Classic Papers in HIV Biology Journal Club

Episode 1.  Temin papers underlying the provirus hypothesis

Temin, HM.  The control of cellular morphology in embryonic cells infected with rous sarcoma virus in vitroVirology. 1960 Feb;10:182-97. 

Temin, HM.  The effects of actinomycin D on growth of Rous sarcoma virus in vitro. Virology. 1963 Aug;20:577-82. 

Revisionist History, The Obscure Virus Club (Season 4)  

Episode 2:  Integration of proviruses

Hill, M, and Hillova, J. Virus Recovery in Chicken Cells Tested with Rous Sarcoma Cell DNA. Nature New Biology vol 237, 1972. DOI: 10.1038/newbio237035a0

Grandgenett DP, Vora AC, Schiff RD. A 32,000-dalton nucleic acid-binding protein from avian retravirus cores possesses DNA endonuclease activity. Virology. 1978 Aug;89(1):119-32. DOI: 10.1016/0042-6822(78)90046-6

Episode 3:  Discovery of HIV-1

Barré-Sinoussi F, Chermann JC, Rey F, Nugeyre MT, Chamaret S, Gruest J, Dauguet C, Axler-Blin C, Vézinet-Brun F, Rouzioux C, Rozenbaum W, Montagnier L.  Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovirus from a patient at risk for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Science. 1983 May 20;220(4599):868-71. 

J A Levy, A D Hoffman, S M Kramer, J A Landis, J M Shimabukuro, L S Oshiro.  Isolation of lymphocytopathic retroviruses from San Francisco patients with AIDS. Science. 1984 Aug 24;225(4664):840-2.  doi: 10.1126/science.6206563.

Episode 4:  HIV dynamics

Piatak M Jr, Saag MS, Yang LC, Clark SJ, Kappes JC, Luk KC, Hahn BH, Shaw GM, Lifson JD. High levels of HIV-1 in plasma during all stages of infection determined by competitive PCR.  Science. 1993 Mar 19;259(5102):1749-54. 

Embretson J, Zupancic M, Ribas JL, Burke A, Racz P, Tenner-Racz K, Haase AT.  Massive covert infection of helper T lymphocytes and macrophages by HIV during the incubation period of AIDS. Nature. 1993 Mar 25;362(6418):359-62. 

Episode 5: HIV-1 co-receptors

Feng Y, Broder CC, Kennedy PE, Berger EA. HIV-1 entry cofactor: functional cDNA cloning of a seven-transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptor. Science. 1996 May 10;272(5263):872-7. 

Liu R, Paxton WA, Choe S, Ceradini D, Martin SR, Horuk R, MacDonald ME, Stuhlmann H, Koup RA, Landau NR. Homozygous defect in HIV-1 coreceptor accounts for resistance of some multiply-exposed individuals to HIV-1 infection. Cell. 1996 Aug 9;86(3):367-77.

Episode 6:  Discovery of Tat co-factors

Wei P, Garber ME, Fang SM, Fischer WH, Jones KA. A novel CDK9-associated C-type cyclin interacts directly with HIV-1 Tat and mediates its high-affinity, loop-specific binding to TAR RNA. Cell. 1998 Feb 20;92(4):451-62. 

Herrmann CH, Rice AP. Specific interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus Tat proteins with a cellular protein kinaseVirology. 1993 Dec;197(2):601-8. 

Episode 7:  HIV latency

Finzi D Hermankova M, Pierson T, Carruth LM, Buck C, Chaisson RE, Quinn TC, Chadwick K, Margolick J, Brookmeyer R, Gallant J, Markowitz M, Ho DD, Richman DD, Siliciano RF. Identification of a reservoir for HIV-1 in patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. Science. 1997 Nov 14;278(5341):1295-300.

Van Lint C, Emiliani S, Ott M, Verdin E. Transcriptional activation and chromatin remodeling of the HIV-1 promoter in response to histone acetylation. EMBO J. 1996 Mar 1;15(5):1112-20. 

Episode 8:  Origins of HIV-1 in chimpanzees

Gao F, Bailes E, Robertson DL, Chen Y, Rodenburg CM, Michael SF, Cummins LB, Arthur LO, Peeters M, Shaw GM, Sharp PM, Hahn BH. Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes. Nature. 1999 Feb 4;397(6718):436-41. 

