
Current Projects

Evaluating Centralizing Interventions to Address Low Adherence to Lung Cancer Screening Follow-up in Decentralized Settings (ACCELL) 

Principal Investigator: Matty Triplette, MD, MPH

Co-Investigator: Karen Wernli, PhD; Lorella Palazzo, PhD; Gloria Coronado, PhD

Funding Agency: NIH R01

This 5-year study is grounded in the Consolidated Framework of Implementation Research (CFIR) and RE-AIM frameworks to support our scientific goals and integrated with the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Research Framework to ensure intervention design and evaluation center equity. To achieve our objectives, we will utilize a type 2 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial, whereby both key effectiveness measures (adherence) and implementation of the interventions are evaluated.

Lung Health Promotion for American Indian and Alaska Native People Through Human Center Design (Lung PATHs)

Principal Investigator: Matty Triplette, MD, MPH

Co-Investigator: Ann Rusk, MD; Myra Parker, JD, PhD, MPH

Funding Agency: Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation (BMSF)

Among all racial and ethnic groups, AI/AN people have the highest prevalence commercial tobacco use in the US, and are twice as likely to be currently smoking compared to non-Hispanic Whites in the Pacific Northwest region. Despite the demonstrated need, well-conducted research or program creation and evaluation to address lung cancer prevention in the AI/AN community has been extremely limited. The goal of this study is to develop a holistic care model for lung cancer primary and secondary prevention in partnership with urban AI/AN community members using principles of human centered design.

Strengthening Awareness and Community Resources for Early Detection of Lung cancer through Navigation Guided Screening​ (SACRED LUNGS)

Principal Investigator: Matty Triplette, MD, MPH

Co-Investigator: Parth Shah, PharmaD, PhD; Ursula Tsosie, MS; Jamie Nikander

Funding Agency: NIMHD U19

SACRED LUNGS is part of an overall U19 grant called CANOE. In partnership with the Community Engagement core, administration core, and another project here at Fred Hutch, we are aiming to expand health care resources to AI/AN communities. This project will adapt and evaluate a Patient Navigation intervention to support lung cancer screening and commercial smoking cessation in collaboration with tribal clinics across rural-urban areas of Western Washington through a pragmatic hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial.

Click here for past projects