Employee Resources

HCRI-Uganda team celebrates at staff retreat in early 2020.

The HCRI-Uganda team celebrates at an all-staff retreat in January 2020 in Kampala, Uganda.

Raquel Sanchez

Resources available to all HCRI-Uganda and Fred Hutch employees are available on Fred Hutch’s intranet, CenterNet. To access these resources, you will need to log in to the Fred Hutch network. The resources listed below are available only to Fred Hutch/HCRI-Uganda employees and not available publically. 

Example employee resources available on CenterNet include:

Also see: Training & Education

Hutch Learning

All employees have access to online classes/training through Hutch Learning. The items below link to the catalogs of various Hutch Learning courses. The playlists are updated as new content becomes available.  All online classes can be accessed through Hutch Learning. Employees can view the Course Catalog here.

A training module specific to the HCRI-Uganda Research Study Team is available on the Hutch Learning website. In the "Seach for learning" bar, enter the phrase: "HCRI-Uganda Clinical Research Curriculum" to access this specialized training. 

Employment Opportunities

Learn about all employment opportunities with HCRI-Uganda on this website

Contact Us

UCI-Fred Hutch Cancer Centre
c/o Uganda Cancer Institute
Mulago Hospital
Upper Mulago Hill Road
P.O. Box 3935
Kampala, Uganda

Phone: +256312178552
Email: globaloncology@fredhutch.org