If you're looking for a fellowship and are interested in what the lab researches, please contact Dr. Bedalov to learn about current openings.
You may also be interested in the Fred Hutch page about postdoctoral fellowships.
Dr. Bedalov is affiliated with the University of Washington Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cell Biology Graduate Program.
Openings in the MCB program can be viewed on Dr. Bedalov's faculty profile.
Recruitment and applications are handled through UW. Learn more about applying to the MCB program or applying to the Department of Biochemistry.
Whether you're here for a summer or during the school year, or both, as an undergraduate intern you will be exposed to everything involved with working in a lab.
From setting up simple PCR reactions to making viruses in tissue culture, the only things you have to bring are motivation and willingness to learn.
Please send a scientific CV to Dr. Bedalov. No prior lab experience is necessary, but it doesn't hurt.