
2024202320222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 201820172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | Prior to 2012


Hahn WO, Parks KR, Shen M, Ozorowski G, Janes H, Ballweber-Fleming L, Woodward Davis AS, Duplessis C, Tomai M, Dey AK, Sagawa ZK, De Rosa SC, Seese A, Kallur Siddaramaiah L, Stamatatos L, Lee WH, Sewall LM, Karlinsey D, Turner HL, Rubin V, Furth S, MacPhee K, Duff M, Corey L, Keefer MC, Edupuganti S, Frank I, Maenza J, Baden LR, Hyrien O, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Ward AB, Tomaras GD, Montefiori DC, Rouphael N, McElrath MJ. Use of 3M-052-AF with Alum adjuvant in HIV trimer vaccine induces human autologous neutralizing antibodies. J Exp Med. 2024 Oct 7;221(10):e20240604. doi: 10.1084/jem.20240604.

Agrawal P, Knudsen ML, MacCamy A, Hurlburt NK, Khechaduri A, Salladay KR, Kher GM, Kallur Siddaramaiah L, Stuart AB, Bontjer I, Shen X, Montefiori D, Gristick HB, Bjorkman PJ, Sanders RW, Pancera M, Stamatatos L. Short CDRL1 in intermediate VRC01-like mAbs is not sufficient to overcome key glycan barriers on HIV-1 Env. J Virol. 2024 Sep 6:e0074424. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00744-24.

Viant C, Wirthmiller T, ElTanbouly MA, Chen ST, Kara EE, Cipolla M, Ramos V, Oliveira TY, Stamatatos L, Nussenzweig MC. Correction: Germinal center-dependent and -independent memory B cells produced throughout the immune response. J Exp Med. 2024 May 6;221(5):e2020248904162024c. doi: 10.1084/jem.2020248904162024c. Epub 2024 Apr 29. Erratum for: J Exp Med. 2021 Aug 2;218(8):e20202489. doi: 10.1084/jem.20202489. 


Stamatatos L. 'Immunization during ART and ATI for HIV-1 vaccine discovery/development'. Curr Opin HIV Aids. 2023 Sep 11;18(6):309–14. doi: 10.1097/COH.0000000000000817.

Bale S, Yang L, Alirezael M, Wilson R, Ota T, Doyle ED, Cottrell, Guenaga J, Tran K, Li W, Stamatatos L, Nemazee D, Ward AB, Wyatt RT. 2023. Fusion of the molecular adjuvant C3d to cleavage-independent native-like HIV-1 Env trimers improves the elicited antibody response. Frontiers.

Gristick HB, Hartweger H, Loewe M, Schooten JV, Ramos V, Oliveira TY, Nishmura Y, Koranda NS, Wall A, Yao K, Poston D, Gazumyan A, Wiatr M, Horning M, Keeffe J, Hoffmann MA, Yang Z, Abernathy ME, Dam KA, Gao H, Gnanapragasam PN, Kakutani LM, Pavlovitch-Bedzyk AJ, Seaman MS, Howarth M, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Martin MA, West AP, Nussenzweig MC, Bjorkman PJ. 2023. CD4 binding site immunogens elict heterologous anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies in transgenic and wild-type animals. Science Immunology. 8;eade6364.

Hägglöf T, Cipolla M, Chen ST, Mesin L, Hartweger H, El Tanbouly MA, Cho A, Gazumyan A, Ramos V, Stamatatos L, Oliveira TY, Nussenzweig MC, Viant C. 2023. Continuous Germinal Center Invasion Contributes to the Diversity of the Immune Response. Cell. 186; 1-15,


Gray MD, Feng J, Weidle CE, Cohen KW, Ballweber-Fleming L, MacCamy AJ, Huynh CN, Trichka JJ, Montefiori D, Ferrari G, Pancera M, McElrath MJ, Stamatatos L. 2022. A vaccine-elicited human antibody with sequence homology to VRC01-class antibodies binds the C1C2 gp120 domain: implications for HIV-1 vaccine-design. Science Advances 8; eabm3948.

Knudsen ML, Agrawal P, MacCamy A, Parks KR, Gray MD, Takushi BN, Khechaduri A, Coler RN, LaBranche CC, Montefiori D, Stamatatos L. 2022. Adjuvants influence the maturation of VRC01-like antibodies during immunization. iScience. 25; 105473,  


Stamatatos L, Czartoski J, Wan YH, Homad LJ, Rubin V, Glantz H, Neradilek M, Seydoux E, Jennewein MF, MacCamy AJ, Feng J, Mize G, De Rosa SC, Finzi A, Lemos MP, Cohen KW, Moodie Z, McElrath MJ, McGuire AT. mRNA vaccination boosts cross-variant neutralizing antibodies elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection. Science. 2021 Mar 25;eabg9175. doi: 10.1126/science.abg9175.

