
Genetic association studies

Logic Regression

Logic Regression
Logic Regression: R libraries to fit logic regression models.


  • Improved background correction for spotted DNA microarrays is implemented in Gordon Smyth: R code. It is also implemented in Gordon Smyth's Limma package on bioconductor as the function kooperberg.

Polynomial Splines


  • Software for hare, heft, lspec, logspline, polyclass and polymars, as well as the logspline version discussed in Stone et al (1997) are now available as an R-package. You can download the package polspline from CRAN. (Version 1.0.11, 5/24/2005.)
  • Software for logspline as well as the logspline version discussed in Stone et al (1997) are now available as an R-package. You can download the package logspline from CRAN. (Version 2,9,2, 4/18/2005.) The latest version of logspline is always part of the latest version of polspline.

A book about splines