
Complete Bibliography

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Selected Publications

2021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013


Ueda M, Sandmaier BM, Petersdorf E, Flowers ME, Hill GR, Lee SJ, Appelbaum FR, Carpenter PA, Baker KS, Connelly-Smith L, McCool A, Elgar S, Pergam SA, Liu C, Stewart FM, and Mielcarek M. Blood and Marrow Transplantation During the Emerging COVID-19 Pandemic: The Seattle Approach. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 Feb;56(2):305-313.

Nalkurthi C,  Schroder WA, Melino M, Irvine KM, Nyuydzefe M,  Chen W,  Liu J, Teng MWL, Hill GR, Bertolino P, Blazar BR, Miller GC, Clouston AD,  Zanin-Zhorov A, MacDonald KPA. ROCK2 inhibition attenuates profibrogenic macrophage function to reverse thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis. JHEP Reports. 2021, In Press.

Kennedy GA, Tey SK, Buizen L, Varelias A, Gartlan KH, Curley C, Olver SD, Chang K, Butler JP,   Misra A, Subramoniapillai E, Morton AJ, Durrant A, Henden AS, Moore J, Ritchie D, Gottlieb D, Cooney J, Paul SK, Hill GRA phase 3 double-blind study of the addition of tocilizumab versus placebo to cyclosporin/methotrexate GVHD prophylaxis. Blood 2021, Apr 8;137(14):1970-1979. PMID: 33512442.

Mithraprabhu S, Kalff A, Gartlan KH, Savvidou I, Khong T, Ramachandran M, Cooke RE, Bowen K, Hill GR, Reynolds J and Spencer A. Phase II trial of single-agent panobinostat consolidation improves responses after sub-optimal transplant outcomes in multiple myeloma. Br. J. Haematol. 2021, Apr;193(1):160-170.

Thangavelu G, Wang C, Loschi M, Saha A, Osborn M, Furlan SN, Aoyama K, McDonald-Hyman C, Aguilar EG, Janesick AS, Chandraratna RA, Refaeli Y, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Zeiser R, Maillard I, Serody J, Murphy WJ, Munn DH, Blumberg B, Brown C, Kuchroo VK, Kean LS, Hippen K, Noelle RJ, Blazar BR. Repurposing a novel anti-cancer RXR agonist to attenuate acute GVHD and maintain graft-versus-leukemia responses. Blood 2021 Feb 25;137(8):1090-1103.

Hill GR, Betts BC, Trackev V, Lean LS, Blazar BR. Current Concepts and Advances in Graft-versus-host disease Immunology. Ann Rev. Immunol. 2021, Jan 11. doi: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-102119-073227. Online ahead of print.

Inoue I, Koyama M, Kaida K, Ikegame K, Ensbey KS, Samson L, Takahashi S, Ping Z, Minnie SA, Maruyama S, Ishii S, Daimon T, Fukuda T, Nakamae H, Ara T, Maruyama Y, Ishiyama K, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Furlan SN, Ogawa H, Hill GR. Peri-transplant glucocorticoids redistribute donor T cells from the gastrointestinal tract to the bone marrow and prevent relapse after stem cell transplantation. JCI Insight 2021.

Minnie S and Hill GRAutologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Myeloma: Cytoreduction or Immunotherapy. Frontiers in Immunol, 2021, Mar 12;12:651288. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.651288

Pidala P, Kitko C, Lee SJ, Carpenter P, Cuvelier GDE, Holtan S,  Flowers MED, Cutler C, Jagasia M, Gooley T, Palmer J, Randolph T, Levine JE, Ayuk F, Dignan F, Schoemans H, Tkaczyk E, Farhadfar N, Lawitschka A, Schultz KR, Martin PJ, Sarantopoulos S, Inamoto Y, Socie G, Wolff D, Blazar B, Greinix H,  Paczesny S, Pavletic S, Hill GRNational Institutes of Health Consensus Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease: IIb. The 2020 Preemptive Therapy Working Group Report. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021.

Henden AS, Koyama M, Robb RJ, Kuns RD, Ensbey KS, Varelias A, Clouston AD, Giri R, Begun J, Blazar BR, Lane SW, Bowerman KL, Hugenholtz P, Gartlan KH, Hill GR. Interferon-lambda protects intestinal stem cells from graft-versus-host disease. Blood 2021, Aug 26;138(8):722-737 PMID: 33951730

Yeh AC, Jagasia MH, Dahlman KB, Reddy A, Barone S, Olver SD, Chilson K, Onstad LE, Ensbey K, Samson L, Kim TK, Varelias A, Zhang P, Newell EW, Irish JM, Lee SJ, Hill GRDonor CMV exposure drives long-term CD57+ CD4 memory T cell inflation following allogeneic stem cell transplant. Blood 2021, Jun 3: blood.2020009492. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020009492. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34115118. 

Degli-Esposti MA and Hill GR. Immune control of cytomegalovirus reactivation after stem cell transplantation. Blood 2021, Jun 24:blood.2020010028. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020010028. Online ahead of print. 

Teshima T and Hill GRThe Pathophysiology and Treatment of Graft-versus-host disease: lessons learnt from animal models. Front. Immunol. 2021 Aug 19;12:715424.

Koyama M and Hill GRMouse Models of Antigen Presentation in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Front. Immunol. 2021, 14 September 2021 


Hill GR and Koyama M. Cytokines and Co-stimulation in Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease. Blood 2020,  Jul 23;136(4):418-428.

Montes de Oca M, de Labastida Rivera F, Winterford C, Frame TCM, Ng SS, Amante FH, Edwards CL, Bukali L, Wang Y, Uzonna JE, Kuns RD, Zhang P, Kabat A, Klein Geltink RI, Pearce EJ, Hill GR and Engwerda CR. IL-27 signaling regulates glycolysis in Th1 cells to limit immunopathology during infection. Plos Pathogens 2020, Oct 13;16(10):e1008994. 

Engel JA, Lee HJ, Williams CG, Kuns R, Olver O, Lansink LIM, Soon MSF, Andersen SB, Powell JE, Svensson V, Teichmann SA, Hill GR, Varelias A, Koyama M and Haque A. Single-cell transcriptomics of allo-reactive CD4+ T cells over time reveals divergent fates during gut GVHD. JCI Insight, 2020, Jul 9;5(13):e137990. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.137990. 

Minnie S and Hill GRImmunotherapy of myeloma. J Clin. Invest. 2020, April 1; 130(4):1565-1575.

Austin R, Straube J, Bruedigam C, Pali G, Jacquelin S, Vu T, Green J, Grasel J, Lansink L, Cooper L, Lee S, Chen N, Lee C, Haque A, Heidel F, D'Andrea R, Hill GR, Mullally A, Milsom M, Bywater M and Lane SW. Distinct effects of ruxolitinib and interferon-alpha on murine JAK2V617F myeloproliferative neoplasm hematopoietic stem cell populations. Leukemia, 2020, Apr;34(4):1075-1089.