Divine R, Dang HV, Ueda G, Fallas JA, Vulovic I, Sheffler W, Saini S, Zhao YT, Raj IX, Morawski PA, Jennewein MF, Homad LJ, Wan YH, Tooley MR, Seeger F, Etemadi A, Fahning ML, Lazarovits J, Roederer A, Walls AC, Stewart L, Mazloomi M, King NP, Campbell DJ, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Ruohola-Baker H, Mathieu J, Veesler D, Baker D. Designed proteins assemble antibodies into modular nanocages. Science. 2021 Apr 2;372(6537):eabd9994. doi: 10.1126/science.abd9994.

Jennewein, M.F., A. J. MacCamy, N. R. Akins, J. Feng, L. J. Homad, N. K. Hurlburt, E. Seydoux, Y.-H. Wan, A. B. Stuart, V. V. Edara, K. Floyd, A. Vanderheiden, J. R. Mascola, N. Doria-Rose, L. Wang, E. S. Yang, H. Y. Chu, J. L. Torres, G. Ozorowski, A. B. Ward, R. E. Whaley, K. W. Cohen, M. Pancera, M. J. McElrath, J. A. Englund, A. Finzi, M. S. Suthar, A. T. McGuire, L. Stamatatos. 2021. Isolation and Characterization of Cross-Neutralizing Coronavirus Antibodies from COVID-19+ Subjects. Cell Reports. 36; 109353

Viant, C., T. Wirthmiller, M. A. ElTanbouly, S. T. Chen, M. Cipolla, V. Ramos, T. Y. Oliveira, L. Stamatatos, and M. C. Nussenzweig. 2021. Germinal center dependent and independent memory B cells produced throughout the immune response. J. Exp. Med. 218, (8). doi 10.1084/jem.20202489.

Sholkuh, A.M., A. Fiore-Gartland, E. S. Ford, M. D. Miner, Y. J. Hou, L. V. Tse, H. Kaiser , H. Zhu, J. Lu, B. Madarampalli, A. Park, F. A. Lempp, R. St. Germain, E. L. Bossard, J. J. Kee, K. Diem, A. B. Stuart, P. B. Rupert, C. Brock, M. Buerger, M. K. Doll, A. K. Randhawa, L. Stamatatos, R. K. Strong, C. McLaughlin, M.-L. Huang, K. R. Jerome, R. S. Baric, D. Montefiori, and L. Corey. 2021. Evaluation of cell-based and surrogate SARS-CoV-2 neutralization assays. J. Clin. Microbiol 59:e00527-21.

Ullah, I., J. Prévost, M. S Ladinsky, H. Stone, M. Lu, S. P. Anand, G. Beaudoin-Bussières, M. Benlarbi,  S. Ding, R. Gasser, C. Fink,  Y. Chen, A. Tauzin, G. Goyette, C. Bourassa, H. Medjahed, M. Mack, K. Chung, C. Wilen, G. A. D., J. D. Dikeakos, E. A. Bruce, D. E Kaufmann, L. Stamatatos, A. T McGuire, J. Richard, M.Pazgier, P. Bjorkman, W. Mothes, A. Finzi, P. Kumar and P. Uchil. 2021. Live imaging of SARS-CoV2 infection in mice reveals neutralizing antibodies require both Fab and Fc for optimal efficacy. Immunity. 54; 2143–2158.

