
Jacob Hyer working in the McGuire Lab
Jacob Hyer working in the McGuire Lab Credit: Fred Hutch



Antibody blocks Epstein-Barr virus in preclinical trial

Fred Hutch News | Sabin Russell| June 2020

New research projects aim to advance COVID-19 testing, treatment

Fred Hutch News | Susan Keown| April 2020

Hutch team hunts for coronavirus antibodies

Fred Hutch News | Sabin Russell| April 2020


Baiting for B cells: A clever new way to make an AIDS vaccine

Fred Hutch News | Sabin Russell| October 2019

Creating antibodies with antibodies

Fred Hutch Science Spotlight | Brianna Traxinger| September 2019

Eight promising projects win Evergreen Fund grants to promote commercialization of research

Hutch News | Russel Sabin | August 2019


CryoEM and X-ray structures shed light on the mechanism of Epstein-Barr Virus neutralizing antibody AMMO1

NIH: National Institutite of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) | July 2018

First human antibody found to block Epstein-Barr virus

Hutch News | Mary Engel | April 2018
Early research could open new path for vaccine against EBV-related cancers, mononucleosis

Jump-starting innovative projects exploring pathogen-associated cancers

Hutch News | Sabrina Richards | March 2018
Pathogen-Associated Malignancies Integrated Research Center awards first round of pilot funding supporting researchers studying H. pylori, EBV and the microbiome

To EBV or not to EBV: Rational vaccine design for a common infection

Science Immunology | Sarah Henrickson | May 2018