Lynch J, Werder R, Curren B, Sikder A, Ullah A, Sebina I, Zhang V, Upham J, Hill GR, Steptoe R, and Phipps S. Long-lived regulatory T cells generated during severe bronchiolitis in infancy influence later progression to asthma. Mucosal Immunology, 2020. Jul;13(4):652-664

Cheong M, Gartlan KH, Lee JS, Tey SK, Zhang P, Kuns RD, Andoniou CE, Martins JP,  Chang K, Sutton VR, Kelly G, Varelias A, Vuckovic S, Markey KA, Boyle GM, Smyth MJ, Engwerda CR, MacDonald KPA, Trapani JA, Degli-Esposti MA, Koyama M and Hill GR. ASC modulates CTL cytotoxicity and transplant outcome independent of the inflammasome. Cancer Immunology Research. 2020, Aug;8(8):1085-1098.

Zomerdijk N, Turner J, Hill GR, Gottlieb D. Experiences and Unmet Needs of Family Members Requested to Donate Haematopoietic Stem Cells to an Ill Relative: Findings from a Prospective Multi-Centre Study. Support Care Cancer. 2020, Feb;29(2):635-644.

Bowerman KL, Varelias A, Lachner N, Kuns RD, Hill GR, Hugenholtz P. Continuous pre and post- transplant exposure to a disease associated gut microbiome promotes hyper-acute graft-versus-host disease in wild-type mice. Gut Microbes 2020 Jan 13:1-17. 

Thangavelu G, Du J, Paz KG, Loschi M, Zaiken MC, Flynn R, Taylor PA, Kirchmeier AK, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Luznik L, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Maillard I, Munn DH, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Miklos D, Cutler CS, Koreth J, Antin JH, Soiffer RJ, Ritz J, Dahlberg C, Miller AT, Blazar BR. Inhibition of inositol kinase B controls acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease. Blood 2020, Jan 2;135(1):28-40. 

Blazar BR*, Hill GR*, Murphy WJ* (equal co-authors). Dissecting the biology of allogeneic HSCT to enhance the GVT effect whilst minimizing GvHD. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2020. Aug;17(8):475-492.

Spicer JA, Miller CK, O'Connor PD, Jose J, Giddens AC, Jaiswal JK, Jamieson SMF, Bull MR, Denny WA, Akhlaghi H, Trapani JA, Hill GR, Chang K, Gartlan KH. Inhibition of the Cytolytic Protein Perforin Prevents Rejection of Transplanted Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Vivo. J Med Chem. 2020 63(5):2229-2239.

Kumar R, Bunn PT, Singh SS, Ng SS, Montes de Oca M, De Labastida Rivera F, Chauhan SB, Singh N, Faleiro RJ, Edwards CL, Frame TCM, Sheel M, Austin RJ, Lane SW, Bald T, Smyth MJ, Hill GR, Best SE, Haque A, Corvino D, Waddell N, Koufariotis L, Mukhopadhay P, Rai M, Chakravarty J, Singh OP, Sacks D, Nylen S, Uzonna J, Sundar S, Engwerda CR. Type I Interferons Suppress Anti-parasitic Immunity and Can Be Targeted to Improve Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis. Cell Rep. 2020 Feb 25;30(8):2512-2525.e9 

Ng NS, Rivera FDL, Corvino YJ, Das I, Zhang P, Kuns R, Chauhan SB, Hou J, Li XY, Frame TCM, McEnroe BA, Moore E, Na J, Engel JA, Soon MSF, Singh B, Kueh AJ, Herold MJ, Montes de Oca M, Singh SS, Bunn PT, Aguilera AR, Casey M, Braun M, Ghazanfari N , Wani S, Wang Y, Amante FH, Edwards CL, Haque A, Dougall WC, Singh OP, Baxter AG, Teng MWL, Loukas A, Daly NL, Cloonan N, Degli-Esposti M, Uzonna J, Heath WR, Bald T, Tey SK, Nakamura K, Hill GR, Kumar R, Sundar S, Smyth MJ and Engwerda CR. The Natural Killer cell granule protein NKG7 regulates cytotoxic granule exocytosis and inflammation. Nature Immunol. 2020, Oct;21(10):1205-1218.


Hendon AS, Leach J, sturgeon E, Avery J, Kelly J, Olver S, Samson L, Hartel G, Durrant S, Butler J, Morton J, Misra A, Tey SK, Subramoniapillai E, Curley C, Kennedy GA, Hill GRPegylated interferon-2α invokes graft-versus-leukemia effects in patients relapsing after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Blood Advances 2019, 3 (20), 3013-3019.

Koyama M, Mukhopadhyay P, Schuster I, Varelias A, Kuns RD, Locke K, Faulks M, Robb R, Zhang P, Clouston AD, Waddell N, Degli-Esposti MA and Hill GRMHC class II antigen presentation by the intestinal epithelium initiates graft-versus-host disease and is influenced by the microbiota. Immunity. 2019; 51 (5), 885-898.

Wilkinson A, Vuckovic S, Kuns RD, Chang K, Minnie S, Ensbey K, Clouston A, Zhang P, Koyama M, Hidalgo J, Rose-John S, Varelias A, Gartlan K, and Hill GRIL-6 dysregulation originates in dendritic cells and initiates graft-versus-host disease via classical signaling. Blood 2019, 134 (23), 2092-2106.  

Koyama M and Hill GRThe Primacy of Gastrointestinal Tract Antigen Presenting Cells in lethal GVHD. Blood 2019, 134 (24), 2139-2148. 

Zhang P, Hill GR. Interleukin-10 mediated immune regulation after stem cell transplantation: Mechanisms and implications for therapeutic intervention. Semin Immunol. 2019; 44, 101322. PubMed PMID: 31640914. 

Koehn BH, Saha A, McDonald-Hyman C, Loschi M, Thangavelu G, Ma L, Zaiken M, Dysthe J, Krepps W, Panthera J, Hippen K, Jameson SC, Miller JS, Cooper MA, Farady CJ, Iwawaki T, Ting JP, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Hill GR, Murray PJ, Bronte V, Munn DH, Zeiser R, Blazar BR. Danger-associated extracellular ATP counters MDSC therapeutic efficacy in acute GvHD. Blood. 2019; 134 (19), 1670-1682

Zomerdijk N, Turner J, Hill GR, Gottlieb D. Adult related haematopoietic stem cell donor care: Views of Transplant Nurses. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2019 Aug;41:56-63. PMID: 31358258.

Guillerey C, Nakamura K, Pichler AC, Barkauskas D, Krumeich S, Stannard K, Miles K, Harjunpää H, Yu Y, Casey M, Doban AI, Lazar M, Hartel G, Smith D, Vuckovic S, Teng MW, Bergsagel PL, Chesi M, Hill GR, Martinet L, Smyth MJ. Chemotherapy followed by anti-CD137 mAb immunotherapy improves disease control in a mouse myeloma model. JCI Insight. 2019 Jun 13;5. PMID: 31194697.

Paz K, Flynn R, Du J, Tannheimer S, Johnson AJ, Dong S, Stark AK, Okkenhaug K, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Sage PT, Sharpe AH, Luznik L, Ritz J, Soiffer RJ, Cutler CS, Koreth J, Antin JH, Miklos DB, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Maillard I, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Munn DH, Feser C, Zaiken M, Vanhaesebroeck B, Turka LA, Byrd JC, Blazar BR.Targeting PI3Kδ function for amelioration of murine chronic graft-versus-host disease. Am J Transplant. 2019 Jun;19(6):1820-1830. PMID: 30748099. PMCID: PMC6538456.

