2016.
Turtle CJ, Hanafi LA, Berger C, Gooley TA, Cherian S, Hudecek M, Sommermeyer D, Melville K, Pender B, Budiarto TM, Robinson E, Steevens NN, Chaney C, Soma L, Chen X, Yeung C, Wood B, Li D, Cao J, Heimfeld S, Jensen MC, Riddell SR, Maloney DG. CD19 CAR-T cells of defined CD4+:CD8+ composition in adult B cell ALL patients. J Clin Invest. 126(6):2123-38, 2016.
Sommermeyer D, Hudecek M, Kosasih PL, Gogishvili T, Maloney DG, Turtle CJ, Riddell SR. Chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells derived from defined CD8+ and CD4+ subsets confer superior antitumor reactivity in vivo. Leukemia. 30(2):492-500, 2016.
Hudecek M, Sommermeyer D, Kosasih PL Silva-Benedict A, Liu L, Rader C, Jensen MC, Riddell SR The non-signaling extracellular spacer domain of chimeric antigen receptors is decisive for in vivo antitumor activity. Cancer Immunol Res. 3: 125-135, 2015