

Discovery and fine-mapping of height loci via high-density imputation of GWASs in individuals of African ancestry. Mariaelisa Graff, Anne E. Justice, Kristin L. Young, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics, 108, 564-582.

Chromosome Xq23 is associated with lower atherogenic lipid concentrations and favorable cardiometabolic indices. Pradeep Natarajan, Akhil Pampana, Sarah E. Graham, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications, 12, 2182.

Women’s Health Initiative Strong and Healthy pragmatic physical activity intervention trial for cardiovascular disease prevention: design and baseline characteristics. Marcia L. Stefanick, Abby C. King, Sally Mackey, Lesley F. Tinker,  Mark A. Hlatky, Michael J. LaMonte, John Bellettiere, Joseph C. Larson, Garnet Anderson, Charles Kooperberg, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 76, 725–734

Non-coding variants in MYH11, FZD3, and SORCS3 are associated with dementia in women. Elizabeth E. Blue, Timothy A. Thornton, Jean Wactawski-Wende, JoAnn Manson, Charles Kooperberg, Lew Kuller, Simin Liu, Kathleen Hayden, and Alexander P. Reiner. Alzheimer's and Dementia17, 215-225.

Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Daniel Taliun, Daniel N. Harris, Michael D. Kessler, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature590, 290-299.

Improving reporting standards for polygenic scores in risk prediction studies. Hannh Wand, Samuel A. Lamber, Cecilia Tamburro, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature591, 211-219.

Healthy lifestyle and clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential: Results from the Women's Health Initiative. Bernhard Haring, Alexander P. Reiner, Jingmin Liu, Deirdre K. Tobias, Eric Whitsel, Jeffrey S. Berger, Pinkal Desai, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Michael J. LaMonte, Kathleen M. Hayden, Alexander G. Bick, Pradeep Natarajan, Joshua S. Weinstock, Patricia K. Nguyen, Marcia Stefanick, Michael S. Simon, Charles B. Eaton, Charles Kooperberg, and JoAnn E. Manson. Journal of the American Heart Association10, e018789.

Premature menopause, clonal hematopoiesis, and coronary artery disease in postmenopausal women. Michael C. Honigberg, Seyedeh M. Zekavat, Abhishek Niroula , Gabriel K. Griffin, Alexander G. Bick, James P. Pirruccello, Tetsushi Nakao, Eric A. Whitsel, Leslie V. Farland, Cecelia Laurie, Charles Kooperberg, JoAnn E. Manson, Stacey Gabriel, Peter Libby, Alexander P. Reiner, Benjamin L. Ebert, and Pradeep Natarajan. Circulation143, 410-423.

A population-based study of genes previously implicated in breast cancer. C. Hu, S. N. Hart, R. Gnanaolivu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... New England Journal of Medicine384, 440-451.

Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study accounting for gene-psychosocial factor interactions identifies novel loci for blood pressure traits. Daokun Sun, Melissa A. Richard, Solomon K. Musani, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... HGG Advances2, 100013.

Whole genome sequence analyses of eGFR in 23,732 people representing multiple ancestries in the NHLBI trans-omics for precision medicine (TOPMed) consortium. Bridget M. Lin, Kesley E. Grinde, Jennifer A. Brody, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... EBioMedicine63, 103157.


Minority-centric meta-analyses of blood lipid levels identify novel loci in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Yao Hu, Mariaelisa Graff, Jeffrey Haessler, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Iona Chang, and Ulrike Peters. PLoS Genetics16, e1008684.

Inherited causes of clonal haematopoiesis in 97,691 whole genomes. Alexander G. Bick, Joshua S. Weinstock, Satish K. Nandakumar, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature 586, 763-768.

Mendelian randomization analysis of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels and pancreatic cancer risk. Dalia H. Ghoneim, Jingjing Zhu, Wei Zheng, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention29, 2735-2739.

Meta-analysis of up to 622,409 individuals identifies 40 novel smoking behaviour associated genetic loci. A. Mesut Erzurumluoglu, Mengzhen Liu, Victoria E. Jackson, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Molecular Psychiatry25, 2392-2409.

Discovery of rare variants associated with blood pressure regulation through meta-analysis of 1.3 million individuals. Praveen Surendran, Elena V. Feofanova, Najim Lahrouchi, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics52, 1314-1332.