Gartlan K, Koyama M, Lineburg K, Chang K, Samson LD, Kuns RD, Ensbey KS, Lopez AF, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Donor T-cell-derived GM-CSF drives alloantigen presentation by dendritic cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Blood Adv. 2019; 3 (19), 2859-2865. 

Zhang P, Curley CI, Mudie K, Nakagaki M, Hill GR, Roberts JA, Tey SK. Effect of plasmapheresis on ATG (Thymoglobulin) clearance prior to adoptive T cell transfer. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2019 Mar 19; [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30890771.

Zhang P, Raju J, Ullah MA, Au R, Varelias A, Gartlan KH, Olver SD, Samson LD, Sturgeon E, Zomerdijk N, Avery J, Gargett T, Brown MP, Coin LJ, Ganesamoorthy D, Hutchins C, Pratt GR, Kennedy GA, Morton AJ, Curley CI, Hill GR, Tey SK. Phase I Trial of Inducible Caspase 9 T Cells in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Demonstrates Massive Clonotypic Proliferative Potential and Long-term Persistence of Transgenic T Cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Mar 15;25(6):1749-1755. PMID: 30765390. 

Varelias A, Gartlan KH, Wilkinson AN, Olver SD, Samson LD, Tey SK, MacDonald KPA, Hill GRExpansion of IL-17A-secreting CD8+ mucosa-associated invariant T cells in peripheral blood following stem cell mobilization. Blood Adv. 2019 Mar 12;3(5):718-723. PubMed PMID: 30814056. PMCID: PMC6418493.

Martins JP, Andoniou CE, Fleming P, Kuns RD, Schuster IS, Voigt V, Daly S, Varelias A, Tey SK, Degli-Esposti MA, Hill GRStrain-specific antibody therapy prevents cytomegalovirus reactivation after transplantation. Science. 2019 Jan 18; 363(6424):288-293. PMID: 30655443. 

Paz K, Flynn R, Du J, Qi J, Luznik L, Maillard I, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Sage PT, Sharpe AH, Miklos D, Culter CS, Koreth J, Antin JH, Soiffer RJ, Ritz J, Bradner JE, Melnick AM, Blazar B. Small-molecule BCL6 inhibitor effectively treats mice with non-sclerodermatous chronic graft-versus-host disease. Blood. 2019 Jan 3; 133(1):94-99. PMID: 30279226. PMCID: PMC6318432.

Vuckovic S, Minnie SA, Smith D, Gartlan KH, Watkins TS, Markey KA, Mukhopadhyay P, Guillerey C, Kuns RD, Locke KR, Pritchard AL, Johansson PA, Varelias A, Zhang P, Huntington ND, Waddell N, Chesi M, Miles JJ, Smyth MJ, Hill GRBone marrow transplantation generates T cell-dependent control of myeloma in mice. J Clin Invest. 2019 Jan 2; 129(1):106-121. PMID: 30300141. PMCID: PMC6307976. 


Jacquelin S, Straube J, Cooper L, Vu T, Song A, Bywater M, Baxter E, Heidecker M, Wackrow B, Porter A, Ling V, Green J, Austin R, Kazakoff S, Waddell N, Hesson LB, Pimanda JE, Stegelmann F, Bullinger L, Döhner K, Rampal RK, Heckl D, Hill GR, Lane SW. Jak2V617F and Dnmt3a loss cooperate to induce myelofibrosis through activated enhancer-driven inflammation. Blood. 2018 Dec 27; 132(26):2707-2721 PMID: 30366920.

Bunn PT, Montes de Oca M, de Labastida Rivera F, Kumar R, Ng SS, Edwards CL, Faleiro RJ, Sheel M, Amante FH, Frame TCM, Muller W, Haque A, Uzonna JE, Hill GR, Engwerda CR. Distinct Roles for CD4+ Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells and IL-10-Mediated Immunoregulatory Mechanisms during Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania donovani. J Immunol. 2018 Dec 1; 201(11):3362-3372. PMID: 30355785.

Minnie SA, Kuns RD, Gartlan KH, Zhang P, Wilkinson AN, Samson L, Guillerey C, Engwerda C, MacDonald KPA, Smyth MJ, Markey KA, Vuckovic S, Hill GRMyeloma escape after stem cell transplantation is a consequence of T-cell exhaustion and is prevented by TIGIT blockade. Blood. 2018 Oct 18;132(16):1675-1688. PMID: 30154111.

Guillerey C, Harjunpää H, Carrié N, Kassem S, Teo T, Miles K, Krumeich S, Weulersse M, Cuisinier M, Stannard K, Yu Y, Minnie SA, Hill GR, Dougall WC, Avet-Loiseau H, Teng MWL, Nakamura K, Martinet L, Smyth MJ. TIGIT immune checkpoint blockade restores CD8+ T-cell immunity against multiple myeloma. Blood. 2018 Oct 18;132(16):1689-1694. PMID: 29986909.

Zomerdijk N, Turner JM, Hill GRAdult-related haematopoietic stem cell donor experiences and the provision of information and psychosocial support: A systematic literature review. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2018 Oct 2:e12932. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 30277290.

Catchpoole EM, Thirunavukarasu CE, Varelias A, Schlebusch S, Olver S, Zomerdijk N, Osland E, Kennedy GA, Tey SK, Hill GR, Markey KA. Early Blood Stream Infections after BMT are Associated with Cytokine Dysregulation and Poor Overall Survival. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jul;24(7):1360-1366. PMID: 29518552.

Blazar BR, MacDonald KPA, Hill GR. Immune regulatory cell infusion for graft-versus-host disease prevention and therapy. Blood. 2018 Jun 14;131(24):2651-2660. Review. PMID: 29728401; PMCID: PMC6032895.

Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, Lane SW, Hill GR. Conventional dendritic cells are required for the cross-presentation of leukemia-specific antigen in a model of AML relapse post-BMT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jun;53(6):800-803. PMID: 29535380.

Wilkinson AN, Gartlan KH, Kelly G, Samson LD, Olver SD, Avery J, Zomerdijk N, Tey SK, Lee JS, Vuckovic S, Hill GRGranulocytes Are Unresponsive to IL-6 Due to an Absence of gp130. J Immunol. 2018 May 15;200(10):3547-3555. PMID: 29626088.

Liang F, Browne DJ, Gray MJ, Gartlan KH, Smith DD, Barnard RT, Hill GR, Corrie SR, Markey KA. Development of a Multiplexed Microsphere PCR for Culture-Free Detection and Gram-Typing of Bacteria in Human Blood Samples. ACS Infect Dis. 2018 May 11;4(5):837-844. PMID: 29350524.

Liang F, Browne DJ, Gray MJ, Gartlan KH, Smith DD, Barnard RT, Hill GR, Corrie SR, Markey KA. Development of a Multiplexed Microsphere PCR for Culture-Free Detection and Gram-Typing of Bacteria in Human Blood Samples. ACS Infect Dis. 2018 May 11;4(5):837-844. PMID: 29350524.