Hastie, K.M., H. Li, D. Bedinger, S. L. Schendel, S. M. Dennison, K. Li, V. Rayaprolu, X. Yu, C. Mann, M. Zandonatti, R. D. Avalos, D. Zyla, T. Buck, S. Hui, K. Shaffer, C. Hariharan,J. Yin, E. Olmedillas, A. Enriquez, D. Parekh, M. Abraha, E. Feeney, G. Q. Horn, CoVIC-DB team, Y. Aldon, H. Ali, S. Aracic, R. R. Cobb, R. S. Federman, J. M. Fernandez, J. Glanville, R. Green, G. Grigoryan, A. G. Lujan Hernandez, D. D. Ho, K.-Ying A. Huang, J. Ingraham, W. Jiang, P. Kellam, C. Kim, M. Kim, H. Mi Kim, C. Kong, S. J. Krebs, F. Lan, G. Lang, S. Lee, C. L. Leung, J. Liu, Y. Lu, A. MacCamy, A. T. McGuire, A. L. Palser, T. H. Rabbitts, Z. R. Tehrani, M. M. Sajadi, R. W. Sanders, A. K. Sato, L. Schweizer, J. Seo, B. Shen, J. J. Snitselaar, L. Stamatatos, Y. Tan, M. T. Tomic, M. J. van Gils, S. Youssef, J. Yu,T. Z. Yuan, Q. Zhang, B. Peters, G. D. Tomaras, T. Germann, and E. Ollmann Saphire. 2021. Defining variant-resistant epitopes targeted by SARS-CoV-2 antibodies: A Global Consortium study. Science. 374; 472–478. 10.1126/science.abh2315

Zhao, L. P., T. P. Lybrand, P. B. Gilbert, T. R. Hawn, J. T. Schiffer, L. Stamatatos, T. H. Payne , L. N. Carpp, D. E. Geraghty and K. R. Jerome. 2021. Tracking SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Mutations in the United States. Accepted. Viruses. 14(1); 9 v14010009

Beaudoin-Bussières, G., Y. Chen, I. Ullah, J. Prévost, W. D. Tolbert, K. Symmes, S. Ding,M. Benlarbi, S. Y. Gong, A. Tauzin, R. Gasser, D. Chatterjee, D. Vézina, G. Goyette, J. Richard, F. Zhou, L. Stamatatos, A. T. McGuire, H. Charest, M. Roger, E. Pazharski, P. Kumar, W. Mothes, P. D. Uchil, M. Pazgier and A. Finzi. 2021. A Fc-enhanced NTD-binding non-neutralizing antibody delays virus spread and synergizes with a NAb to protect mice from lethal SARS-CoV-2 infection. Accepted. Cell Reports.

Hurlburt, N. K., L. J. Homad, I. Sinha1, M. F. Jennewein, A. J. MacCamy1, Y-H. Wan, J. Boonyaratanakornkit, A. M. Sholukh, P. Zhou, D. R. Burton, R. Andrabi, L. Stamatatos, M. Pancera, A. T. McGuire. 2021. Structural definition of a pan-sarbecovirus 1 neutralizing epitope on the spike S2 subunit. Communications Biology.


Seydoux E, Homad LJ, MacCamy AJ, Parks KR, Hurlburt NK, Jennewein MF, Akins NR, Stuart AB, Wan YH, Feng J, Whaley RE, Singh S, Boeckh M, Cohen KW, McElrath MJ, Englund JA, Chu HY, Pancera M, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L. Analysis of a SARS-CoV-2 infected individual reveals development of potent neutralizing antibodies to distinct epitopes with limited somatic mutation. Immunity. 2020 Jun 14;53(1):98-105.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.06.001. Epub 2020 Jun 8.

Ding S, Laumaea A, Benlarbi M, Beaudoin-Bussieres G, Gasser R, Medjahed H, Pancera M, Stamatatos L, McGuire AT, Bazin R, Finzi A. Antibody Binding to SARS-CoV-2 S Glycoprotein Correlates with but Does Not Predict Neautralization. Viruses. 2020 Oct 26;12(11):1214. doi: 10.3390/v12111214. 

Lin YR, Parks KR, Weidle C, Naidu AS, Khechaduri A, Riker AO, Takushi B, Chun JH, Borst AJ, Veesler D, Stuart A, Agrawal P, Gray M, Pancera M, Huang PS, Stamatatos L. HIV-1 VRC01 Germline-Targeting Immunogens Select Distinct Epitope-Specific B Cell Receptors. Immunity. 2020 Oct 13;53(4):840-851.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.09.007.

Hurlburt NK, Seydoux E, Wan YH, Edara VV, Stuart AB, Feng J, Suthar MS, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Pancera M. Structural basis for potent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 and role of antibody affinity maturation. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 27;11(1):5413. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19231-9.



Hartweger H, McGuire AT, Horning M, Taylor JJ, Dosenovic P, Yost D, Gazumyan A, Seaman MS, Stamatatos L, Jankovic M, Nussenzeig MC. Antigen-specific humoral immune responses by CRISPR/Cas9-edited B cells. J Exp Med. 2019 Jun 3;216(6):1301-1310. doi: 10.1084/jem.20190287. Epub 2019 Apr 11.

