Investigator Profile

Martin Prlic, PhD

Martin Prlic, PhD

Title: Principal Investigator
Phone: 206.667.2216

Other Appointments


  • University of Minnesota, 2004, PhD (Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology)
  • University of Salzburg, 1999, MSc (Genetics)

Research Interests and Current Projects

  • Studying and manipulating CD8 T cells and NK cells for therapeutic purposes
  • Mechanisms driving differentiation of naive T cells into memory T cells
  • Bystander activation of memory CD8 T cells
  • MAIT cell responses in mucosal barrier sites

PI Honors and Awards 

  • NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)
  • NIH Director's New Innovator Award (DP2)
  • FHCRC President's Young Investigator Award