Varelias A, Bunting MD, Ormerod KL, Koyama M, Olver SD, Straube J, Kuns RD, Robb RJ, Henden AS, Cooper L, Lachner N, Gartlan KH, Lantz O, Kjer-Nielsen L, Mak JY, Fairlie DP, Clouston AD, McCluskey J, Rossjohn J, Lane SW, Hugenholtz P, Hill GRRecipient mucosal-associated invariant T cells control GVHD within the colon. J Clin Invest. 2018 May 1;128(5):1919-1936. PMID: 29629900; PMC5919881.

Hülsdünker J, Ottmüller KJ, Neeff HP, Koyama M, Gao Z, Thomas OS, Follo M, Al-Ahmad A, Prinz G, Duquesne S, Dierbach H, Kirschnek S, Lämmermann T, Blaser MJ, Fife BT, Blazar BR, Beilhack A, Hill GR, Häcker G, Zeiser R. Neutrophils provide cellular communication between ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes at graft-versus-host disease onset. Blood. 2018 Apr 19;131(16):1858-1869. PMID: 29463561; PMCID: PMC5909763.

Nakamura K, Kassem S, Cleynen A, Chrétien ML, Guillerey C, Putz EM, Bald T, Förster I, Vuckovic S, Hill GR, Masters SL, Chesi M, Bergsagel PL, Avet-Loiseau H, Martinet L, Smyth MJ. Dysregulated IL-18 Is a Key Driver of Immunosuppression and a Possible Therapeutic Target in the Multiple Myeloma Microenvironment. Cancer Cell. 2018 Apr 9;33(4):634-648. PMID: 29551594.

Markey KA, Kuns RD, Browne DJ, Gartlan KH, Robb RJ, Martins JP, Henden AS, Minnie SA, Cheong M, Koyama M, Smyth MJ, Steptoe RJ, Belz GT, Brocker T, Degli-Esposti MA, Lane SW, Hill GR. Flt-3L Expansion of Recipient CD8α+ Dendritic Cells Deletes Alloreactive Donor T Cells and Represents an Alternative to Posttransplant Cyclophosphamide for the Prevention of GVHD. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Apr 1;24(7):1604-1616. PMID: 29367429.

Gartlan KH, Bommiasamy H, Paz K, Wilkinson AN, Owen M, Reichenbach DK, Banovic T, Wehner K, Buchanan F, Varelias A, Kuns RD, Chang K, Fedoriw Y, Shea T, Coghill J, Zaiken M, Plank MW, Foster PS, Clouston AD, Blazar BR, Serody JS, Hill GR. A critical role for donor-derived IL-22 in cutaneous chronic GVHD. Am J Transplant. 2018 Apr;18(4):810-820. PMID: 28941323; PMCID: PMC5866168

Hardy K, Smith C, Tu WJ, McCuaig R, Panikkar A, Dasari V, Wu F, Tey SK, Hill GR, Khanna R, Rao S. Epigenetic programming of T cells impacts immune reconstitution in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Blood Adv. 2018 Mar 27;2(6):656-668. PMID: 29563122; PMCID: PMC5873237.

Straube J, Ling VY, Hill GR, Lane SW. The impact of age, NPM1mut, and FLT3ITD allelic ratio in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2018 Mar 8;131(10):1148-1153. PMID: 29183886.

Kara EE, Bastow CR, McKenzie DR, Gregor CE, Fenix KA, Babb R, Norton TS, Zotos D, Rodda LB, Hermes JR, Bourne K, Gilchrist DS, Nibbs RJ, Alsharifi M, Vinuesa CG, Tarlinton DM, Brink R, Hill GR, Cyster JG, Comerford I, McColl SR. Atypical chemokine receptor 4 shapes activated B cell fate. J Exp Med. 2018 Mar 5;215(3):801-813. PMID: 29386231; PMCID: PMC5839757.

Prestipino A, Emhardt AJ, Aumann K, O'Sullivan D, Gorantla SP, Duquesne S, Melchinger W, Braun L, Vuckovic S, Boerries M, Busch H, Halbach S, Pennisi S, Poggio T, Apostolova P, Veratti P, Hettich M, Niedermann G, Bartholomä M, Shoumariyeh K, Jutzi JS, Wehrle J, Dierks C, Becker H, Schmitt-Graeff A, Follo M, Pfeifer D, Rohr J, Fuchs S, Ehl S, Hartl FA, Minguet S, Miething C, Heidel FH, Kröger N, Triviai I, Brummer T, Finke J, Illert AL, Ruggiero E, Bonini C, Duyster J, Pahl HL, Lane SW, Hill GR, Blazar BR, von Bubnoff N, Pearce EL, Zeiser R. Oncogenic JAK2V617F causes PD-L1 expression, mediating immune escape in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Feb 21;10(429). pii: eaam7729. PMID: 29467301; PMCID: PMC6034655.

James KR, Soon MSF, Sebina I, Fernandez-Ruiz D, Davey G, Liligeto UN, Nair AS, Fogg LG, Edwards CL, Best SE, Lansink LIM, Schroder K, Wilson JAC, Austin R, Suhrbier A, Lane SW, Hill GR, Engwerda CR, Heath WR, Haque A. IFN Regulatory Factor 3 Balances Th1 and T Follicular Helper Immunity during Nonlethal Blood-Stage Plasmodium Infection. J Immunol. 2018 Feb 15;200(4):1443-1456. PMID: 29321276.

Lynch JP, Werder RB, Loh Z, Sikder MAA, Curren B, Zhang V, Rogers MJ, Lane K, Simpson J, Mazzone SB, Spann K, Hayball J, Diener K, Everard ML, Blyth CC, Forstner C, Dennis PG, Murtaza N, Morrison M, Ó Cuív P, Zhang P, Haque A, Hill GR, Sly PD, Upham JW, Phipps S. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells protect from viral bronchiolitis and asthma through semaphorin 4a-mediated T reg expansion. J Exp Med. 2018 Feb 5;215(2):537-557. PMID: 29273643; PMCID: PMC5789405.


Mediwake H, Curley C, Butler J, Mclean A, Tey S, Hill GR, Morton A, Misra A, Subramoniapillai E, Durrant S, Kennedy GA. Mismatched unrelated donor allogeneic stem cell transplant for high risk haematological malignancy: A single centre experience. Blood Cancer J. 2017 Dec 15;7(12):655. PMID: 29242598; PMCID: PMC5802457.

Mittal D, Vijayan D, Putz EM, Aguilera AR, Markey KA, Straube J, Kazakoff S, Nutt SL, Takeda K, Hill GR, Waddell N, Smyth MJ. Interleukin-12 from CD103+ Batf3-Dependent Dendritic Cells Required for NK-Cell Suppression of Metastasis. Cancer Immunol Res. 2017 Dec;5(12):1098-1108. PMID: 29070650.

Sebina I, Fogg LG, James KR, Soon MSF, Akter J, Thomas BS, Hill GR, Engwerda CR, Haque A. IL-6 promotes CD4+ T-cell and B-cell activation during Plasmodium infection. Parasite Immunol. 2017 Oct;39(10). PMID: 28748530.

