
Complete Bibliography

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Selected Publications

20222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015


Oriana Miltiadous, Nicholas R Waters, Hana Andrlova, Angi Dai, Chi L Nguyen, Marina Burgos da Silva, Sarah Lindner, John Slingerland, Paul Giardina, Annelie Clurman, Gabriel K Armijo, Antonio LC Gomes, Madhavi Lakkaraja, Peter G Maslak, Michael Scordo, Roni Shouval, Anna Staffas, Richard J O'Reilly, Ying Taur, Susan Prockop, Jaap Jan Boelens, Sergio Giralt, Miguel-Angel Perales, Sean M. Devlin, Jonathan U. Peled, Kate A Markey*, Marcel R.M. van den Brink*; Early intestinal microbial features are associated with CD4 T cell recovery after allogeneic hematopoietic transplant. Blood 2022; blood.2021014255. doi:

*shared senior-author

Hana Andrlova, Oriana Miltiadous, Anastasia I. Kousa, Anqi Dai, Susan Dewolf, Sara Violante, Hee-Yon Park, Sudha Janaki-Raman, Rui Gardner, Sary El Daker, John Slingerland, Paul Giardina, Annelie Clurman, Antonio L. C. Gomes, Chi Nguyen, Marina Burgos Da Silva, Gabriel K. Armijo, Nicole Lee, Roberta Zappasodi, Ronan Chaligne, Ignas Masilionis, Emily Fontana, Doris Ponce, Christina Cho, Amy Bush, Lauren Hill, Nelson Chao,  Anthony D. Sung, Sergio Giralt, Esther H. Vidal, Kinga K. Hosszu, Sean M. Devlin, Jonathan U. Peled, Justin R. Cross, Miguel-Angel Perales, Dale I. Godfrey, Marcel R. M. Van Den Brink, Kate A. Markey. MAIT and Vδ2 unconventional T cells are supported by a diverse intestinal microbiome and correlate with favorable patient outcome after allogeneic HCT. Science Translational Medium 2022; DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abj282.


Khan N, Lindner S, Gomes ALC, Devlin SM, Shah GL, Sung AD, Sauter CS, Landau HJ, Dahi PB, Perales MA, Chung DJ, Lesokhin AM, Dai A, Clurman A, Slingerland JB, Slingerland AE, Brereton DG, Giardina PA, Maloy M, Armijo GK, Rondon-Clavo C, Fontana E, Bohannon L, Ramalingam S, Bush AT, Lew MV, Messina JA, Littmann E, Taur Y, Jenq RR, Chao NJ, Giralt S, Markey KA, Pamer EG, van den Brink MRM, Peled JU. Fecal microbiota diversity disruption and clinical outcomes after auto-HCT: a multicenter observational study. Blood. 2021 Mar 18;137(11):1527-1537. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020006923. PubMed PMID: 33512409; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7976512.

Van Lier YF, Van den Brink MRM, Hazenberg MD, Markey KA. The post-hematopoietic cell transplantation microbiome: relationships with transplant outcome and potential therapeutic targets. Haematologica. 2021 Aug 1;106(8):2042-2053. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2020.270835. Review. PubMed PMID: 33882637; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8327718.

Markey KA. The iNKT-dependent butterfly effect in HCT. Blood. 2021 Sep 9;138(10):821-822. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021012346. PubMed PMID: 34499153.


Mohamed A, Collins J, Jiang H, Molendijk J, Stoll T, Torta F, Wenk MR, Bird RJ, Marlton P, Mollee P, Markey KA*, Hill MM*. Concurrent lipidomics and proteomics on malignant plasma cells from multiple myeloma patients: Probing the lipid metabolome. PLoS One. 2020;15(1):e0227455. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227455. eCollection 2020. PubMed PMID: 31914155; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6948732.

Markey KA, van den Brink MRM, Peled JU. Therapeutics Targeting the Gut Microbiome: Rigorous Pipelines for Drug Development. Cell Host Microbe. 2020 Feb 12;27(2):169-172. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2020.01.022. PubMed PMID: 32053786.