Escolano A, Gristick HB, Abernathy ME, Merkenschlager J, Gautam R, Oliviera TY, Pai J, West AP JR, Barnes CO, Cohen AA, Wang H, Golijanin J, Yost D, Keeffe JR, Wang Z, Zhao P, Yao KH, Bauer J, Nogueira L, Gao H, Voll AV, Montefiori DC, Seaman MS, Gazumyan A, Silva M, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Irvine DJ, Wells L, Martin MA, Bjorkman PJ, Nussenzweig MC. Immunization expands B Cells specific to HIV-1 V3 glycan in mice and macaques. Nature. 2019 Jun;570(7762):468-473. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1250-z. Epub 2019 May 29.

Dosenovic P, Pettersson AK, Wall A, Thientosapol ES, Feng J, Weidle C, Bhullar K, Kara EE, Hartweger H, Pai JA, Gray M, Parks KR, Taylor JJ, Pancera M, Stamatatos L, Nussenzweig MC, McGuire AT. Anti-idiotypic antibodies elicit anti-HIV-1-specific B cell responses. J Exp Med. 2019 Jul 25. pii: jem.20190446. doi: 10.1084/jem.20190446.

Bancroft B, DeBuysscher BL, Weidle C, Schwartz A, Wall A, Gray MD, Feng J, Steach HR, Fitzpatrick KS, Gewe MM, Skog PD, Doyle-Cooper C, Ota T, Strong RK, Nemazee D, Pancera M, Stamatatos L, McGuire AT, Taylor JJ. Detection and activation of naive HIV broadly neutralizing antibody precursor B cells using anti-idiotypes. J Exp Med. 2019 Oct 7;216(10):2331-2347. doi: 10.1084/jem.20190164. Epub 2019 Jul 25.

Parks KR, MacCamy AJ, Trichka J, Gray M, Weidle C, Borst AJ, Khechaduri A, Takushi B, Agrawal P, Guenaga J, Wyatt RT, Coler R, Seaman M, LaBranche C, Montefiori DC, Veesler D, Pancera M, McGuire A, Stamatatos L. Overcoming Steric Restrictions of VRC01 HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibodies through Immunization. Cell Rep. 2019 Dec 3; 29(10):3060-3072.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.10.071.


Virnik K, Nesti E, Dail C, Scanlan A, Medvedev A, Vassell R, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Berkower I. Live rubella vectors can express native HIV envelope glycoproteins targeted by broadly neutralizing antibodies and prime the immune response to an envelope protein boost. [SEL1] Vaccine. 2018 Aug 16;36(34):5166-5172

Yacoob C, Lange MD, Cohen K, Lathia K, Feng J, Glenn J, Carbonetti S, Oliver B, Vigdorovich V, Sather DN, Stamatatos L. B cell clonal lineage alterations upon recombinant HIV-1 envelope immunization of rhesus macaques. PLoS Pathog. 14(6):e1007120, 2018

Dosenovic P, Kara EE, Pettersson AK, McGuire AT, Gray M, Hartweger H, Thientosapol ES, Stamatatos L, Nussenzweig MC. Anti-HIV-1 B cell responses are dependent on B cell precursor frequency and antigen-binding affinity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115(18): 4743-4748, 2018

Bonsignori M, Scott E, Wiehe K, Easterhoff D, Alam SM, Hwang KK, Cooper M, Xia SM, Zhang R, Montefiori DC, Henderson R, Nie X, Kelsoe G, Moody MA, Chen X, Joyce MG, Kwong PD, Connors M, Mascola JR, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Medina-Ramirez M, Sanders RW, Saunders KO, Kepler TB, Hanyes BF. Inference of the HIV-1 VRC01 Antibody Lineage Unmutated Common Ancestor Reveals Alternative Pathways to Overcome a Key Glycan Barrier. Immunity. 2018 Dec 18;49(6): 1162-1174

Borst AJ, Weidle CE, Gray MD, Frenz B, Snijder J, Joyce MG, Georgiev IS, Stewart-Jones GB, Kwong PD, McGuire AT, Dimaio F, Stamatatos L, Pancera M, Veesler D. Germline VRC01 antibody recognition of a modified clade C HIV-1 envelope trimer and a glycosylated HIV-1 gp120 core. Elife. 2018 Nov 7;7. pii: e37688. doi: 10.7554/eLife.37688

