Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
Public Health Sciences Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Affiliate Professor
Department of Biostatistics
University of Washington
Former Group Members
Brian Williamson (2020-2021): Former Postdoc Research Fellow; Current Position: Assistant Biostatistics Investigator, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
Arash Takhan (2016 - 2018): Former Graduate Research Assistant from University of Washington, Department of Statistics
Tao Yang (2016 - 2020): Former Postdoc Research Associate; Current Employer: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biostatistics
Wenbo Jin (2019): Summer Intern from Peking University, Department of Statistics
Zonglin He (2018 - 2019): Former Postdoc Research Associate; Current Employer: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Lu Wang (2016 - 2018): Former Postdoc Research Associate; Current Employer: Peking University, Department of Biostatistics
Juhee Cho (2016 - 2018): Former Postdoc Research Associate; Current Employer: Microsoft
Bin Yao (2016 - 2017): Former Postdoc Research Associate; Current Employer: Dexcom
Yingying Zhuang (2015 - 2017): Former Ph.D. Advisee from Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington; Current Employer: Amazon
Kehao Zhu (2016 - 2016): Former M.S. Advisee from Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington; Current Position: Biostatistician at Fred Hutcinson Cancer Research Center
Andrew Spieker (2016 - 2016): Former Graduate Research Assistant from Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington; Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University
Sayan Dasgupta (2014 - 2016): Former Postdoc Research Fellow; Current Position: Senior Staff Scientist, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology Program, Vaccine & Infectious Diseases Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Rong Fu (2014 - 2014): Former Graduate Student Research Assistant from Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington; Current Employer: NIAID
Shibasish Dasgupta (2013 - 2014): Former Postdoc Research Fellow; Current Position: Senior Manager/Associate Director, Biostatistics, Global Product Development team in the Science and Medicine department, Pfizer, Chennai, India; Ajunct Professor in Data Science, premier Chennai Mathematical Institute.
Soyoung Kim (2013 - 2015): Former Postdoc Research Fellow; Current Position: Associate Professor, Division of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin
Chaeryon Kang (2011 - 2014): Former Postdoc Research Fellow; Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburg
Shuxin Yin (2011 - 2013): Former Postdoc Research Fellow, Current Position: Senior Biostatistician at Bayer