Peled JU, Gomes ALC, Devlin SM, Littmann ER, Taur Y, Sung AD, Weber D, Hashimoto D, Slingerland AE, Slingerland JB, Maloy M, Clurman AG, Stein-Thoeringer CK, Markey KA, Docampo MD, Burgos da Silva M, Khan N, Gessner A, Messina JA, Romero K, Lew MV, Bush A, Bohannon L, Brereton DG, Fontana E, Amoretti LA, Wright RJ, Armijo GK, Shono Y, Sanchez-Escamilla M, Castillo Flores N, Alarcon Tomas A, Lin RJ, Yáñez San Segundo L, Shah GL, Cho C, Scordo M, Politikos I, Hayasaka K, Hasegawa Y, Gyurkocza B, Ponce DM, Barker JN, Perales MA, Giralt SA, Jenq RR, Teshima T, Chao NJ, Holler E, Xavier JB, Pamer EG, van den Brink MRM. Microbiota as Predictor of Mortality in Allogeneic Hematopoietic-Cell Transplantation. N Engl J Med. 2020 Feb 27;382(9):822-834. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1900623. PubMed PMID: 32101664; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7534690.

Markey KA, Schluter J, Gomes ALC, Littmann ER, Pickard AJ, Taylor BP, Giardina PA, Weber D, Dai A, Docampo MD, Armijo GK, Slingerland AE, Slingerland JB, Nichols KB, Brereton DG, Clurman AG, Ramos RJ, Rao A, Bush A, Bohannon L, Covington M, Lew MV, Rizzieri DA, Chao N, Maloy M, Cho C, Politikos I, Giralt S, Taur Y, Pamer EG, Holler E, Perales MA, Ponce DM, Devlin SM, Xavier J, Sung AD, Peled JU, Cross JR, van den Brink MRM. The microbe-derived short-chain fatty acids butyrate and propionate are associated with protection from chronic GVHD. Blood. 2020 Jul 2;136(1):130-136. doi: 10.1182/blood.2019003369. PubMed PMID: 32430495; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7332893.

Cheong M, Gartlan KH, Lee JS, Tey SK, Zhang P, Kuns RD, Andoniou CE, Martins JP, Chang K, Sutton VR, Kelly G, Varelias A, Vuckovic S, Markey KA, Boyle GM, Smyth MJ, Engwerda CR, MacDonald KPA, Trapani JA, Degli-Esposti MA, Koyama M, Hill GR. ASC Modulates CTL Cytotoxicity and Transplant Outcome Independent of the Inflammasome. Cancer Immunol Res. 2020 Aug;8(8):1085-1098. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-19-0653. Epub 2020 May 22. PubMed PMID: 32444423.

Schluter J, Peled JU, Taylor BP, Markey KA, Smith M, Taur Y, Niehus R, Staffas A, Dai A, Fontana E, Amoretti LA, Wright RJ, Morjaria S, Fenelus M, Pessin MS, Chao NJ, Lew M, Bohannon L, Bush A, Sung AD, Hohl TM, Perales MA, van den Brink MRM, Xavier JB. The gut microbiota is associated with immune cell dynamics in humans. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7837):303-307. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2971-8. Epub 2020 Nov 25. PubMed PMID: 33239790; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7725892.

Nguyen CL, Docampo MD, van den Brink MR, Markey KA. The role of the intestinal microbiota in allogeneic HCT: clinical associations and preclinical mechanisms. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2021 Feb;66:25-35. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.11.007. Epub 2020 Dec 31. Review. PubMed PMID: 33388483; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7969390.

Andrlová H, van den Brink MRM, Markey KA. An Unconventional View of T Cell Reconstitution After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Front Oncol. 2020;10:608923. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.608923. eCollection 2020. Review. PubMed PMID: 33680931; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7930482.