LaBranche CC, McGuire AT, Gray MD, Behrens S, Zhou T, Sattentau QJ, Peacock J, Eaton A, Greene K, Gao H, Tang H, Perez LG, Saunders KO, Mascola JR, Haynes BF, Stamatatos L, Montefiori DC. HIV-1 envelope glycan modifications that permit neautralization by germline-reverted VRC01-class broadly neutralizing antibodies. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Nov 5;14(11):e1007431. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007431


Avnir Y, Prachanronarong KL, Zhang Z, Hou S, Peterson EC, Sui J, Zayed H, Kurella VB, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Hilbert BJ, Bohn MF, Kowalik TF, Jensen JD, Finberg RW, Wang JP, Goodall M, Jefferis R, Zhu Q, Kurt Yilmaz N, Schiffer CA, Marasco WA. Structural Determination of the Broadly Reactive Anti-IGHV1-69 Anti-idiotypic Antibody G6 and Its Idiotope. Cell Rep. 21(11): 3243-3255, 2017.

Medina-Ramírez M, Garces F, Escolano A, Skog P, de Taeye SW, Del Moral-Sanchez I, McGuire AT, Yasmeen A, Behrens AJ, Ozorowski G, van den Kerkhof TLGM, Freund NT, Dosenovic P, Hua Y, Gitlin AD, Cupo A, van der Woude P, Golabek M, Sliepen K, Blane T, Kootstra N, van Breemen MJ, Pritchard LK, Stanfield RL, Crispin M, Ward AB, Stamatatos L, Klasse PJ, Moore JP, Nemazee D, Nussenzweig MC, Wilson IA, Sanders RW. Design and crystal structure of a native-like HIV-1 envelope trimer that engages multiple broadly neutralizing antibody precursors in vivo. J Exp Med. 214(9): 2573-2590, 2017.

Zhou T, Doria-Rose NA, Cheng C, Stewart-Jones GBE, Chuang GY, Chambers M, Druz A, Geng H, McKee K, Kwon YD, O'Dell S, Sastry M, Schmidt SD, Xu K, Chen L, Chen RE, Louder MK, Pancera M, Wanninger TG, Zhang B, Zheng A, Farney SK, Foulds KE, Georgiev IS, Joyce MG, Lemmin T, Narpala S, Rawi R, Soto C, Todd JP, Shen CH, Tsybovsky Y, Yang Y, Zhao P, Haynes BF, Stamatatos L, Tiemeyer M, Wells L, Scorpio DG, Shapiro L, McDermott AB, Mascola JR, Kwong PD. Quantification of the Impact of the HIV-1-Glycan Shield on Antibody Elicitation. Cell Rep. 19(4): 719-732, 2017.

Stamatatos L, Pancera M, McGuire AT. Germline-targeting immunogens. Immunol. 275(1):203-216, 2017.


Yacoob, C., Pancera, M., Vigdorovich, V., Oliver, B.G., Glenn, J. A., Feng, J., Sather, D.N., McGuire, AT, Stamatatos, L. Differences in Allelic Frequency and CDRH3 Region Limit the Engagement of HIV Env Immunogens by Putative VRC01 Neutralizing Antibody Precursors. Cell Rep. 17(6): 1560-1570, 2016.

Vigdorovich, V., Oliver, B. G., Carbonetti, S., Dambrauskas, N., Lange, M. D., Yacoob, C., Leahy, W., Callahan, J., Stamatatos, L., Sather, D.N. Repertoire comparison of the B-cell receptor-encoding loci in humans and rhesus macaques by next-generation sequencing. Clin Transl Immunology. 5(7): e93, 2016.

Hessell AJ, Malherbe DC, Pissani F, McBurney S, Krebs SJ, Gomes M, Pandey S, Sutton WF, Burwitz BJ, Gray M, Robins H, Park BS, Sacha JB, LaBranche CC, Fuller DH, Montefiori DC, Stamatatos L, Sather DN, Haigwood NL. Achieving Potent Autologous Neutralizing Antibody Responses against Tier 2 HIV-1 Viruses by Strategic Selection of Envelope Immunogens. J Immunol. 196(7):3064-78, 2016. 

Scharf L, West AP, Sievers SA, Chen C, Jiang S, Gao H, Gray MD, McGuire AT, Scheid JF, Nussenzweig MC, Stamatatos L, Bjorkman PJ. Structural basis for germline antibody recognition of HIV-1 immunogens. Elife. 5:e13783, 2016 

McGuire AT, Gray MD, Dosenovic P, Gitlin AD, Freund NT, Petersen J, Correnti C, Johnsen W, Kegel R, Stuart AB, Glenn J, Seaman MS, Schief WR, Strong RK, Nussenzweig MC, Stamatatos L. Specifically modified Env immunogens activate B-cell precursors of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies in transgenic mice. Nat Commun. 7(10618), 2016. 