Genetic determinants of electrocardiographic P-wave duration and relation to atrial fibrillation. Lu-Chen Weng, Amelia Weber Hall, Seung Hoan Choi, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine13, 387-395.

A transcriptome-wide association study identifies novel candidate susceptibility genes for pancreatic cancer. Jun Zhong, Ashley Jermusyk, Lang Wu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the National Cancer Institute112, 1003--1012.

Ancestry-specific associations identified in genome-wide combined-phenotype study of red blood cell traits emphasize benefits of diversity in genomics. Chani J. Hodonsky, Antoine R. Baldassari, Stephanie A. Bien, Laura M. Raffield, Heather M. Highland, Colleen M. Sitlani, Genevieve L. Wojcik, Ran Tao, Marielisa Graff, Weihong Tang, Bharat Thyagarajan, Steve Buyske, Myriam Fornage, Lucia A. Hindorff, Yun Li, Danyu Lin, Alex P. Reiner, Kari E. North, Ruth J. F. Loos, Charles Kooperberg, and Christy L. Avery. BMC Genomics21, 228.

Association of leukocyte relomere length with mortality among adult participants in 3 longitudinal studies. Konstantin G. Arbeev, Simon Verhulst, Troels Steenstrup, Jeremy D. Kark, Olivia Bagley, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander P. Reiner, Shih-Jen Hwang, Daniel Levy, Annette L. Fitzpatrick, Kaare Christensen, Anatoliy I. Yashin, and Abraham Aviv. JAMA Network Open3, e200023.

Multi-ancestry GWAS of the electrocardiographic PR interval identifies 202 loci underlying cardiac conduction. Ioanna Ntalla, Lu-Chen Weng, James H. Cartwright, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications11, 2542.

Loss-of-function genomic variants highlight potential therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease. Jonas B. Nielsen, Oren Rom, Ida Surakka, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications11, 6417.

Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of stroke in 22000 individuals of African decent identifies novel associations with stroke. Keith L. Keene, Hyacint I. Hyacinth, Joshua C. Bis, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Stroke51, 2454-2463.

A general framework for functionally informed set-based analysis: Application to a large-scale colorectal cancer study. Xinyuan Dong, Yu-Ru Su, Richard Barfield, Stephanie A. Bien, Qianchuan He, Tabitha A. Harrison, Jeroen R. Huyghe, Temitope O. Keku, Noralane M. Lindor, Clemens Schafmayer, Andrew T. Chan, Stephen B.Gruber, Mark A. Jenkins, Charles Kooperberg, Ulrike Peters, and Li Hsu. PLoS Genetics16, e1008947.

Multi-ethnic genome-wide association study of decomposed cardioelectric phenotypes illustrates strategies to identify and characterize evidence of shared genetic effects for complex traits. Antoine R. Baldassari, Colleen M. Sitlani, Heather M. Highland, ..., Charles Kooperberg, and Christy L. Avery. Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine13, 272-280.

Dynamic incorporation of multiple in silico functional annotations empowers rare variant association analysis of large whole-genome sequencing studies at scale. Xihao Li, Zilin Li, Hufeng Zhou, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics52, 969-983.

Associations between genetically predicted blood protein biomarkers and pancreatic cancer risk. Jingjing Zhu, Xiang Shu, Xingyi Guo, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention29, 1501-1508.

Genome-wide gene-diabetes and gene-obesity interaction scan in 8,255 cases and 11,900 controls from PanScan and PanC4 Consortia. Hongwei Tang, Lai Jiang, Rachael Z. Stolzenberg-Solomon, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention29, 1784-1791.

Genome-wide association study data reveal genetic susceptibility to chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases and pancreatic ductal adeonocarcinoma risk. Fangcheng Yuan, Rayjean J. Hung, Naomi Walsh ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Research80, 4004-4013.

Role of rare and low-frequency variants in gene-alcohol interactions on plasma lipid levels. Zhe Wang, Han Chen, Traci M. Bartz, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine13, 307-313.

Smoking-by-genotype interaction in type 2 diabetes risk and fasting glucose. Peitao Wu, Denis Rybin, Lawrence F. Bielak, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE15, e0230815.


Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits. Genevieve L. Wojcik, Mariaelisa Graff, Katherine K. Nishimura, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Loic Le Marchand, Ruth J. F. Loos, Tara C. Matise, Kari E. North, Ulrike Peters, Eimear E. Kenny, Christopher S. Carlson. Nature570, 514-518.