*shared senior-author


Stein-Thoeringer CK, Nichols KB, Lazrak A, Docampo MD, Slingerland AE, Slingerland JB, Clurman AG, Armijo G, Gomes ALC, Shono Y, Staffas A, Burgos da Silva M, Devlin SM, Markey KA, Bajic D, Pinedo R, Tsakmaklis A, Littmann ER, Pastore A, Taur Y, Monette S, Arcila ME, Pickard AJ, Maloy M, Wright RJ, Amoretti LA, Fontana E, Pham D, Jamal MA, Weber D, Sung AD, Hashimoto D, Scheid C, Xavier JB, Messina JA, Romero K, Lew M, Bush A, Bohannon L, Hayasaka K, Hasegawa Y, Vehreschild MJGT, Cross JR, Ponce DM, Perales MA, Giralt SA, Jenq RR, Teshima T, Holler E, Chao NJ, Pamer EG, Peled JU, van den Brink MRM. Lactose drives Enterococcus expansion to promote graft-versus-host disease. Science. 2019 Nov 29;366(6469):1143-1149. doi: 10.1126/science.aax3760. PubMed PMID: 31780560; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7003985.


Markey KA, Kuns RD, Browne DJ, Gartlan KH, Robb RJ, Martins JP, Henden AS, Minnie SA, Cheong M, Koyama M, Smyth MJ, Steptoe RJ, Belz GT, Brocker T, Degli-Esposti MA, Lane SW, Hill GR. Flt-3L Expansion of Recipient CD8α+ Dendritic Cells Deletes Alloreactive Donor T Cells and Represents an Alternative to Posttransplant Cyclophosphamide for the Prevention of GVHD. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Apr 1;24(7):1604-1616. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2148. Epub 2018 Jan 24. PubMed PMID: 29367429.

Liang F, Browne DJ, Gray MJ, Gartlan KH, Smith DD, Barnard RT, Hill GR, Corrie SR, Markey KA. Development of a Multiplexed Microsphere PCR for Culture-Free Detection and Gram-Typing of Bacteria in Human Blood Samples. ACS Infect Dis. 2018 May 11;4(5):837-844. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.7b00277. Epub 2018 Jan 31. PubMed PMID: 29350524.

Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, Lane SW, Hill GR. Conventional dendritic cells are required for the cross-presentation of leukemia-specific antigen in a model of AML relapse post-BMT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jun;53(6):800-803. doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0148-y. Epub 2018 Mar 13. PubMed PMID: 29535380.

Catchpoole EM, Thirunavukarasu CE, Varelias A, Schlebusch S, Olver S, Zomerdijk N, Osland E, Kennedy GA, Tey SK, Hill GR, Markey KA. Early Blood Stream Infections after BMT are Associated with Cytokine Dysregulation and Poor Overall Survival. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jul;24(7):1360-1366. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.02.025. Epub 2018 Mar 5. PubMed PMID: 29518552.

Minnie SA, Kuns RD, Gartlan KH, Zhang P, Wilkinson AN, Samson L, Guillerey C, Engwerda C, MacDonald KPA, Smyth MJ, Markey KA, Vuckovic S, Hill GR. Myeloma escape after stem cell transplantation is a consequence of T-cell exhaustion and is prevented by TIGIT blockade. Blood. 2018 Oct 18;132(16):1675-1688. doi: 10.1182/blood-2018-01-825240. Epub 2018 Aug 28. PubMed PMID: 30154111.

Vuckovic S, Minnie SA, Smith D, Gartlan KH, Watkins TS, Markey KA, Mukhopadhyay P, Guillerey C, Kuns RD, Locke KR, Pritchard AL, Johansson PA, Varelias A, Zhang P, Huntington ND, Waddell N, Chesi M, Miles JJ, Smyth MJ, Hill GR. Bone marrow transplantation generates T cell-dependent control of myeloma in mice. J Clin Invest. 2019 Jan 2;129(1):106-121. doi: 10.1172/JCI98888. Epub 2018 Nov 19. PubMed PMID: 30300141; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6307976.


Gartlan KH, Varelias A, Koyama M, Robb RJ, Markey KA, Chang K, Wilkinson AN, Smith D, Ullah MA, Kuns RD, Raffelt NC, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Cheong M, Teng MWL, Smyth MJ, Tey SK, MacDonald KPA, Hill GR. Th17 plasticity and transition toward a pathogenic cytokine signature are regulated by cyclosporine after allogeneic SCT. Blood Adv. 2017 Feb 14;1(6):341-351. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2016002980. eCollection 2017 Feb 14. PubMed PMID: 29296949; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5738990.