Dosenovic, P., L. von Boehmer, A. Escolano, J. Jardine, N.T. Freund, A.D. Gitlin, A.T. McGuire, D.W. Kulp, T. Oliveira, L. Scharf, J. Pietzsch, M.D. Gray, A. Cupo, M.J. van Gils, K.H. Yao, C. Liu, A. Gazumyan, M.S. Seaman, P.J. Bjorkman, R.W. Sanders, J.P. Moore, L. Stamatatos, W.R. Schief, M.C. Nussenzweig. Immunization for HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies in Human Ig Knockin Mice. Cell. 161(7):1505-15,  2015.

Zhou, T., R.M. Lynch, L. Chen, P. Acharya, X. Wu, N.A. Doria-Rose, M.G. Joyce, D. Lingwood, C. Soto, R.T. Bailer, M.J. Ernandes, R. Kong, N.S. Longo, M.K. Louder, K. McKee, S. O'Dell, S.D. Schmidt, L. Tran, Z. Yang, A. Druz, T.S. Luongo, S. Moquin, S. Srivatsan, Y. Yang, B. Zhang, A. Zhang, M. Pancera, T. Kirys, I.S. Georgiev, T. Gindin, H.P. Peng, A.S. Yang; NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, J.C. Mullikin, M.D. Gray, L. Stamatatos, D.R. Barton, W.C. Koff, M.S. Cohen, B.F. Haynes, J.P. Casazza, M. Connors, D. Corti, A. Lanzavecchia, Q.J. Sattentau, R.A. Weiss, A.P. West Jr, P.J. Bjorkman, J.F. Scheid, M.C. Nussezweig, L. Shapiro, J.R. Mascola, P.D. Kwong. Structural Repertoire of HIV-1-Neutralizing Antibodies Targeting the CD4 Supersite in 14 Donors. Cell. 161(6):1280-92, 2015. 

Cohen, K.W., A-S. Dugast, G. Alter, M.J. McElrath and L. Stamatatos. HIV-1 single-stranded RNA induces CXCL13 secretion in human monocytes via TLR7 activation and plasmacytoid dendritic cell-derived type I IFN. J. Immunol. 194(6):2769-75, 2015.

Bricault, C., J. Kovacs, J. Nkolola, K. Yusim, E. Giorgi, J. Shields, J. Perry, C. Lavine, A. Cheung, K. Ellingson-Strouss, C. Rademeyer, G. Gray, C. Williamson, L. Stamatatos, M. Seaman, B. Korber, B. Chen, and D. Barouch. A Multivalent Clade C HIV-1 Env Trimer Cocktail Elicits a Higher Magnitude of Neutralizing Antibodies than Any Individual Component. J. Virol. 89(5):2507-19, 2015.

Chang, H. W., L. Tartaglia, J. Whitney, S.Y. Lim, S. Sanisetty, C. Lavine, M. Seaman, C. Rademeyer, C. Williamson, K. Ellingson-Strouss, L. Stamatatos, J. Kublin, and D. Barouch. Generation and Evaluation of Clade C Simian-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Challenge Stocks. J. Virol. 89(4):1965-74, 2015.


McGuire, M.T., A.M. Dreyer, S. Carbonetti, A. Lippy, J. Glenn, J.F. Scheid, H. Mouquet, and L. Stamatatos. HIV Antibodies. Antigen-modification regulates competition of broad and narrow neutralizing HIV antibodies. Science. 346(6215):1380-83, 2014.

Cohen, K., M. Altfeld, G. Alter and L. Stamatatos. Early preservation of CXCR5+ PD-1+ helper T cells and B cell activation predict the breadth of neutralizing antibody responses in chronic HIV-1 infection. J. Virol. 88(22):13310-21, 2014.

Sather, D.N., S. Carbonetti, D.C. Malherbe, F. Pissani, A.B. Stuart, A.J. Hessell, M.D. Gray, I. Mikell, S.A. Kalams, N.L. Haigwood, and L. Stamatatos. Emergence of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies and Viral Coevolution in Two Subjects during the Early Stages of Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. J. Virol. 88(22):12968-81, 2014.

