
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


DiMarco AV, Qin X, McKinney BJ, Garcia NM, Van Alsten SC, Mendes EA, Force J, Hanks BA, Troester MA, Owzar K, Xie J, and Alvarez JV (2022). APOBEC Mutagenesis Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth through Induction of T cell-Mediated Antitumor Immune Responses. Cancer Immunol Res 10(1):70-86.


Newcomb N, Dean E, McKinney BJ, and Alvarez JV (2021). Context-dependent effects of whole-genome duplication during mammary tumor recurrence. Sci Rep 11(1):14932.

Lin CC, Yang WH, Lin YT, Tang X, Chen PH, Ding CC, Qu DC, Alvarez JV, and Chi JT (2021). DDR2 upregulation confers ferroptosis susceptibility of recurrent breast tumors through the Hippo pathway. Oncogene. 40(11):2018-2034.


Walens A, Lin J, Damrauer JS, McKinney BJ, Lupo R, Newcomb R, Fox DB, Mabe NW, Gresham J, Sheng Z, Sibley AB, De Buysscher T, Kelkar H, Mieczkowski PA, Owzar K, and Alvarez JV (2020). Adaptation and Selection Shape Clonal Evolution of Tumors During Residual Disease and Recurrence. Nat Commun 11, 5017.

Mabe NW, Garcia NMG, Wolery SE, Newcomb R, Meingasner RC, Vilona BA, Lin C-C, Lupo R, Lin CC, Chi J-T, and Alvarez JV (2020). G9a Promotes Breast Cancer Recurrence Through Repression of a Pro-inflammatory Program. Cell Rep 33, 108341.

Fox DB, Garcia NMG, McKinney BJ, Lupo R, Noteware LC, Newcomb R, Liu J, Locasale JW, Hirschey MD, and Alvarez JV (2020). NRF2 activation promotes the recurrence of dormant tumour cells through regulation of redox and nucleotide metabolism. Nat Metab 2, 318-334.

Lin CC, Mabe NW, Lin YT, Yang WH, Tang X, Hong L, Sun T, Force J, Marks JR, Yao TP, Alvarez JV*, and Chi JT* (2020). RIPK3 upregulation confers robust proliferation and collateral cystine-dependence on breast cancer recurrence. Cell Death Differ. 27, 2234-2247. *Corresponding authors


Madonna MC, Fox DB, Crouch BT, Lee J, Zhu C, Martinez AF, Alvarez JV*, and Ramanujam N* (2019). Optical Imaging of Glucose Uptake and Mitochondrial Membrane Potential to Characterize Her2 Breast Tumor Metabolic Phenotypes. Mol Cancer Res 17, 1545-1555. *Corresponding authors

Walens A, DiMarco AV, Lupo R, Kroger BR, Damrauer JS, and Alvarez JV (2019). CCL5 promotes breast cancer recurrence through macrophage recruitment in residual tumors. eLife 8. doi:10.7554/eLife.43653


Lin J, Gresham J, Wang T, Kim SY, Alvarez J, Damrauer JS, Floyd S, Granek J, Allen A, Chan C, Xie J, and Owzar K (2018). bcSeq: an R package for fast sequence mapping in high-throughput shRNA and CRISPR screens. Bioinformatics 34, 3581-3583.

Mabe NW, Fox DB, Lupo R, Decker AE, Phelps SN, Thompson JW, and Alvarez JV (2018). Epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor Par-4 promotes chemoresistance in recurrent breast cancer. J Clin Invest 128, 4413-4428. (Free PMC Article)

Damrauer JS, Phelps SN, Amuchastegui K, Lupo R, Mabe NW, Walens A, Kroger BR, and Alvarez JV (2018). Foxo-dependent Par-4 Upregulation Prevents Long-term Survival of Residual Cells Following PI3K-Akt Inhibition. Mol Cancer Res 16, 599-609.


Alvarez JV, Belka GK, Pan TC, Chen CC, Blankemeyer E, Alavi A, Karp JS, and Chodosh LA (2014). Oncogene pathway activation in mammary tumors dictates FDG-PET uptake. Cancer Res 74, 7583-7598.

Feng Y, Pan TC, Pant DK, Chakrabarti KR, Alvarez JV, Ruth JR, and Chodosh LA (2014). SPSB1 promotes breast cancer recurrence by potentiating c-MET signaling. Cancer Discov 4, 790-803.


Alvarez JV, Pan TC, Ruth J, Feng Y, Zhou A, Pant D, Grimley JS, Wandless TJ, Demichele A, Investigators IST, and Chodosh LA (2013). Par-4 downregulation promotes breast cancer recurrence by preventing multinucleation following targeted therapy. Cancer Cell 24, 30-44.


Chen CC, Stairs DB, Boxer RB, Belka GK, Horseman ND, Alvarez JV, and Chodosh LA (2012). Autocrine prolactin induced by the Pten-Akt pathway is required for lactation initiation and provides a direct link between the Akt and Stat5 pathways. Genes Dev 26, 2154-2168.


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Alvarez JV, Perez D, and Chodosh LA (2006). mILC-ing the mouse mammary gland: A model for invasive lobular carcinoma. Cancer Cell 10, 347-349.

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Alvarez JV, Greulich H, Sellers WR, Meyerson M, and Frank DA (2006). Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 is required for the oncogenic effects of non-small-cell lung cancer-associated mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor. Cancer Res 66, 3162-3168.


Greulich H, Chen TH, Feng W, Janne PA, Alvarez JV, Zappaterra M, Bulmer SE, Frank DA, Hahn WC, Sellers WR, and Meyerson M (2005). Oncogenic transformation by inhibitor-sensitive and -resistant EGFR mutants. PLoS Med 2, e313.

Alvarez JV, Febbo PG, Ramaswamy S, Loda M, Richardson A, and Frank DA (2005). Identification of a genetic signature of activated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in human tumors. Cancer Res 65, 5054-5062.


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