Transmission of maternal memory
Science Spotlight | September 2017 | AS Kuhlman
Giving more than birth: maternal microchimerism
Science Spotlight | May 2017 | AS Kuhlmann
Malaria during pregnancy can alter babies’ immunity
Hutch News | May 2017 | Rachel Tompa
A lasting Mother's Day gift — baby's cells
Hutch News | May 2014 | Rachel Tompa
Hutchinson Center study finds male DNA in women's brains
Hutch News | October 2012 | Dean Forbes
Men on the mind: Study finds male DNA in women’s brains
News Releases | September 2012
Pregnancy may lower rheumatoid arthritis risk
Hutch News | April 2010 | Colleen Steelquist
The ties that bind: mothers and offspring can share cells throughout life — with positive and negative effects
News Releases | April 2008
Residual fetal cells in women may provide protection against breast cancer
News Releases | October 2007
Stem cells from mom may treat diabetic child
Hutch News | March 2007 | Dean Forbes
Inviting healthy intruders to stay
Hutch News | February 2007 | Stephanie Carter
Cells passed from mother to child may be first step in developing new treatments for Type 1 diabetes and similar diseases
News Releases | January 2007
Why pregnancy pauses the pain of arthritis
Hutch News | September 2006
Microchimerism: how pregnancy changes the mother's very DNA
Aeon | January 2018 | Katherine Rowland
How children change their mothers — and their mothers’ DNA
The Boston Globe | July 2017 | Chloe K. Fox
Fetal Cells May Protect Mom From Disease Long After The Baby's Born
NPR Your Health | October 2015 | Michaeleen Doucleff
A Pregnancy souvenir: Cells That Are Not Your Own
The New York Times | September 2015 | Carl Zimmer