Lab Members

Anthony Rongvaux, PhD

Anthony Rongvaux, PhD

Title: Laboratory Head
Phone: 206.667.7753

Associate Professor
Translational Science & Therapeutics Division
Program in Immunology

Affiliate Associate Professor
University of Washington Department of Immunology

Emily Collins, PhD

Emily Collins, PhD

Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Phone: 206.667.4308
Jonathan Linton

Jonathan Linton

Title: Research Technician IV
Phone: 206.667.4185

Lab manager

Jessica Oda

Jessica Oda

Title: Graduate Student

UW/FH Molecular and Cellular Biology Program

Erin Peterson

Erin Peterson

Title: Graduate Student

UW Medical Scientist Training Program 

B.A. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology, Whitman College

Originally from Oakland, California 

Isabella Schulz

Isabella Schulz

Title: Lab Aide