

Conj 537 Mechanisms of Transcriptional Regulation

Course organizer: Toshi Tsukiyama
This course is taught in Fall quarter. even numbered years
Lecturers: Steve Hahn, Toshi Tsukiyama, Sita Kugel, Daphne Avgousti

Graduate and Postdoctoral and Undergraduate Research

Study toward the Ph.D. degree in the Hahn laboratory can carried out through either the Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) or the Biological Physics, Structure and Design (BPSD) programs, which are joint graduate programs of the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. In these programs, students can choose from a large number of participating laboratories at the Hutchinson Center, the University of Washington and several other affiliated institutions.

Mentoring of students and postdoctoral fellows is a high priority. In addition, FredHutch offers multiple opportunities for career counseling, networking, and teaching/mentoring.

Research in the Hahn laboratory is not based on a single approach, but rather a variety of experimental technologies are used to explore fundamental mechanisms of transcription and its regulation. Approaches used include molecular genetics, genomics, computational biology, biochemistry, structural biology, and biophysics.  The laboratory provides an excellent learning environment for students and postdoctoral fellows to address scientific questions using a multidisciplinary approach and through collaborations with other laboratories using cutting edge technologies. A joint group meeting and transcription-related journal club is held weekly and joint lab meetings with the Tsukiyama lab are held monthly. The Basic Sciences Division also offers a weekly forum for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work to the Basic Sciences and Human Biology Divisions as well as a "chromatin club" where trainees working on chromatin, transcription and related topics present monthly.

Direct inquiries regarding postdoctoral and graduate study to Steven Hahn.

Undergraduate Research

There is typically one position open per year for a summer internship or undergraduate research during the academic year.
Direct inquiries to Steven Hahn.