Lab Members

Hans-Peter Kiem, MD, PhD

Hans-Peter Kiem, MD, PhD

Title: Principal Investigator
Phone: 206.667.4192 (Admin Coord)

Endowed Chair: Stephanus Family Endowed Chair for Cell and Gene Therapy
Dr. Kiem's Faculty Profile

John Bui, MD

John Bui, MD

Title: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Medical Fellow
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Zach Burger

Title: Research Technician
Eric Cavanaugh, PhD

Eric Cavanaugh, PhD

Title: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Sara Seunga Choo, PhD

Sara Seunga Choo, PhD

Title: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Yvonne Cosgrove-Sweeney

Title: Research Laboratory and Project Manager
Mitch Eagan

Mitch Eagan

Title: Research Technician
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Mark Enstrom, PhD

Title: Bioinformatics Analyst
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Netzai Evangelista

Title: Intern
Megha Gupta, PhD

Megha Gupta, PhD

Title: Staff Scientist, Vector Core Lead
Logan Harris

Logan Harris

Title: Research Technician
Sarah Herrin

Sarah Herrin

Title: Research Technician
Michelle Hoffman

Michelle Hoffman

Title: Research Technician
Greta Kanestrom

Greta Kanestrom

Title: Research Technician
Anne-Sophie Kuhlmann, PhD

Anne-Sophie Kuhlmann, PhD

Title: Staff Scientist
Chad Littlewood

Chad Littlewood

Title: Research Technician
Heather Mack

Heather Mack

Title: Lab Manager, Research Technician
Jasmin Martinez-Reyes

Jasmin Martinez-Reyes

Title: Research Technician
Lucy Maynard

Lucy Maynard

Title: Graduate Student
Anne Mier

Anne Mier

Title: Research Technician
Jason Murray, PhD

Jason Murray, PhD

Title: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Veronica Nelson

Veronica Nelson

Title: Research Technician, Supervisor for Primate Techs
Thu Nguyen

Thu Nguyen

Title: Lab Aide
Dnyanada Pande, MS

Dnyanada Pande, MS

Title: Bioinformatics Analyst
Nick Petty

Nick Petty

Title: Graduate Student
Nancy Preble

Nancy Preble

Title: Research Administrator
Stefan Radtke, PhD

Stefan Radtke, PhD

Title: Staff Scientist
Andrea Repele

Andrea Repele

Title: Staff Scientist
Andrew Riker

Andrew Riker

Title: Research Technician
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Shruthi Shankar Raman

Title: Research Technician
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Kerrie Sonnenberg

Title: Research Administrator
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Marlena Starrs

Title: Research Technician
Kyle Swing

Kyle Swing

Title: Research Technician
Justin Thomas

Justin Thomas

Title: Graduate Student
Niyah Thurman

Niyah Thurman

Title: Lab Aide
Vessel sculpture and Arnold Building on Fred Hutch campus

Alvin Tong

Title: Research Technician
Faith Wall

Faith Wall

Title: Adminstrative Coordinator, AEM Contact
Erica Wilson

Erica Wilson

Title: Research Technician
Chris Wessel

Chris Wessel

Title: Research Technician
CB Wolf

CB Wolf

Title: Research Technician