Porter AH, Leveque-El Mouttie L, Vu T, Bruedigam C, Sutton J, Jacquelin S, Hill GR, MacDonald KPA, Lane SW. Acute myeloid leukemia stem cell function is preserved in the absence of autophagy. Haematologica. 2017 Sep;102(9):e344-e347. PubMed PMID: 28550181; PMCID: PMC5685233.

MacDonald KP, Blazar BR, Hill GRCytokine mediators of chronic graft-versus-host disease. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jun 30;127(7):2452-2463. PMID: 28665299; PMCID: PMC5490762.

Forcade E, Paz K, Flynn R, Griesenauer B, Amet T, Li W, Liu L, Bakoyannis G, Jiang D, Chu HW, Lobera M, Yang J, Wilkes DS, Du J, Gartlan K, Hill GR, MacDonald KP, Espada EL, Blanco P, Serody JS, Koreth J, Cutler CS, Antin JH, Soiffer RJ, Ritz J, Paczesny S, Blazar BR. An activated Th17-prone T cell subset involved in chronic graft-versus-host disease sensitive to pharmacological inhibition. JCI Insight. 2017 Jun 15;2(12). pii: 92111. PMID: 28614794; PMCID: PMC5470889.

Al-Kouba J, Wilkinson AN, Starkey MR, Rudraraju R, Werder RB, Liu X, Law SC, Horvat JC, Brooks JF, Hill GR, Davies JM, Phipps S, Hansbro PM, Steptoe RJ. Allergen-encoding bone marrow transfer inactivates allergic T cell responses, alleviating airway inflammation. JCI Insight. 2017 Jun 2;2(11). pii: 85742. PMID: 28570267; PMCID: PMC5453705.

Du J, Paz K, Flynn R, Vulic A, Robinson TM, Lineburg KE, Alexander KA, Meng J, Roy S, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Loschi M, Hill GR, Serody JS, Maillard I, Miklos D, Koreth J, Cutler CS, Antin JH, Ritz J, MacDonald KP, Schacker TW, Luznik L, Blazar BR. Pirfenidone ameliorates murine chronic GVHD through inhibition of macrophage infiltration and TGF-β production. Blood. 2017 May 4;129(18):2570-2580. PMID: 28254742; PMCID: PMC5418639.

Vuckovic S, Vandyke K, Rickards DA, McCauley Winter P, Brown SHJ, Mitchell TW, Liu J, Lu J, Askenase PW, Yuriev E, Capuano B, Ramsland PA, Hill GR, Zannettino ACW, Hutchinson AT. The cationic small molecule GW4869 is cytotoxic to high phosphatidylserine-expressing myeloma cells. Br J Haematol. 2017 May;177(3):423-440. PMID: 28211573.

Snowden JA, Hill GRConditioning regimens for autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation - can natural killer cell therapy help? Br J Haematol. 2017 May;177(3):341-342. PMID: 28211574.

Varelias A, Ormerod KL, Bunting MD, Koyama M, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, Lachner N, Locke KR, Lim CY, Henden AS, Zhang P, Clouston AD, Hasnain SZ, McGuckin MA, Blazar BR, MacDonald KP, Hugenholtz P, Hill GR. Acute graft-versus-host disease is regulated by an IL-17-sensitive microbiome. Blood. 2017 Apr 13;129(15):2172-2185. PMID: 28137828; PMCID: PMC5391622.

Zhang P, Lee JS, Gartlan KH, Schuster IS, Comerford I, Varelias A, Ullah MA, Vuckovic S, Koyama M, Kuns RD, Locke KR, Beckett KJ, Olver SD, Samson LD, Montes de Oca M, de Labastida Rivera F, Clouston AD, Belz GT, Blazar BR, MacDonald KP, McColl SR, Thomas R, Engwerda CR, Degli-Esposti MA, Kallies A, Tey SK, Hill GREomesodermin promotes the development of type 1 regulatory T (TR1) cells. Sci Immunol. 2017 Apr 7;2(10). pii: eaah7152. PMID: 28738016; PMCID: PMC5714294.

Gartlan KH, Varelias A, Koyama M, Robb RJ, Markey KA, Chang K, Wilkinson AN, Smith D, Ullah MA, Kuns RD, Raffelt NC, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Cheong M, Teng MWL, Smyth MJ, Tey SK, MacDonald KPA, Hill GR. Th17 plasticity and transition toward a pathogenic cytokine signature are regulated by cyclosporine after allogeneic SCT. Blood Adv. 2017 Jan 26;1(6):341-351. PMID: 29296949; PMCID: PMC5738990.

Bunting MD, Varelias A, Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F, Schuster IS, Lineburg KE, Kuns RD, Fleming P, Locke KR, Huntington ND, Blazar BR, Lane SW, Tey SK, MacDonald KP, Smyth MJ, Degli-Esposti MA, Hill GRGVHD prevents NK-cell-dependent leukemia and virus-specific innate immunity. Blood. 2017 Feb 2;129(5):630-642. PMID: 27927647; PMCID: PMC5290987.

Hill GR. Bone Marrow Transplantation Under Regulatory T Cell Cover to Induce Donor-Specific Tolerance. Transplantation. 2017 Feb;101(2):232-233. PMID: 27798512.

MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Blazar BR. Chronic graft-versus-host disease: biological insights from preclinical and clinical studies. Blood. 2017 Jan 5;129(1):13-21. PMID: 27821504; PMCID: PMC5216261.


Zaman M, Ozberk V, Langshaw EL, McPhun V, Powell JL, Phillips ZN, Ho MF, Calcutt A, Batzloff MR, Toth I, Hill GR, Pandey M, Good MF. Novel platform technology for modular mucosal vaccine that protects against streptococcus. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 15;6:39274. PMID: 27976706; PMCID: PMC5157026.

Sebina I, James KR, Soon MS, Fogg LG, Best SE, Labastida Rivera F, Montes de Oca M, Amante FH, Thomas BS, Beattie L, Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F, Smyth MJ, Hertzog PJ, Hill GR, Hutloff A, Engwerda CR, Haque A. IFNAR1-Signalling Obstructs ICOS-mediated Humoral Immunity during Non-lethal Blood-Stage Plasmodium Infection. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Nov 3;12(11):e1005999. PMID: 27812214; PMCID: PMC5094753.

Ngiow SF, Young A, Blake SJ, Hill GR, Yagita H, Teng MW, Korman AJ, Smyth MJ. Agonistic CD40 mAb-Driven IL12 Reverses Resistance to Anti-PD1 in a T-cell-Rich Tumor. Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 1;76(21):6266-6277. PMID: 27634762.

Le Texier L, Lineburg KE, Cao B, McDonald-Hyman C, Leveque-El Mouttie L, Nicholls J, Melino M, Nalkurthi BC, Alexander KA, Teal B, Blake SJ, Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F, Engwerda CR, Kuns RD, Lane SW, Teng M, Teh C, Gray D, Clouston AD, Nilsson SK, Blazar BR, Hill GR, MacDonald KP. Autophagy-dependent regulatory T cells are critical for the control of graft-versus-host disease. JCI Insight. 2016 Sep 22;1(15):e86850. PMID: 27699243; PMCID: PMC5033749.

