Available Positions

Research Technician and Post-Doctoral Fellow

The Silberstein lab is recruiting a research technician and a post-doctoral fellow. Applications from clinical trainees without prior lab experience are welcome.

If interested, please contact Lev Silberstein lsilbers@fredhutch.org with your CV/resume and a short cover letter. 

Current Openings

Research Technician

The Silberstein Lab is looking for a Research Technician I. The main goal of the laboratory is to combine basic stem cell biology and clinically relevant murine models in order to develop new therapeutic approaches to promote hematopoietic stem cell function in bone marrow failure and to enhance hematopoietic reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation. We are particularly interested in using microenvironment-derived molecules as drugs or therapeutic targets and have identified several novel niche factors using proximity-based single cell analysis as a discovery strategy (for details, please see Silberstein et al, Cell Stem Cell 2016, Goncalves, Silberstein et al, Cell 2016). Read more and apply