Collection of samples for proteomic analysis
SOP #1: Collection of frozen tissue samples for proteomic analysis
SOP #2: Collection of Peripheral Blood by venipuncture, Labeling, Processing and Storage for proteomic analysis (UNDER REVISION)
SOP #3: Collection of Blood from a port for proteomic analysis (UNDER REVISION)
SOP #4: Processing blood samples to isolate plasma for proteomic analysis
PBMC extraction from whole blood
SOP #5: Preparation of PBMC from whole blood by Ficoll gradient
SOP #6: Preparation of PBMC from whole blood by CPT mononuclear preparation tube
Preparation of protein lysates for proteomics
SOP #7: Preparation of protein lysates from frozen tumor samples for mass spectrometry
SOP #8: Preparation of protein lysates from FFPE tumor samples for mass spectrometry
SOP #9: Preparation of protein lysates from cultured cells for mass spectrometry