Welcome to the Cooper lab. Our main interest is understanding signal transduction mechanisms with an emphasis on pathways that regulate cell migration and morphology. We are currently focused on the interplay between tyrosine phosphorylation and ubiquitination in migrating cells.
N-cadherin-regulated FGFR ubiquitination and degredation control mammalian neocortical projection neuron migration
Kon E, Calvo-Jimenez E, Cossard A, Na Y, Cooper J, Jossin Y. eLIFE 2019
Paracrine Fibroblast Growth Factor Initiates Oncogenic Synergy with Epithelial FGFR/Src Transformation in Prostate Tumor Progression
Li Q, Ingram L, Kim S, Beharry Z, Cooper JA, Cai H. Neoplasia 2018
Lgl1connects cell polarity with cell-cell adhesion in embryonic neural stem cells
Jossin Y, Lee M, Klezovitch O, Kon E, Cossard A, Lien WH, Fernandez TE, Cooper JA, Vasioukhin V. Developmental Cell 2017