Keele, B. …Hahn, B.H. et al.  Chimpanzee Reservoirs of Pandemic and Nonpandemic HIV-1. Science  28 Jul 2006:Vol. 313, Issue 5786, pp. 523-526 DOI: 10.1126/science.1126531 

Episode 9:  Discovery of APOBEC3G as target of VIf

Sheehy AM, Gaddis NC, Choi JD, Malim MH. Isolation of a human gene that inhibits HIV-1 infection and is suppressed by the viral Vif protein. Nature. 2002 Aug 8;418(6898):646-50. Epub 2002 Jul 14. 

Mangeat B, Turelli P, Caron G, Friedli M, Perrin L, Trono D. Broad antiretroviral defence by human APOBEC3G through lethal editing of nascent reverse transcripts. Nature. 2003 Jul 3;424(6944):99-103. Epub 2003 May 28. 

Episode 10 Function of HIV-1 Rev

Malim MH, Hauber J, Le SY, Maizel JV, Cullen BR. The HIV-1 rev trans-activator acts through a structured target sequence to activate nuclear export of unspliced viral mRNANature. 1989 Mar 16;338(6212):254-7. 

Fornerod M, Ohno M, Yoshida M, Mattaj IW. CRM1 is an export receptor for leucine-rich nuclear export signals. Cell. 1997 Sep 19;90(6):1051-60. 

Episode 11:  Discovery of TRIM5

Stremlau M, Owens CM, Perron MJ, Kiessling M, Autissier P, Sodroski J. The cytoplasmic body component TRIM5alpha restricts HIV-1 infection in Old World monkeys. Nature. 2004 Feb 26;427(6977):848-53. 

Sayah DM, Sokolskaja E, Berthoux L, Luban J. Cyclophilin A retrotransposition into TRIM5 explains owl monkey resistance to HIV-1Nature. 2004 Jul 29;430(6999):569-73. 

Episode 12:  Role of immune activation and loss of gut CD4 cells in disease progression

Brenchley JM, Price DA, Schacker TW, Asher TE, Silvestri G, Rao S, Kazzaz Z, Bornstein E, Lambotte O, Altmann D, Blazar BR, Rodriguez B, Teixeira-Johnson L, Landay A, Martin JN, Hecht FM, Picker LJ, Lederman MM, Deeks SG, Douek DC. Microbial translocation is a cause of systemic immune activation in chronic HIV infection. Nat Med. 2006 Dec;12(12):1365-71. 

Silvestri G, et al. Nonpathogenic SIV Infection of Sooty Mangabeys Is Characterized by Limited Bystander Immunopathology Despite Chronic High-Level Viremia. Immunity  2003 Mar;18(3):441-52. doi: 10.1016/s1074-7613(03)00060-8.

Episode 13. The origins of HIV-1 in N. America and debunking of the Patient O myth

Worobey M, Watts TD, McKay RA, Suchard MA, Granade T, Teuwen DE, Koblin BA, Heneine W, Lemey P, Jaffe HW. 1970s and 'Patient 0' HIV-1 genomes illuminate early HIV/AIDS history in North America.Nature volume 539, pages 98–101 (2016). doi: 10.1038/nature19827

Episode 14: Budding and the ESCRT pathway

J E Garrus, U K von Schwedler, O W Pornillos, S G Morham, K H Zavitz, H E Wang, D A Wettstein, K M Stray, M Côté, R L Rich, D G Myszka, W I Sundquist. Tsg101 and the vacuolar protein sorting pathway are essential for HIV-1 budding. Cell 2001 Oct 5;107(1):55-65. doi: 10.1016/s0092-8674(01)00506-2.

U K von Schwedler… W I Sundquist. The Protein Network of HIV Budding. Cell 2003;114(6):701-13. doi: 10.1016/s0092-8674(03)00714-1.

Episode 15:  Discovery of Tethering/Bst-2 as the target of Vpu for virus release

Neil SJ, Zang T, Bieniasz PD.  Tetherin inhibits retrovirus release and is antagonized by HIV-1 Vpu. Nature. 2008 Jan 24;451(7177):425-30. doi: 10.1038/nature06553. Epub 2008 Jan 16. 

Van Damme N, Goff D, Katsura C, Jorgenson RL, Mitchell R, Johnson MC, Stephens EB, Guatelli J.  The interferon-induced protein BST-2 restricts HIV-1 release and is downregulated from the cell surface by the viral Vpu protein Cell Host Microbe. 2008 Apr 17;3(4):245-52. 

