What is your CLIA license?

The Molecular Oncology lab CLIA #50D1043158.
Please contact Molecular Oncology if a current copy of our license is needed.

Can samples be sent over the weekend for Saturday delivery?

Molecular Oncology may accept weekend deliveries, depending on the test requested. Please contact Molecular Oncology to determine if Saturday delivery will be accepted.

How should samples be stored if they cannot be shipped until the following day?

Store samples refrigerated (4oC) until ready to ship.

Can FFPE or other tissue be tested?

If PB or BMA are unavailable, FFPE can be used for a limited number of assays: FLT3/ITD, FLT3/TKD, NPM1, and CEPBa.

What is your turnaround time for test results?

For most assays, our turnaround time is 3-5 business days. For specific assays, see our test menu.

How are reports delivered?

Final reports are sent to the ordering physician by fax or secure email. We are committed to protecting patient PHI and comply with HIPAA regulations throughout the testing and reporting process.