McDonald-Hyman C, Flynn R, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Peterson N, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Luznik L, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Maillard I, Munn DH, Turka LA, Koreth J, Cutler CS, Soiffer RJ, Antin JH, Ritz J, Blazar BR. Therapeutic regulatory T-cell adoptive transfer ameliorates established murine chronic GVHD in a CXCR5-dependent manner. Blood. 2016 Aug 18;128(7):1013-7. PMID: 27385791; PMCID: PMC4990850.

Smith C, Brennan RM, Tey SK, Smyth MJ, Burrows SR, Miles JJ, Hill GR, Khanna R. Coinfection with Human Cytomegalovirus Genetic Variants in Transplant Recipients and Its Impact on Antiviral T Cell Immune Reconstitution. J Virol. 2016 Jul 27;90(16):7497-507. PMID: 27279616; PMCID: PMC4984641.

Leveque-El Mouttie L, Koyama M, Le Texier L, Markey KA, Cheong M, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Alexander KA, Clouston AD, Blazar BR, Hill GR, MacDonald KP. Corruption of dendritic cell antigen presentation during acute GVHD leads to regulatory T-cell failure and chronic GVHD. Blood. 2016 Aug 11;128(6):794-804.. PMID: 27338097; PMCID: PMC4982453.

Tey SK, Vuckovic S, Varelias A, Martins JP, Olver S, Samson L, Sturgeon E, Leach J, Avery J, Nakagaki M, Butler JP, Curley C, Morton AJ, Durrant ST, Kennedy GA, Hill GRPharmacokinetics and immunological outcomes of alemtuzumab-based treatment for steroid-refractory acute GvHD. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2016 Aug;51(8):1153-5. PMID: 27042838.

Koyama M, Hill GRAlloantigen presentation and graft-versus-host disease: fuel for the fire. Blood. 2016 Jun 16;127(24):2963-70. PMID: 27030390.

Flynn R, Paz K, Du J, Reichenbach DK, Taylor PA, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Vulic A, Luznik L, MacDonald KK, Hill GR, Nyuydzefe MS, Weiss JM, Chen W, Trzeciak A, Serody JS, Aguilar EG, Murphy WJ, Maillard I, Munn D, Koreth J, Cutler CS, Antin JH, Ritz J, Waksal SD, Zanin-Zhorov A, Blazar BR. Targeted Rho-associated kinase 2 inhibition suppresses murine and human chronic GVHD through a Stat3-dependent mechanism. Blood. 2016 Apr 28;127(17):2144-54. PMID: 26983850; PMCID: PMC4850869.

Ullah MA, Hill GR, Tey SK. Functional Reconstitution of Natural Killer Cells in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Front Immunol. 2016 Apr 15;7:144. PMID: 27148263; PMCID: PMC4831973.

Guillerey C, Nakamura K, Vuckovic S, Hill GR, Smyth MJ. Immune responses in multiple myeloma: role of the natural immune surveillance and potential of immunotherapies. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2016 Apr;73(8):1569-89. PMID: 26801219.

Vu T, Austin R, Kuhn CP, Bruedigam C, Song A, Guignes S, Jacquelin S, Ramshaw HS, Hill GR, Lopez AF, Lane SW. Jak2V617F driven myeloproliferative neoplasm occurs independently of interleukin-3 receptor beta common signaling. Haematologica. 2016 Mar;101(3):e77-80. PMID: 26589916; PMCID: PMC4815732.

Melino M, Gadd VL, Alexander KA, Beattie L, Lineburg KE, Martinez M, Teal B, Le Texier L, Irvine KM, Miller GC, Boyle GM, Hill GR, Clouston AD, Powell EE, MacDonald KP. Spatiotemporal Characterization of the Cellular and Molecular Contributors to Liver Fibrosis in a Murine Hepatotoxic-Injury Model. Am J Pathol. 2016 Mar;186(3):524-38. PMID: 26762581.

Montes de Oca M, Kumar R, de Labastida Rivera F, Amante FH, Sheel M, Faleiro RJ, Bunn PT, Best SE, Beattie L, Ng SS, Edwards CL, Muller W, Cretney E, Nutt SL, Smyth MJ, Haque A, Hill GR, Sundar S, Kallies A, Engwerda CR. Correction: Blimp-1-Dependent IL-10 Production by Tr1 Cells Regulates TNF-Mediated Tissue Pathology. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Feb 12;12(2):e1005460. PMID: 26872135; PMCID: PMC4752291.

Koyama M, Hill GRRecent insights to the mechanisms of graft-versus-host disease. Rinsho Ketsueki. 2016;57(10):2169-2175. PubMed PMID: 27795527.


Sheel M, Beattie L, Frame TC, de Labastida Rivera F, Faleiro RJ, Bunn PT, Montes de Oca M, Edwards CL, Ng SS, Kumar R, Amante FH, Best SE, McColl SR, Varelias A, Kuns RD, MacDonald KP, Smyth MJ, Haque A, Hill GR, Engwerda CR. IL-17A-Producing γδ T Cells Suppress Early Control of Parasite Growth by Monocytes in the Liver. J Immunol. 2015 Dec 15;195(12):5707-17. PMID: 26538396.

Kara EE, McKenzie DR, Bastow CR, Gregor CE, Fenix KA, Ogunniyi AD, Paton JC, Mack M, Pombal DR, Seillet C, Dubois B, Liston A, MacDonald KP, Belz GT, Smyth MJ, Hill GR, Comerford I, McColl SR. CCR2 defines in vivo development and homing of IL-23-driven GM-CSF-producing Th17 cells. Nat Commun. 2015 Oct 29;6:8644. PMID: 26511769; PMCID: PMC4639903.

Ullah MA, Revez JA, Loh Z, Simpson J, Zhang V, Bain L, Varelias A, Rose-John S, Blumenthal A, Smyth MJ, Hill GR, Sukkar MB, Ferreira MA, Phipps S. Allergen-induced IL-6 trans-signaling activates γδ T cells to promote type 2 and type 17 airway inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Oct;136(4):1065-73. PMID: 25930193.

Gartlan KH, Markey KA, Varelias A, Bunting MD, Koyama M, Kuns RD, Raffelt NC, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Cheong M, Teal BE, Lor M, Comerford I, Teng MW, Smyth MJ, McCluskey J, Rossjohn J, Stockinger B, Boyle GM, Lane SW, Clouston AD, McColl SR, MacDonald KP, Hill GRTc17 cells are a proinflammatory, plastic lineage of pathogenic CD8+ T cells that induce GVHD without antileukemic effects. Blood. 2015 Sep 24;126(13):1609-20. PMID: 26206951.

Wikstrom ME, Fleming P, Kuns RD, Schuster IS, Voigt V, Miller G, Clouston AD, Tey SK, Andoniou CE, Hill GR, Degli-Esposti MA. Acute GVHD results in a severe DC defect that prevents T-cell priming and leads to fulminant cytomegalovirus disease in mice. Blood. 2015 Sep 17;126(12):1503-14. PMID: 26130706.

Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Imaging the immunological synapse between dendritic cells and T cells. J Immunol Methods. 2015 Aug;423:40-4. PMID: 25967948.

Koyama M, Cheong M, Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, Locke KR, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Leveque-El Mouttie L, Bunting MD, Vuckovic S, Zhang P, Teng MW, Varelias A, Tey SK, Wockner LF, Engwerda CR, Smyth MJ, Belz GT, McColl SR, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Donor colonic CD103+ dendritic cells determine the severity of acute graft-versus-host disease. J Exp Med. 2015 Jul 27;212(8):1303-21. PMID: 26169940; PMCID: PMC4516799.

Guillerey C, Ferrari de Andrade L, Vuckovic S, Miles K, Ngiow SF, Yong MC, Teng MW, Colonna M, Ritchie DS, Chesi M, Bergsagel PL, Hill GR, Smyth MJ, Martinet L. Immunosurveillance and therapy of multiple myeloma are CD226 dependent. J Clin Invest. 2015 Jul 1;125(7):2904. PMID: 26075821; PMCID: PMC4563701.

Flynn R, Allen JL, Luznik L, MacDonald KP, Paz K, Alexander KA, Vulic A, Du J, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Taylor PA, Poe JC, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Hill GR, Maillard I, Koreth J, Cutler CS, Soiffer RJ, Antin JH, Ritz J, Chao NJ, Clynes RA, Sarantopoulos S, Blazar BR. Targeting Syk-activated B cells in murine and human chronic graft-versus-host disease. Blood. 2015 Jun 25;125(26):4085-94. PMID: 25852057; PMCID: PMC4481596.

Henden AS, Hill GRCytokines in Graft-versus-Host Disease. J Immunol. 2015 May 15;194(10):4604-12. PMID: 25934923.

Uryu H, Hashimoto D, Kato K, Hayase E, Matsuoka S, Ogasawara R, Takahashi S, Maeda Y, Iwasaki H, Miyamoto T, Saijo S, Iwakura Y, Hill GR, Akashi K, Teshima T. α-Mannan induces Th17-mediated pulmonary graft-versus-host disease in mice. Blood. 2015 May 7;125(19):3014-23. PMID: 25740827.

Leveque-El Mouttie L, Vu T, Lineburg KE, Kuns RD, Bagger FO, Teal BE, Lor M, Boyle GM, Bruedigam C, Mintern JD, Hill GR, MacDonald KP, Lane SW. Autophagy is required for stem cell mobilization by G-CSF. Blood. 2015 May 7;125(19):2933-6. PMID: 25788702.

Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F, Young A, Mittal D, Martinet L, Bruedigam C, Takeda K, Andoniou CE, Degli-Esposti MA, Hill GR, Smyth MJ. NK cells require IL-28R for optimal in vivo activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 May 5;112(18):E2376-84. PMID: 25901316; PMCID: PMC4426428.

Guillerey C, Ferrari de Andrade L, Vuckovic S, Miles K, Ngiow SF, Yong MC, Teng MW, Colonna M, Ritchie DS, Chesi M, Bergsagel PL, Hill GR, Smyth MJ, Martinet L. Immunosurveillance and therapy of multiple myeloma are CD226 dependent. J Clin Invest. 2015 May;125(5):2077-89. PMID: 25893601; PMCID: PMC4463191.

Varelias A, Gartlan KH, Kreijveld E, Olver SD, Lor M, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Raffelt NC, Cheong M, Alexander KA, Koyama M, Markey KA, Sturgeon E, Leach J, Reddy P, Kennedy GA, Yanik GA, Blazar BR, Tey SK, Clouston AD, MacDonald KP, Cooke KR, Hill GR. Lung parenchyma-derived IL-6 promotes IL-17A-dependent acute lung injury after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Blood. 2015 Apr 9;125(15):2435-44. PMID: 25673640; PMCID: PMC5457133.

Paget C, Chow MT, Gherardin NA, Beavis PA, Uldrich AP, Duret H, Hassane M, Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F, Mogilenko DA, Staumont-Sallé D, Escalante NK, Hill GR, Neeson P, Ritchie DS, Dombrowicz D, Mallevaey T, Trottein F, Belz GT, Godfrey DI, Smyth MJ. CD3bright signals on γδ T cells identify IL-17A-producing Vγ6Vδ1+ T cells. Immunol Cell Biol. 2015 Feb;93(2):198-212. PMID: 25385067.

Tey SK, Davenport MP, Hill GR, Kennedy GA, Durrant ST, Khanna R, Cromer D. Post transplant CMV-specific T-cell immune reconstitution in the absence of global T-cell immunity is associated with a high risk of subsequent virus reactivation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Feb;50(2):315-6. PMID: 25402417.

Leveque L, Le Texier L, Lineburg KE, Hill GR, MacDonald KP. Autophagy and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Immunol Cell Biol. 2015 Jan;93(1):43-50. PMID: 25367185.


Bruedigam C, Bagger FO, Heidel FH, Paine Kuhn C, Guignes S, Song A, Austin R, Vu T, Lee E, Riyat S, Moore AS, Lock RB, Bullinger L, Hill GR, Armstrong SA, Williams DA, Lane SW. Telomerase inhibition effectively targets mouse and human AML stem cells and delays relapse following chemotherapy. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 Dec 4;15(6):775-90. PMID: 25479751; PMCID: PMC4317339.

Kennedy GA, Varelias A, Vuckovic S, Le Texier L, Gartlan KH, Zhang P, Thomas G, Anderson L, Boyle G, Cloonan N, Leach J, Sturgeon E, Avery J, Olver SD, Lor M, Misra AK, Hutchins C, Morton AJ, Durrant ST, Subramoniapillai E, Butler JP, Curley CI, MacDonald KP, Tey SK, Hill GRAddition of interleukin-6 inhibition with tocilizumab to standard graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation: a phase 1/2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2014 Dec;15(13):1451-9. PMID: 25456364.

Dubovsky JA, Flynn R, Du J, Harrington BK, Zhong Y, Kaffenberger B, Yang C, Towns WH, Lehman A, Johnson AJ, Muthusamy N, Devine SM, Jaglowski S, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Munn DH, Luznik L, Hill GR, Wong HK, MacDonald KK, Maillard I, Koreth J, Elias L, Cutler C, Soiffer RJ, Antin JH, Ritz J, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Byrd JC, Blazar BR. Ibrutinib treatment ameliorates murine chronic graft-versus-host disease. J Clin Invest. 2014 Nov;124(11):4867-76. PMID: 25271622; PMCID: PMC4347242.

Schuster IS, Wikstrom ME, Brizard G, Coudert JD, Estcourt MJ, Manzur M, O'Reilly LA, Smyth MJ, Trapani JA, Hill GR, Andoniou CE, Degli-Esposti MA. TRAIL+ NK cells control CD4+ T cell responses during chronic viral infection to limit autoimmunity. Immunity. 2014 Oct 16;41(4):646-56. PMID: 25367576.

Smith DJ, Hill GR, Bell SC, Reid DW. Reduced mucosal associated invariant T-cells are associated with increased disease severity and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 8;9(10):e109891. PMID: 25296025; PMCID: PMC4190362.