Episode 16:  Discovery of SAMHD1 as the target of Vpx

Laguette N, Sobhian B, Casartelli N, Ringeard M, Chable-Bessia C, Ségéral E, Yatim A, Emiliani S, Schwartz O, Benkirane M.  SAMHD1 is the dendritic- and myeloid-cell-specific HIV-1 restriction factor counteracted by Vpx. Nature. 2011 May 25;474(7353):654-7. doi: 10.1038/nature10117. 

Hrecka K, Hao C, Gierszewska M, Swanson SK, Kesik-Brodacka M, Srivastava S, Florens L, Washburn MP, Skowronski J. Vpx relieves inhibition of HIV-1 infection of macrophages mediated by the SAMHD1 protein. Nature. 2011 Jun 29;474(7353):658-61. doi: 10.1038/nature10195. 

Lahouassa, H.…. Margottin-Goguet, F.. SAMHD1 restricts the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by depleting the intracellular pool of deoxynucleoside triphosphates. Nature Immunology vol 13, pages 223–228 (2012). 

Episode 17:  The role of LEDG/F in HIV integration site specificity

Ciuffi, A., Llano, M., Poeschla, E. Hoffmann, C., Leipzig, J, Shinn, P., Ecker, J.R., Bushman, F. A role for LEDGF/p75 in targeting HIV DNA integration. Nat Med 11, 1287–1289 (2005).

Ferris, A.L., Wu, X, Hughes, C.M, Steward, C., Smith, S.J, Milne, T.A., Want, G.G., Shun, M., Allis, C.D., Engelman, A., and Hughes, S.H. Lens epithelium-derived growth factor fusion proteins redirect HIV-1 DNA integration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2010 Feb 16;107(7):3135-40. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0914142107.

Episode 18: The role of CA in early events

Lee K, Ambrose Z, Martin TD, Oztop I, Mulky A, Julias JG, Vandegraaff N, Baumann JG, Wang R, Yuen W, Takemura T, Shelton K, Taniuchi I, Li Y, Sodroski J, Littman DR, Coffin JM, Hughes SH, Unutmaz D, Engelman A, KewalRamani VN.  Flexible use of nuclear import pathways by HIV-1. Cell Host Microbe. 2010 Mar 18;7(3):221-33. 

Episode 19:  The paleovirology of primate lentiviruses

Gifford RJ, Katzourakis A, Tristem M, Pybus OG, Winters M, Shafer RW.  A transitional endogenous lentivirus from the genome of a basal primate and implications for lentivirus evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 23;105(51):20362-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0807873105

Gilbert C, Maxfield DG, Goodman SM, Feschotte C. Parallel germline infiltration of a lentivirus in two Malagasy lemurs. PLoS Genet. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000425. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000425

Episode 20:  Discovery of CD4 as the HIV-1 receptor

D Klatzmann, E Champagne, S Chamaret, J Gruest, D Guetard, T Hercend, J C Gluckman, L Montagnier. T -lymphocyte T4 molecule behaves as the receptor for human retrovirus LAV.  Nature 1984; 312 (5996): 767-8 DOI: 10.1038/312767a0

A G Dalgleish, P C Beverley, P R Clapham, D H Crawford, M F Greaves, R A Weiss. The CD4 (T4) antigen is an essential component of the receptor for the AIDS retrovirus. Nature 1984; 312 (5996): 763-7. DOI: 10.1038/312763a0 

Episode 21: HIV-1 escape from neutralizing antibody

Richman D.D., Wrin, T., Little, S.J., Petropoulos, C.J.  Rapid evolution of the neutralizing antibody response to HIV type 1 infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 1;100(7):4144-9. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0630530100

Episode 22:  Discovery of natural SIVs

M Peeters, V  Courgnaud, B Abela, P Auzel, X Pourrut, F Bibollet-Ruche, S Loul, F Liegeois, C Butel, D Koulagna, E Mpoudi-Ngole, G M Shaw, B H Hahn, E Delaporte. Risk to human health from a plethora of simian immunodeficiency viruses in primate bushmeat. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002 May;8(5):451-7. DOI: 10.3201/eid0805.010522.

Z Chen , P Telfier, A Gettie, P Reed, L Zhang, D D Ho, P A Marx. Genetic characterization of new West African simian immunodeficiency virus SIVsm: geographic clustering of household-derived SIV strains with human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtypes and genetically diverse viruses from a single feral sooty mangabey troop.  J Virol. 1996 Jun;70(6):3617-27. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.70.6.3617-3627.1996