Follow the Pergam Group on Twitter to stay up-to-date with our latest news:
Dr. Boeckh with his mentees, after giving the prestigious John F. Enders lecture. From left to right: Chikara Ogimi MD, Hannah Imlay MD, Steven Pergam MD, Daniel Zamora MD, Alpana Waghmare MD
Warren Phipps, MD and Maggie Lubwama, MD (Uganda Cancer Institute) present their abstract at ID Week.
Hutch ID fellow Olivia Kates, MD presents her abstract: Limited Diagnostic Utility of Extended Aerobic Blood Culture Incubation for Fungal Pathogen Detection
Catherine Liu, MD and Sam Aitken PharmD present their abstarct - Feasibility and Outcomes of a Pre-Transplant Antibiotic Allergy Evaluation Program for Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) Candidates
September 17, 2019
May 25, 2019
Get screened!
May 23, 2019
Our Program Assistant, Zem, is moving to Atlanta to begin med school at Morehouse! We'll miss you!
March 20, 2019
Our SCCA Infection Preventionist, Michelle, had her first 1st author abstract accepted at APIC 2019! Congrats to all of our Quality & Infection Prevention co-authors! Philadelphia, see you in June!
March 18, 2019
Congrats to UW PhD-candidate Maggie Lind on her selection for a prestigious ITHS (Institute of Translational Health Sciences) TL1 research training grant!
March 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
Thanks to all for tuning in!
Main Takeaways:
We sent visiting MPH student Andrea off in style, with some ice cream with current and former mentees - including an IDSA Foundation summer scholar and another visiting from her job Clinton Health in Cambodia - mentorship rocks!
June 21, 2018
ID Fellow Erica Stohs, celebrates with Dr. Pergam and Dr. Liu, before moving on to a new job as an assistant professor at UNMC.
June 18, 2018
IP Intern Steven Roncaioli finished his MPH thesis and recieved a job offer in the same week!
May 18, 2018
The Pergam and Liu groups celebrate over lunch at Revel!
May 17, 2018
Andrea, a visiting MPH candidate and Fullbright scholar from Michigan State joins the Pergam group for the summer!
May 7, 2018
Palash, a visiting fellow from University of Pittsburg Medical Center joins the Hutch IDS for a month of shadowing.
May 4th, 2018
IDS knows how to celebrate May the 4th in style! Many puns were had.
May 2, 2018
Congratulations to 1st year med student at UW, Maresa Woodfield, we look forward to having you back at the Hutch for the summer!
Feburary 15, 2018
Welcome to our new SCCA Infection Preventionist, Michelle!
March 30, 2018
Dr. Morrison is a first year resident at Seattle Children's now!
Feb. 7, 2018
Dr. Steve Pergam became the first infectious disease specialist to receive the Dr. Ali Al-Johani Award, recognizing exceptional medical care and compassion to transplant patients and families.
Jan. 25, 2018
Maryn McKenna, an independent journalist and author who specializes in public health, global health and food policy spoke at Fred Hutch. The lecture was followed by a panel discussion on why animals have an impact on immunocompromomised patients, and new initiatives in antibiotic stewardship.
July 2017
Passing the torch to the next MPH infection prevention intern, Stephen Roncaioli!
June 2017
Trent MacAllister and Julie Knight present their abstracts at APIC's annual conference in Portland, Oregon.
May 2017
Congratulations, Trent MacAllister, on your gradaution from UW's School of Public Health MPH program!
May 2017
Congratulations Dr. Alex Morrison, on your graduation from University of Nevada Reno Medical School! We're looking forward to having you back in Seattle at Seattle Children's Hospital!
June 2017
Join us June 19 - 20 for our 2nd symposium on infectious diseases in the immunocompromised host.
March 2017
The Infection Prevention team on an outing to Bainbridge Island!
March 2017
Congratulations to Maresa Woodfield, our next Med School student!
March 2017
Sara Marquis has been awarded the incredible University of Washington Bonderman Travel Fellowship which supports eight months of travel in at least six countries, in two or more major regions of the world.