
Hahn lab group photo

Hahn Lab at summit of Mt Pilchuck, September 2018. Left to Right: Derek Pacheco, Rafal Donczew, Steve, James Fishburn, Linda Warfield, Ariel Erijman.

Steve Hahn, PI

Steve Hahn, PI

Title: Professor, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutch
Lakshmi Mahendrawada

Lakshmi Mahendrawada

Title: Postdoctoral Associate
Saket Mishra

Saket Mishra

Title: Postdoctoral Associate
Anuradha Venkatramani

Anuradha Venkatramani

Title: Postdoctoral Associate
Linda Warfield

Linda Warfield

Title: Research Tech IV
Sophia Ahn

Sophia Ahn

Title: Research Intern
Martin Zhang

Martin Zhang

Title: Research Intern

Former Lab Members

Zarnab Ahmad, PhD | Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Human Biology Division, FredHutch
David Auble, PhD |Professor emeritus, Department of Biochemistry, University of Virginia
Michelle Brajcich, MD | Attending physician, Children's Hospital, Philadelphia
Hung-Ta Chen, PhD | Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Marine Dehecq | Post-doctoral fellow chez institut de Biologie Valrose, France
Rachel Dell | Research Technician, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle WA
Rafal Donczew | Assistant Member, Oaklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Jesse Eichner, MD | Spokane, WA
Ariel Eirjman PhD | Scientist, New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA
Lisa Fish | Senior Director of Research & Early Development at Exai Bio
James Fishburn | Research Associate, Seagen, Bothel, WA
Sebastian Grünberg | Research Scientist, New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA
Tom Gutman, | Bioinformatics engineer, Institute Curie, Paris
Clemens Heikaus, PhD |  Global Director, Novozymes, Franklinton, NC
Yan Han, PhD | Assistant Professor and cyroEM Research Specalist, HHMI, UT Southwestern, Dallas TX
Eric Herbig, PhD | Adjunct Professor, South Seattle Community College / Music Producer and Composer, Seattle, WA
Leonid Kisselev, JD | Associate, Cascadia Intellectual Property
Bruce Knutson, PhD |  Associate Professor, SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gail Miller, PhD | Chemistry Teacher, Monifieth, Scotland
Nadége Minoungou, Postdoctoral researcher, Université du Luxembourg
Sally Lee, PhD | Managing Associate, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, Menlo Park, CA
Amélia Lalou, Ph.D student, Laboratory of integrative Systems, Lusanne
Ying Liu, PhD | Team Leader, Center for Computational and Integrative Biology at Mass General Hospital
Neeman Mohibullah, PhD | Director, integrated genomics center, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Beth Moorefield, PhD | Senior Editor, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
A. James Movius | Mass Spectrometry Scientist, University of Washington Medicinal Chemistry
Derek Pacheco | Scientist, Purification Process Design at Just - Evotec Biologics
Jeff Ranish, PhD | Professor, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA
Pranhitha Reddy, PhD | President and founder, Gene to BLA Consulting, LLC, Seattle, WA
Hannah Robbins, MD | Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR
Sadia Roberts, PhD | Freelance Designer, London
Jeremy Schofield, PhD | Scientist II at MilliporeSigma
Lisa Tuttle, PhD | Research Scientist, University of Washington Seattle
Katie Ulrich | Graduate student, Rice University, Houston, TX
Wendy Reeves, PhD | Teaching Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
Ted Young, PhD | Emeritus Professor, University of Washington, Department of  Biochemistry