Statistical inference of genetic pathway analysis in high dimensions. Yang Liu, Wei Sun, Alexander P. Reiner, Charles Kooperberg, and Qianchuan He. Biometrika106, 651-664.

Agnostic pathway/gene set analysis of genome-wide association data identifies associations for pancreatic cancer. Naomi Walsh, Han Zhang, Paula L. Hyland, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the 2ational Cancer Institute111, 557-567.

Genome-wide association analysis of venous thromboembolism identifies new risk loci and genetic overlap with arterial vascular disease. Derek Klarin, Emma Busenkell, Renae Judy, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics51, 1574-1579.

A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study reveals potential pleiotropyin African Americans. Sarah A. Pendergrass, Steven Buyske, Janina M.Jeff, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Marilyn D. Ritchie, Dana C. Crawford PLoS ONE14, e0226771.

Use of >100,000 NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium whole genome sequences improves imputation quality and detection of rare variant associations in admixed African and Hispanic/Latino populations. Madeline H. Kowalski, Huijun Qian, Ziyi Hou, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS Genetics15, e1008500.

Impact of rare and common genetic variants on diabetes diagnosis by hemoglobin A1c in multi-ancestry cohorts: the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Program. Chloe Sarnowski, Aaron Leong, Laura M. Raffield, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics106, 706-718.

Uganda genome resource enables insights into population history and genomic discovery in Africa. Deepti Gurdasani, Tommy Carstensen, Segun Fatumo, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cell179, 984-1002.

DNA methylation-based estimator of telomere length. Ake T Lu, Anne Seeboth, Pei-CHien Tsai, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Aging11, 5895-5923.

GWAS of QRS duration identifies new loci specific to Hispanic/Latino populations. Brendon R. Swenson, Tin Louie, Henry J. Lin, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE14, e0217796.

Discovery of common and rare genetic risk variants for colorectal cancer. Jeroen R. Huyghe, Stephanie A. Bien, Tabitha A. Harrison, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics51, 76-87.

Genomic and transcriptomic association studies identify 16 novel susceptibility loci for venous thromboembolism. Sara Lindstrom, Lu Wang, William Gordon, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Blood134, 1645-1657.

A large-scale exome array analysis of venous thromboembolism. Sara Lindstrom, Jennifer A. Brody, Constance Turman, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Genetic Epidemiology43, 449-457.

Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-smoking interaction study of 387,272 individuals identifies new loci associated with serum lipids. A large-scale exome array analysis of venous thromboembolism. Amy R. Bentley, Yun J. Sung, Michael R. Brown, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics51, 636-648.

Multi-ancestry sleep-by-SNP interaction analysis in 126,926 individuals reveals lipid loci stratified by sleep duration. Raymond Noordam, Maxime M. Bos, Heming Wang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communicationsy10, 5121.

Effects of colorectal cancer risk factors on the association between aspirin and colorectal cancer. Max E. Seaton, Ulrike Peters, Karen C. Johnson, Charles Kooperberg, Andrea Bafford, and Niha Zubair. Anticancer Research39, 4877-4884.

Trans-ethnic kidney function association study reveals putative causal genes and effects on kidney-specific disease aetiologies. Andrew P. Morris, Thu H. Le, Haojia Wu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications10, 29.

Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity. Tuomas O. Kilpelainen, Amy R. Bentley, Raymond Noordam, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications10, 376.

Exome chip meta-analysis fine maps causal variants and elucidates the genetic architecture of rare coding variants in smoking and alcohol use. David M. Brazel, Yu Jiang, Jordan M. Hughey, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Biological Psychiatry85, 946-955.

Novel commen genetic susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer. Stephanie L. Schmit, Christopher K. Edlund, Fredrick R. Schumacher, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the National Cancer Institute111, djy099.

Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use. Mengzhen Liu, Yu Jiang, Robbee Wedow, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics51, 237-244.

Efficient variant set mixed model association tests for continuous and binary traits in large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Han Chen, Jennifer E. Huffman, Jennifer A. Brody, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics104, 260-274.

Leveraging linkage evidence to identify low-frequency and rare variants on 16p13 associated with blood pressure using TOPMed whole genome sequencing data. Karen Y. He, Xiaoyin Li, Tanika N. Kelly, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Genetics138, 199-210.

