Maya Contreras joins the lab as a research technician. Welcome Maya!
We say goodbye to our fantastic scientist and team leader Amanda. We wish her all the best in her new position and thank her for all her support above and beyond her awesome science work over the past years.
We say goodbye to Artem who will starting as a graduate student in the UW MCB program. Good luck in graduate school, we will miss you!
We say goodbye to Lucian and look forward to seeing what awesome science he does next.
Amanda and Artem’s paper is submitted to bioRxiv. Super proud to see all your hard work and innovative problem solving coming together in this paper about making and applying an awesome new tool to analyze rupture frequency.
Lucian successfully defends his thesis, congrats Dr. DiPeso!
Lucian’s paper is submitted to bioRxiv. Fantastic collaboration with the Fowler lab at UW and hopefully the start of many more years of discoveries.
And we’re back at ASCB! Super excited to be here in person this year and great work Artem and Molly on your poster presentations!
Jodiene passes her general exam to become a PhD Candidate, Congrats Jodiene!
Foiled again! The stunning and scientifically relevant Hatch lab pumpkin creation was beaten to the finish line by other worthy competitors in our BSD/HB community. Congrats to everyone. It was a sight to behold.
After much hard work on revisions and resubmissions, Anna, Heather, Emma, and Amanda’s paper is published at Life Science Alliance.
Another fantastic entry from the Hatch lab to the virtual pumpkin carving contest. We learned a lot about how hard it is to destroy a pumpkin. Great job everyone!
We say goodbye to post doc Anna Mammel. Thanks for all your hard work during a challenging time, for bringing R to the lab, and we wish you all the best in your new position at Neurocode!
Jodiene Johnson, an MCB graduate student, joins the lab! Welcome, and time to update the website…
First in person lab meeting in 18 months! No snacks, but some good science discussion.
Jodiene is awarded the Cell and Molecular Biology training grant, Congrats Jodiene!
Artem Yaschenko joins the lab as a research technician. Welcome Artem!
Anna, Heather, Emma, and Amanda’s paper is submitted to bioRxiv! So excited to see this multi-year project get out to the public. Click here for Anna’s excellent tweet-orial:
Inaugural Hatch Lab secret santa (one gift, one guess) and gif guessing showdown. The category? One gif that describes the year. Congratulations to our winners, Anna and Jodiene (and everyone on making it through 2020)!
November 19th: Congratulations, Molly, on passing your general exam!
October 30th: Our annual pumpkin carving contest entry sums up our feelings about this year. Great job #TeamHatchLab on this multimedia entry!
May 21st: Ali Young’s paper accepted for publication at Molecular Biology of the Cell. For a great summary of the work done by Ali and Amanda Gunn, check out Ali’s Science Sketch
January 6th: Ali Young’s paper is submitted. The first paper submission and biorXiv preprint for #TeamHatchLab. Thanks Ali and Amanda Gunn for all your hard work.
December 3rd: Congratulations, Lucian DiPeso, on passing your general exam!
October 25th: Another fantastic Hatch Lab entry for the annual pumpkin carving contest. Another bitter defeat in the face of stiff competition. Will next year finally be our year?!?!?
October 17th: Anna Mammel and Lucian DiPeso are both appointed to Fred Hutch’s Chromosome Metabolism and Cancer Training Program ( Way to go guys!
Molly has been appointed on UW's Cell and Molecular Biology Training Program! Go Molly!
Has it been nine weeks already? Congratulations to our interns, Mikayla and Alison, on a fun and productive summer! And to Ali for being a great mentor!
Welcome to our new Staff Scientist, Dr. Amanda Gunn and our new Postdoc, Dr. Anna Mammel. We're excited that you're here!
Welcome to our new Graduate Research Assistant, Molly Zych, and our two Pathways Undergrad Summer 2019 interns, Mikayla King and Alison Witwer!
February 11 | Welcome to our new research technician, Emma Choo!
Ali Young is awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) from the National Cancer Institute (NIH).
Lucian DiPeso, a new graduate student in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Program, joins the lab
Dr. Hatch is a 2018 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar
Mari Cobb is off on a new scientific adventure in the Kalahari Desert. We will miss you, Mari!
Ali Young is awarded a fellowship from the Chromosome Metabolism and Cancer Training Program
Ali Young, a new postdoctoral research fellow from the University of Colorado Boulder, joins the lab
Dr. Hatch awarded a Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for Early Stage Investigators (MIRA R35) by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH)
Heather Huang, a new research technician, joins the lab
Mari Cobb, a new research technician, joins the lab