Alexander KA, Flynn R, Lineburg KE, Kuns RD, Teal BE, Olver SD, Lor M, Raffelt NC, Koyama M, Leveque L, Le Texier L, Melino M, Markey KA, Varelias A, Engwerda C, Serody JS, Janela B, Ginhoux F, Clouston AD, Blazar BR, Hill GR, MacDonald KP. CSF-1-dependant donor-derived macrophages mediate chronic graft-versus-host disease. J Clin Invest. 2014 Oct;124(10):4266-80. PMID: 25157821; PMCID: PMC4191032.

Markey KA, MacDonald KP, Hill GRThe biology of graft-versus-host disease: experimental systems instructing clinical practice. Blood. 2014 Jul 17;124(3):354-62. PMID: 24914137; PMCID: PMC4102708.

Flynn R, Du J, Veenstra RG, Reichenbach DK, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Taylor PA, Freeman GJ, Serody JS, Murphy WJ, Munn DH, Sarantopoulos S, Luznik L, Maillard I, Koreth J, Cutler C, Soiffer RJ, Antin JH, Ritz J, Dubovsky JA, Byrd JC, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Blazar BR. Increased T follicular helper cells and germinal center B cells are required for cGVHD and bronchiolitis obliterans. Blood. 2014 Jun 19;123(25):3988-98. PMID: 24820310; PMCID: PMC4064335.

Haque A, Best SE, Montes de Oca M, James KR, Ammerdorffer A, Edwards CL, de Labastida Rivera F, Amante FH, Bunn PT, Sheel M, Sebina I, Koyama M, Varelias A, Hertzog PJ, Kalinke U, Gun SY, Rénia L, Ruedl C, MacDonald KP, Hill GR, Engwerda CR. Type I IFN signaling in CD8- DCs impairs Th1-dependent malaria immunity. J Clin Invest. 2014 Jun;124(6):2483-96. PMID: 24789914; PMCID: PMC4038565.

Markey KA, Koyama M, Gartlan KH, Leveque L, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, MacDonald KP, Hill GRCross-dressing by donor dendritic cells after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation contributes to formation of the immunological synapse and maximizes responses to indirectly presented antigen. J Immunol. 2014 Jun 1;192(11):5426-33 PMID: 24790149.

Curley C, Hill GR, McLean A, Kennedy GA. Immunotherapy following relapse of acute leukaemia after T-cell-replete allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation: importance of new onset chronic graft-versus-host disease. Int J Lab Hematol. 2014 Apr;36(2):197-204. PMID: 24112249.

MacDonald KP, Le Texier L, Zhang P, Morris H, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Leveque L, Don AL, Markey KA, Vuckovic S, Bagger FO, Boyle GM, Blazar BR, Hill GR. Modification of T cell responses by stem cell mobilization requires direct signaling of the T cell by G-CSF and IL-10. J Immunol. 2014 Apr 1;192(7):3180-9. PMID: 24585878; PMCID: PMC4018243.

Wikstrom ME, Khong A, Fleming P, Kuns R, Hertzog PJ, Frazer IH, Andoniou CE, Hill GR, Degli-Esposti MA. The early monocytic response to cytomegalovirus infection is MyD88 dependent but occurs independently of common inflammatory cytokine signals. Eur J Immunol. 2014 Feb;44(2):409-19. PMID: 24166710.

Koyama M, Hashimoto D, Nagafuji K, Eto T, Ohno Y, Aoyama K, Iwasaki H, Miyamoto T, Hill GR, Akashi K, Teshima T. Expansion of donor-reactive host T cells in primary graft failure after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT following reduced-intensity conditioning. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2014 Jan;49(1):110-5. PMID: 24013691.

Andani R, Robertson I, Macdonald KP, Durrant S, Hill GR, Khosrotehrani K. Origin of Langerhans cells in normal skin and chronic GVHD after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Exp Dermatol. 2014 Jan;23(1):75-7. PMID: 24313654.


Horne-Debets JM, Faleiro R, Karunarathne DS, Liu XQ, Lineburg KE, Poh CM, Grotenbreg GM, Hill GR, MacDonald KP, Good MF, Renia L, Ahmed R, Sharpe AH, Wykes MN. PD-1 dependent exhaustion of CD8+ T cells drives chronic malaria. Cell Rep. 2013 Dec 12;5(5):1204-13. PubMed PMID: 24316071.

Zhang P, Tey SK, Koyama M, Kuns RD, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Lor M, Teal BE, Raffelt NC, Raju J, Leveque L, Markey KA, Varelias A, Clouston AD, Lane SW, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Induced regulatory T cells promote tolerance when stabilized by rapamycin and IL-2 in vivo. J Immunol. 2013 Nov 15;191(10):5291-303. PMID: 24123683.

Tey SK, Kennedy GA, Cromer D, Davenport MP, Walker S, Jones LI, Crough T, Durrant ST, Morton JA, Butler JP, Misra AK, Hill GR, Khanna R. Clinical assessment of anti-viral CD8+ T cell immune monitoring using QuantiFERON-CMV® assay to identify high risk allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients with CMV infection complications. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 11;8(10):e74744. PMID: 24146744; PMCID: PMC3795724.

Ong ML, Wikstrom ME, Fleming P, Estcourt MJ, Hertzog PJ, Hill GR, Andoniou CE, Degli-Esposti MA. CpG pretreatment enhances antiviral T-cell immunity against cytomegalovirus. Blood. 2013 Jul 4;122(1):55-60. PMID: 23673858.

Handoko HY, Rodero MP, Boyle GM, Ferguson B, Engwerda C, Hill G, Muller HK, Khosrotehrani K, Walker GJ. UVB-induced melanocyte proliferation in neonatal mice driven by CCR2-independent recruitment of Ly6c(low)MHCII(hi) macrophages. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Jul;133(7):1803-12. PMID: 23321920.

Mullally A, Bruedigam C, Poveromo L, Heidel FH, Purdon A, Vu T, Austin R, Heckl D, Breyfogle LJ, Kuhn CP, Kalaitzidis D, Armstrong SA, Williams DA, Hill GR, Ebert BL, Lane SW. Depletion of Jak2V617F myeloproliferative neoplasm-propagating stem cells by interferon-α in a murine model of polycythemia vera. Blood. 2013 May 2;121(18):3692-702. PMID: 23487027; PMCID: PMC3643767.

Koyama M, Kuns RD, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Lor M, Teal BE, Raffelt NC, Leveque L, Chan CJ, Robb RJ, Markey KA, Alexander KA, Varelias A, Clouston AD, Smyth MJ, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Promoting regulation via the inhibition of DNAM-1 after transplantation. Blood. 2013 Apr 25;121(17):3511-20. PMID: 23430112.

Zinkernagel MS, Chinnery HR, Ong ML, Petitjean C, Voigt V, McLenachan S, McMenamin PG, Hill GR, Forrester JV, Wikstrom ME, Degli-Esposti MA. Interferon γ-dependent migration of microglial cells in the retina after systemic cytomegalovirus infection. Am J Pathol. 2013 Mar;182(3):875-85. PMID: 23313136.

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