Dugast, A.S., L. Stamatatos,T.J. Suscovich, A.F. Licht, I. Mikell, M.E. Ackerman, H. Streeck, P.J. Klasse, J.P. Moore, G. Alter. Independent evolution of Fc- and Fab-mediated HIV-1-specific antiviral antibody activity begins during acute infection. Eur J Immunol. 44(10):2925-37, 2014.

Finton, K.A., D. Friend, J. Jaffe, M. Gewe, M.A. Holmes, H.B. Larman, A. Stuart, K. Larimore, P.D. Greenberg, S.J. Elledge, L. Stamatatos and R.K. Strong. Ontogeny of recognition specificity and functionality for the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibody 4E10. PLoS Pathog. 10(9):e1004403, 2014.

Avnir, Y., A.S. Tallarico, Q. Zhu, A.S. Bennett, G. Connelly, J. Sheehan, J. Sui, A. Fahmy, C.Y. Huang, G. Cadwell, L.A. Bankston, A.T. McGuire, L. Stamatatos, G. Wagner, R.C. Liddington, W.A. Marasco. Molecular signatures of hemagglutinin stem-directed heterosubtypic human neutralizing antibodies against influenza A viruses. PLoS Pathog. 10(5):e1004103, 2014.

McGuire, A.T., J.A. Glenn, A. Lippy, L. Stamatatos. Diverse recombinant HIV-1 Envs fail to activate B cells expressing the germline B cell receptors of the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies PG9 and 447-52D. J Virol. 88(5):2645-57, 2014.

Carbonetti, S., B.G. Oliver, J. Glenn, L. Stamatatos, D.N. Sather. Soluble HIV-1 envelope immunogens derived from an elite neutralizer elicit cross-reactive V1V2 antibodies and low potency neutralizing antibodies. PLoS One. 9(1):e86905, 2014.


Diskin R, Klein F, Horwitz JA, Halper-Stromberg A, Sather DN, Marcovecchio PM, Lee T, West AP Jr, Gao H, Seaman MS, Stamatatos L, Nussenzweig MC, Bjorkman PJ. Restricting HIV Pathways for Escape using Rationally-Designed Anti-HIV Antibodies. J Exp Med. 210(6):1235-49, 2013

Jardine J, Julien JP, Menis S, Ota T, Kalyuzhniy O, McGuire A, Sok D, Huang PS, MacPherson S, Jones M, Nieusma T, Mathison J, Baker D, Ward AB, Burton DR, Stamatatos L, Nemazee D, Wilson IA, Schief WR. Rational HIV immunogen design to target specific germline B cell receptors. Science. 340(6133):711-6, 2013.

McGuire AT, Hoot S, Dreyer AM, Lippy A, Stuart A, Cohen KW, Jardine J, Menis S, Scheid JF, West AP, Schief WR, Stamatatos L. Engineering HIV envelope protein to activate germline B cell receptors of broadly neutralizing anti-CD4 binding site antibodies. J. Exp Med. 210(4):655-63, 2013.

Hoot S, McGuire AT, Choen KW, Strong RK, Hangartner L, Klein F, Diskin R, Scheid JF, Sather DN, Burton DR, Stamatatos L. Recombinant HIV envelope proteins fail to engage germline versions of anti-CD4bs bNAbs. PLoS Pathog. 9(1):e1003106, 2013.


Sather DN, Carbonetti S, Kehayia J, Kraft Z, Mikell I, Scheid JF, Klein F, Stamatatos L. Broadly neutralizing antibodies developed by an HIV-positive elite neutralizer exact a replication fitness cost to the contemporaneous virus. J Virol. 86(23):12676-85, 2012.

Mikell, I., and L. Stamatatos. Evolution of cross-neutralizing antibody specificities to the CD4-BS and the carbohydrate cloak of the HIV Env in an HIV-1-infected subject. PLoS One. 7(11):e49610, 2012

Pissani F, Malherbe DC, Robins H, DeFilippis VR, Park B, Sellhorn G, Stamatatos L, Overbaugh J, Haigwood NL. Motif-optimized subtype A HIV envelope-based DNA vaccines rapidly elicit neutralizing antibodies when delivered sequentially. Vaccine. 30(37):5519-26, 2012.

McClure J, Lovelace ES, Elahi S, Maurice NJ, Wagoner J, Dragavon J, Mittler JE, Kraft Z, Stamatatos L, Horton H, De Rosa SC, Coombs RW, Polyak SJ. Silibinin inhibits HIV-1 infection by reducing cellular activation and proliferation. PLoS One. 7(7):e41832, 2012.

