Goddard ET, Linde MH, Srivastava S, Klug G, Shabaneh TB, Iannone S, Grzelak CA, Marsh S, Shor RE, Riggio AI, Shor RE, Linde IL, Guerrero M, Veatch JR, Snyder AG, Welm AL, Riddell SR, Ghajar CM. (2024). Immune evasion of dormant disseminated tumor cells is due to their scarcity and can be overcome by T cell immunotherapies. Cancer Cell. 2024 Jan 8;.42, 119-134 doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.12.01
Ortiz-Espinosa S, Srivastava S. (2023). Bursting Tumor Bubbles to Improve CAR-T Cell Therapy. Cancer Research. 2023 Aug 15;83(16):2637-2639. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-1484
Bhatia V, Kamat N, Pariva T, Wu L, Tsao A, Koichi S, Sun H, Javier G, Nutt WS, Coleman I, Hitchcock L, Zhang A, Rudoy D, Gulati R, Patel R, Roudier M, True L, Srivastava S, Morrissey C, Haffner M, Nelson P, Priceman S, Ishihara J, Lee J. (2023). Targeting advanced prostate cancer with STEAP1 chimeric antigen receptor T cell and tumor-localized IL-12 immunotherapy. Nature Communications. 2023 Apr 11; 14(1): 2041. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37874-2.
Leung I, Templeton ML, Lo Y, Rajan A, Stull SM, Garrison S, Salter AI, Smythe KS, Correnti CE, Srivastava S, Yeung C, Riddell SR. Compromised antigen binding and signaling interfere with function of bispecific CD19 and CD79a chimeric antigen receptors. Blood Advances. 2022 Dec 5. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2022008559.
Le Q, Hadland B, Smith JL, Leonti A, Huang BJ, Ries R, Hylkema T, Castro S, Tang TT, McKay C, Perkins L, Pardo L, Sarthy J, Beckman A, Williams R, Idemmili R, Furlan S, Ishida T, Call L, Srivastava S, Loeb A, Milano F, Imren S, Morris SM, Pakiam F, Olson JM, Loken M, Brodersen L, Riddell SR, Tarlock K, Bernstein I, Loeb K, Meshinchi S. CBFA2T3-GLIS2 model of pediatric acute megakaryoblastic leukemia identifies FOLR1 as a CAR T cell target. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022 Nov 15;132(22):e157101. doi: 10.1172/JCI157101.
Hiatt JB, Sandborg H, Garrison SM, Arnold HU, Liao SY, Norton J, Friesen TJ, Wu F, Sutherland KD, Rienhoff HY Jr, Martins R, Houghton AM, Srivastava S, MacPherson D. Inhibition of LSD1 with bomedemstat sensitizes small cell lung cancer to immune checkpoint blockade and T cell killing. Clinical Cancer Research. 2022 Oct 14; 28(20): 4551-4564. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1128.
Nutt WS, Srivastava S. Special delivery! CAR-T cells transport RN7SL1 to the tumor microenvironment. Trends Mol Med. 2021 Nov;27(11):1019-1021.
Le Q, Castro S, Tang T, Loeb AM, Hylkema T, McKay CN, Perkins L, Srivastava S, Call L, Smith J, Leonti A, Ries R, Pardo L, Loken MR, Correnti C, Fiorenza S, Turtle CJ, Riddell SR, Tarlock K, Meshinchi S. Therapeutic Targeting of Mesothelin with Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Clinical Cancer Research. 2021 Oct 16; 27(20): 5718-5730.
Veatch J, Singhi N, Srivastava S, Szeto J, Jesernig B, Stull SM, Fitzgibbon M, Sarvothama M, Yechan-Gunja S, James S, Riddell SR. Therapeutic cancer vaccination targeting antigens and adjuvant signals to lymphoid tissues using genetically modified T cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021 Aug 16; 131(16): e144195.
*Srivastava S, Furlan S, Jaeger-Ruckstuhl CA, Sarvothama M, Berger C, Smythe KS, Garrison S, Specht JM, Lee SM, Amezquita RA, Voillet V, Muhunthan V, Yechan-Gunja S, Pillai SPS, Rader C, Houghton AM, Pierce RH, Gottardo R, Maloney DG, Riddell SR. Immunogenic chemotherapy enhances recruitment of CAR-T cells to solid tumors and improves anti-tumor efficacy when combined with checkpoint blockade. Cancer Cell. 2021 Feb 8;39(2):193-208. *Corresponding author. Presentation Video
Srivastava S*, Salter AI, Liggitt D, Yechan-Gunja S, Sarvothama M, Cooper K, Smythe KS, Dudakov JA, Pierce RH, Rader C, Riddell SR. Logic-Gated ROR1 Chimeric Antigen Receptor Expression Rescues T Cell-Mediated Toxicity to Normal Tissues and Enables Selective Tumor Targeting. Cancer Cell. 2019 Mar 18; 3(35): 489-503. *Corresponding author.
Srivastava S, Riddell SR. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy: Challenges to Bench-to-Bedside Efficacy. Journal of Immunology. 2018 Jan; 200(2): 459-468. *One of JI’s Top 20 most downloaded article in 2018.
Paszkiewicz PJ, Fräβle SP, Srivastava S, Sommermeyer D, Hudecek M, Drexler I, Sadelain M, Liu L, Jensen MC, Riddell SR, Busch DH. Targeted antibody-mediated depletion of CD19 CAR-T cells permanently reverses B cell aplasia. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016 Nov; 126(11): 4262-72.
Srivastava S, Riddell SR. Engineering CAR-T Cells: Design Concepts. Trends in Immunology. 2015 Aug; 36(8): 494-502.
Buechler MB, Gessay GM, Srivastava S, Campbell DJ, Hamerman JA. Hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells promote Type I interferon- and TLR7-dependent monocytosis during low-dose LCMV infection. Eur J Immunol. 2015 Nov; 45(11): 3064-72.
Srivastava S, Koch LK, Campbell DJ. IFNαR signaling in effector but not regulatory T cells is required for immune dysregulation during type I IFN-dependent inflammatory disease. Journal of Immunology. 2014 Sep; 193(6): 2733-42.
Srivastava S, Koch MA, Pepper M, Campbell DJ. Type I interferons directly inhibit regulatory T cells to allow optimal antiviral T cell responses during acute LCMV infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2014 May; 211(5): 961-74.
Smigiel KS*, Srivastava S*, Stolley JM, Campbell DJ. Regulatory T cell homeostasis: steady-state maintenance and modulation during inflammation. Immunological Reviews. 2014 May; 259(1): 40-59. *These authors contributed equally.
Smigiel KS, Richards E, Srivastava S, Thomas KR, Klonowski KD, Campbell DJ. CCR7 provides localized access to IL-2 and defines homeostatically distinct regulatory T cell subsets. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2014 Jan; 211(1): 121-136.
Koch MA, Thomas KN, Perdue NR, Smigiel KS, Srivastava S, Campbell DJ. T-bet(+) Treg cells undergo abortive Th1 cell differentiation due to impaired expression of IL-12 receptor B2. Immunity. 2012 Sep; 37(3): 501-10.
Srivastava S, Macaubas C, Deshpande C, Alexander HC, Chang S, Sun Y, Lee T, Begovich A, Mellins ED. Monocytes are resistant to apoptosis in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clinical Immunology. 2010 Aug; 136(2): 257-68.