Conn JR, Catchpoole EM, Runnegar N, Mapp SJ, Markey KA. Low rates of antibiotic resistance and infectious mortality in a cohort of high-risk hematology patients: A single center, retrospective analysis of blood stream infection. PLoS One. 2017;12(5):e0178059. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178059. eCollection 2017. PubMed PMID: 28542412; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5438184.

Mittal D, Vijayan D, Putz EM, Aguilera AR, Markey KA, Straube J, Kazakoff S, Nutt SL, Takeda K, Hill GR, Waddell N, Smyth MJ. Interleukin-12 from CD103+ Batf3-Dependent Dendritic Cells Required for NK-Cell Suppression of Metastasis. Cancer Immunol Res. 2017 Dec;5(12):1098-1108. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-17-0341. Epub 2017 Oct 25. PubMed PMID: 29070650.


Leveque-El Mouttie L, Koyama M, Le Texier L, Markey KA, Cheong M, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Alexander KA, Clouston AD, Blazar BR, Hill GR, MacDonald KP. Corruption of dendritic cell antigen presentation during acute GVHD leads to regulatory T-cell failure and chronic GVHD. Blood. 2016 Aug 11;128(6):794-804. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-11-680876. Epub 2016 Jun 23. PubMed PMID: 27338097; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4982453.

Higgins P, Runnegar N, Bird RJ, Markey KA. Rates of neutropenia in adults with influenza A or B: a retrospective analysis of hospitalised patients in South East Queensland during 2015. Intern Med J. 2016 Nov;46(11):1328-1332. doi: 10.1111/imj.13239. PubMed PMID: 27813353.


Varelias A, Gartlan KH, Kreijveld E, Olver SD, Lor M, Kuns RD, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Raffelt NC, Cheong M, Alexander KA, Koyama M, Markey KA, Sturgeon E, Leach J, Reddy P, Kennedy GA, Yanik GA, Blazar BR, Tey SK, Clouston AD, MacDonald KP, Cooke KR, Hill GR. Lung parenchyma-derived IL-6 promotes IL-17A-dependent acute lung injury after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Blood. 2015 Apr 9;125(15):2435-44. doi: 10.1182/blood-2014-07-590232. Epub 2015 Feb 11. PubMed PMID: 25673640; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5457133.

Corrie SR, Coffey JW, Islam J, Markey KA, Kendall MA. Blood, sweat, and tears: developing clinically relevant protein biosensors for integrated body fluid analysis. Analyst. 2015 Jul 7;140(13):4350-64. doi: 10.1039/c5an00464k. Review. PubMed PMID: 25909342.

Koyama M, Cheong M, Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, Locke KR, Lineburg KE, Teal BE, Leveque-El Mouttie L, Bunting MD, Vuckovic S, Zhang P, Teng MW, Varelias A, Tey SK, Wockner LF, Engwerda CR, Smyth MJ, Belz GT, McColl SR, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Donor colonic CD103+ dendritic cells determine the severity of acute graft-versus-host disease. J Exp Med. 2015 Jul 27;212(8):1303-21. doi: 10.1084/jem.20150329. Epub 2015 Jul 13. PubMed PMID: 26169940; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4516799.

Markey KA, Gartlan KH, Kuns RD, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Imaging the immunological synapse between dendritic cells and T cells. J Immunol Methods. 2015 Aug;423:40-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2015.04.029. Epub 2015 May 9. PubMed PMID: 25967948.

Gartlan KH, Markey KA, Varelias A, Bunting MD, Koyama M, Kuns RD, Raffelt NC, Olver SD, Lineburg KE, Cheong M, Teal BE, Lor M, Comerford I, Teng MW, Smyth MJ, McCluskey J, Rossjohn J, Stockinger B, Boyle GM, Lane SW, Clouston AD, McColl SR, MacDonald KP, Hill GR. Tc17 cells are a proinflammatory, plastic lineage of pathogenic CD8+ T cells that induce GVHD without antileukemic effects. Blood. 2015 Sep 24;126(13):1609-20. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-01-622662. Epub 2015 Jul 23. PubMed PMID: 26206951.