Klein F, Gaebler C, Mouquet H, Sather DN, Lehmann C, Scheid JF, Kraft Z, Liu Y, Pietzsch J, Hurley A, Poignard P, Feizi T, Morris L, Walker BD, Fatkenheuer G, Seaman MS, Stamatatos L, Nussenzweig MC. Broad neutralization by a combination of antibodies recognizing the CD4 binding site and a new conformational epitope on the HIV-1 envelope protein. J Exp Med. 209(8):1469-79, 2012.

L. Stamatatos. HIV Vaccine design: The neutralizing antibody conundrum. Curr Opin Immunol. 24(3):316-23, 2012.

Sellhorn G, Kraft Z, Caldwell Z, Ellingson K, Mineart C, Seaman MS, Montefiori DC, Lagerquist E, Stamatatos L. Engineering, expression, purification and characterization of stable clade A/B recombinant soluble heterotrimeric gp140 proteins. J Virol. 86(1):128-42, 2012.

Selected publications prior to 2012

Mikell I, Sather DN, Kalams SA, Altfeld M, Alter G, and Stamatatos L. Characteristics of the Earliest Cross-Neutralizing Antibody Response to HIV-1. PLoS Pathog. 7(1):e1001251, 2011.

Correia BE, Ban YE, Friend DJ, Ellingson K, Xu H, Boni E, Bradley-Hewitt T, Bruhn-Johannsen JF, Samatatos L, Strong RK, Schief WR. Computational protein design using flexible backbone remodeling and resurfacing: case studies in structure-based antigen design. J Mol Biol. 405(1):284-97, 2011.

Correia BE, Ban YE, Holmes MA, Xu H, Ellingson K, Kraft Z, Carrico C, Boni E, Sather DN, Zenobia C, Burke KY, Bradley-Hewitt T, Bruhn-Johannsen JF, Kalyuzhniy O, Baker D, Strong RK, Stamatatos L, Schief WR. Computational design of epitope-scaffolds allows induction of antibodies specific for a poorly immunogenic HIV vaccine epitope. Structure. 18(9):1116-26, 2010.

Stamatatos L, Morris L, Burton DR, Mascola JR. Neutralizing antibodies generated during natural HIV-1 infection: good news for an HIV-1 vaccine? Nat Med. 15(8):866-70, 2009.

Sather DN, Armann J, Ching LK, Mavrantoni A, Sellhorn G, Caldwell Z, Yu X, Wood B, Self S, Kalams S, Stamatatos L. Factors associated with the development of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. J Virol. 83(2):757-69, 2009.

Kraft Z, Derby NR, McCaffrey RA, Niec R, Blay WM, Haigwood NL, Moysi E, Saunders CJ, Wrin T, Petropoulos CJ, McElrath MJ, Stamatatos L. Macaques infected with a CCR5-tropic simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) develop broadly reactive anti-HIV neutralizing antibodies. J Virol. 81(12):6402-11, 2007.

Cherpelis S, Shrivastava I, Getie A, Jin X, Ho DD, Barnett SW, Stamatatos L. DNA vaccination with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 SF162DeltaV2 envelope elicits immune responses that offer partial protection from simian/human immunodeficiency virus infection to CD8(+) T-cell-depleted rhesus macaques. J Virol. 75(3):1547-50, 2001.

Barnett SW, Lu S, Srivastava I, Cherpelis S, Gettie A, Blanchard J, Wang S, Mboudjeka I, Leung L, Lian Y, Fong A, Buckner C, Ly A, Hilt S, Ulmer J, Wild CT, Mascola JR, Stamatatos L. The ability of an oligomeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope antigen to elicit neutralizing antibodies against primary HIV-1 isolates is improved following partial deletion of the second hypervariable region. J Virol. 75(12):5526-40, 2001.

Ly, A, Stamatatos, L. V2 loop glycosylation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 SF162 envelope facilitates the interaction of this protein with CD4 and CCR5 receptors and protects the virus from neutralization by anti-V3 loop and anti-CD4 binding site antibodies. J Virol. 74(15):6769-6776, 2000.

Ignatius R, Mahnke K, Rivera M, Hong K, Isdell F, Steinman RM, Pope M, Stamatatos L. Presentation of proteins encapsulated into sterically stabilized liposomes by dendritic cells initiates CD8 (+) T-cell responses in vivo. Blood. 96(10):3505-13, 2000.