Genetics of chronic kidney disease stages across ancestries: The PAGE Study. Bridget M. Lin, Girish N. Nadkarni, Ran Tao, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Frontiers in Genetics10, 494.

Multiancestry genome-wide association study of lipid levels incorporating gene-alcohol interactions. Paul S. de Vries, Michael R. Brown, Amy R. Bentley, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Epidemiology188, 1033-1054.

A multi-ancestry genome-wide study incorporating gene-smoking interactions identifies multiple new locifor pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Yun Ju Sund, Lida de las Fuentes, Thomas W. Winkler, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics28, 2615-2633.


Identifying disease-associated copy number variation by a doubly penalized regression model. Yichen Cheng, James Y. Dai, Xiaoyu Wang, and Charles Kooperberg.Biometrics74, 1341-1350.

Discovery, fine-mapping, and conditional analyses of genetic variants associated with C-reactive protein in multiethnic populations using the Metabochip in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Jonathan Kocarnik, Melissa Richard, Misa Graff, ..., Charles Kooperberg. Human Molecular Genetics27, 2940-2953.

Generalization and fine mapping of red blood cell trait genetic associations to multi-ethnic populations: The PAGE study. Chani J. Hodonsky, Claudia Schuurman, Ursula M. Schick, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Christy Avery. American Journal of Hematology93, 1061-1073.

Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Rainer Malik, Ganesh Chauhan, Matthew Traylor, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics50, 524-537.

Genome analyses of >200,000 individuals identify 58 loci for chronic inflammation and highlight pathways that link inflammation and complex disorders. Symen Ligthart, Ahmad Vaez, Urmo Vosa, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics103, 691-706.

Exome-chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with cardiac conduction, including ADAMTS6. Bram P. Prins, Timothy J. Mead, Jennifer A. Brody, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Genome Biology19, 87.

Prospective associations of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and CRP genetic risk scores with risk of total knee and hip replacement for osteoarthritis in a diverse cohort. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Robert Terkeltaub, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander Reiner, Charles B. Eaton, Rebecca D. Jackson, Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, Rany M. Salem, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage26, 1038-1044.

Genome-wide association study of PR interval in Hispanics/Latinos identifies novel locus at ID2. Amanda A Seyerle, Henry J. Lin, Stephanie M. Gogarten, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Heart104, 904-911.

Common and rare genetic coding variation R underlying the electocardiographic PR interval. Honghuang Lin, Jessica van Setten, Albert V. Smith, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine11, e002037.

Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure underpinning obesity. Valerie Turcot, Yingchang Lu, Heather M. Highland, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics50, 26-41.

A large-scale multi-ancestry genome-wide study accounting for smoking behavior identifies multiple significant loci for blood pressure. Yun J. Sung, Thomas W. Winkler, Lisa de las Fuentes, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics102, 375-400.

The genetic underpinnings of variation in ages at menarche and natural menopause among women from the multi-ethnic Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study: A trans-ethnic meta-analysis. Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Jennifer R. Malinowski, Yujie Wang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE17, e0200486.

Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Alison Klein, Brian Wolpin, Harvey Risch, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications9, 556.

Trans-ethnic analysis of metabochip data identifies two new loci associated with BMI. Jian Gong, Katherine K. Nishimura, Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Obesity42, 384-390.

Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. Mary F. Feitosa, Aldi T. Kraja, Daniel I. Chasman, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE13, e0198166.


Identifying disease-associated copy number variation by a doubly penalized regression model. Yichen Cheng, James Y. Dai, Xiaoyu Wang, and Charles Kooperberg.Biometrics74, 1341-1350.

Discovery, fine-mapping, and conditional analyses of genetic variants associated with C-reactive protein in multiethnic populations using the Metabochip in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Jonathan Kocarnik, Melissa Richard, Misa Graff, ..., Charles Kooperberg. Human Molecular Genetics27, 2940-2953.

Generalization and fine mapping of red blood cell trait genetic associations to multi-ethnic populations: The PAGE study. Chani J. Hodonsky, Claudia Schuurman, Ursula M. Schick, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Christy Avery. American Journal of Hematology93, 1061-1073.

Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Rainer Malik, Ganesh Chauhan, Matthew Traylor, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics50, 524-537.

Genome analyses of >200,000 individuals identify 58 loci for chronic inflammation and highlight pathways that link inflammation and complex disorders. Symen Ligthart, Ahmad Vaez, Urmo Vosa, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics103, 691-706.

