

Fries CA, Lawson SD, Wang LC, Spencer JR, Roth M, Rickard RF, Goranthla VS, Davis MR. Composite Graft Pretreatment with Hydrogen Sulfide Delays the Onset of Acute Rejection. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2019. January. PMID: 30628928.


Morrison ML, Iwata A, Keys C, Langston W, Insko MA, Langdale LA, and Roth M. Iodide Improves Outcome After Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rates and Pigs. Critical Care Med 2018. November, 46(11)e1063-e1069, PMID: 30063489.


Black GE, Sokon KK, Moe DM, Simmons J, Muscat D, Pastukh V, Capley G, Gorodnya O, Rucko M, Roth M, Gillespie M, Martin MJ. (2017) Impact of a Novel P13-KINASE Inhibitor in Preventing Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Associated Molecular Pattern Accumulation: Results from the Biochronicity Project. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 83(4):683-689


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