Singhvi Lab

Singhvi Lab

The C. elegans nervous system: 56 glia and 302 neurons

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Singhvi Lab

Decoding glia functions in the nervous system

Welcome! The Singhvi Lab is excited about glia, cells that make up about half the human brain. Our goal is to dissect molecular mechanisms by which glia modulate neural functions in health, disease, and aging.

The Neurochemical Symphony: A Song of Glia and Neurons

Neuron and Glia -inseparable sisters in the Labyrinth of Thought,
Fingers intertwined, singing in strange argot.
Yet, identical peas in a pod? Certainly not.

Neuron, full of action and potential; her electrifying intelligence a legend.
Glia, shy and soft-spoken; helping, cooking and ever running an errand.
Naturally then, Neuron often commanded the attention scend.

Still, Cajal found Glia more enigmatic than she showed; he was prescient!
When biologists realized that even Neuron heeded Glia’s counsel to be efficient,
They started forging tools to translate the sisters’ descant…