PI | Current Team | Alumni | Photos
Title: Principal Investigator
Email: asinghvi@fredhutch.org
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Title: Research Administrator
Email: jhuentel@fredhutch.org
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: mpurice@fredhutch.org
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Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: lsevers@fredhutch.org
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Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: sray2@fredhutch.org
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Title: Graduate Student - Neuroscience
Email: grojas@fredhutch.org
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Title: Graduate Student - MCB
Email: vsorrent@fredhutch.org
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Title: Research Technician
Email: jbent@fredhutch.org
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Title: Graduate Student - MCB
Email: eteets@fredhutch.org
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Title: Research Technician
Email: rmanning@fredhutch.org
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Title: Graduate Student - Neuroscience
Email: pgurung@fredhutch.org
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Title: Undergraduate Researcher
Email: akravchu@fredhutch.org
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Title: Undergraduate Researcher
Email: swossene@fredhutch.org
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Title: Undergraduate Researcher
Email: kschnei2@fredhutch.org
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Title: Bunny Researcher
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Graduate Student – MCB (Neiman and NIH-F31 awardee) (2018-2022)
Current Position: EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow, Elle Tanaka Lab, IMP Vienna
Research Technician (Hutch United Awardee) (2018-2022)
Current Position: MD-PhD Student, University of Washington MSTP Program
Research Technician (2018-2021)
Current Position: PhD Student, University of Washington MCB Program
Research Technician (2021-2022\1)
Current Position: Freelance
Undergraduate Researcher (2021-2022)
Current Position: Public Health Major, University of Washington
High School Intern (2022)
Research Administrator, 2020-2022
Data Analyst / Research Intern with Singhvi and Setty Labs
Research Administrator, 2018-2020
Visiting Senior Staff Scientist
View photos of the Singhvi Lab in action on Google Photos.