We are looking for curious, ambitious post-doctoral fellows and students who are interested in working at the intersection of computer science, developmental & cancer biology, and single-cell genomics. Projects involve development of analysis approaches and novel methods to derive mechanistic insights about development and disease progression using high throughput data generated across a number of model systems.
We are actively looking for post-doctoral fellows to join us. An ideal candidate will have a background in machine learning, data science, statistics, computational biology, bioinformatics and/or genomics. If interested, please contact msetty@fredhutch.org with your CV, and summary of research interests and goals.
We are looking for exceptional PhD students and welcome students from both quantitative and experimental backgrounds. Projects will be tailored to fit the interests of the student and range from analysis of large-scale data to computational method development. We also welcome students interested in being co-advised with other computational or experimental principal investigators.
We accept students from the University of Washington Genome Sciences, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Medical Scientist Training. and Molecular Medicine and Mechanisms of Disease Programs. Please contact msetty@fredhutch.org to discuss rotation projects.
We welcome Masters students and undergraduate students with programming experience and interested in exploring the world of single-cell genomics. Please contact msetty@fredhutch.org to learn more. We offer internships and research projects for academic credit.