Exome-chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with cardiac conduction, including ADAMTS6. Bram P. Prins, Timothy J. Mead, Jennifer A. Brody, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Genome Biology19, 87.

Prospective associations of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and CRP genetic risk scores with risk of total knee and hip replacement for osteoarthritis in a diverse cohort. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Robert Terkeltaub, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander Reiner, Charles B. Eaton, Rebecca D. Jackson, Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, Rany M. Salem, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage26, 1038-1044.

Genome-wide association study of PR interval in Hispanics/Latinos identifies novel locus at ID2. Amanda A Seyerle, Henry J. Lin, Stephanie M. Gogarten, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Heart104, 904-911.

Common and rare genetic coding variation R underlying the electocardiographic PR interval. Honghuang Lin, Jessica van Setten, Albert V. Smith, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine11, e002037.

Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure underpinning obesity. Valerie Turcot, Yingchang Lu, Heather M. Highland, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics50, 26-41.

A large-scale multi-ancestry genome-wide study accounting for smoking behavior identifies multiple significant loci for blood pressure. Yun J. Sung, Thomas W. Winkler, Lisa de las Fuentes, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics102, 375-400.

The genetic underpinnings of variation in ages at menarche and natural menopause among women from the multi-ethnic Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study: A trans-ethnic meta-analysis. Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Jennifer R. Malinowski, Yujie Wang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE17, e0200486.

Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Alison Klein, Brian Wolpin, Harvey Risch, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications9, 556.

Trans-ethnic analysis of metabochip data identifies two new loci associated with BMI. Jian Gong, Katherine K. Nishimura, Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Obesity42, 384-390.

Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. Mary F. Feitosa, Aldi T. Kraja, Daniel I. Chasman, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE13, e0198166.


Quantification of multiple tumor clones using gene array and sequencing data. Yichen Cheng, James Y. Day, Thomas G. Paulson, Xiaoyu Wang, Brian R. Reid, and Charles Kooperberg. Annals of Applied Statistics11, 967-991.

Transethnic insight into the genetics of glycaemic traits: fine-mapping results from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) consortium. Stephanie A. Bien, James S. Pankow, Jeffrey Haessler, Yinchan Lu, Nathan Pankratz, Rebecca R. Rohde, Alfred Tamuno, Christopher S. Carlson, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Petra Buskova, Martha L. Daviglus, Unhee Lim, Myriam Fornage, Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Larissa Aviles-Santa, Steven Buyske, Myron D. Gross, Mariaelisa Graff, Carmen R. Isasi, Lewis H. Kuller, JoAnn E. Manson, Tara C. Matise, Ross L. Prentice, Lynne R. Wilkens, Sachiko Yoneyama, Ruth J. F. Loos, Lucia A. Hindorff, Loic Le Marchand, Kari E. North, Christopher A. Haiman, Ulrike Peters, and Charles Kooperberg. Diabetologia14, 2384-2398.

Structured detection of interactions with the directed Lasso. Hristina Pashova, Michael LeBlanc, and Charles Kooperberg. Statistics in Biosciences9, 676-691.

Fine mapping of QT interval regions in global populations refines previously identified QT interval loci and identifies signals unique to African and Hispanic descent populations. Christy L. Avery, Christina L. Wassel, Melissa A. Richard, Heather M. Highland, Stephanie Bien, Niha Zubair, Elsayed Z. Soliman, Myriam Fornage, Suzette J. Bielinski, Ran Tao, Amanda A. Seyerle, Sanjiv J. Shah, Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, Steven Buyske, Jerome I. Rotter, Wendy S. Post, Stephen S. Rich, Lucia A. Hindorff, Janina M. Jeff, Ralph V. Shohet, Nona Sotoodehnia, Dan Yu Lin, Eric A. Whitsel, Ulrike Peters, Christopher A. Haiman, Dana C. Crawford, Charles Kooperberg, and Kari E. North. Heart Rhythn14, 572-580.

Exome-wide association study of plasma lipids in > 300,000 individuals. Daijang J. Liu, Gina M. Peloso, Haojie Yu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics49, 1758-1766.

Genome-wide association study of heart rate and its variability in Hispanic/Latino cohorts. Kathleen F. Kerr, Christy L. Avery, Henry J. Lin, Laura M. Raffield, Qian S. Zhang, Brian L. Browning, Sharon R. Browning, Matthew P. Conomos, Stephanie M. Gogarten, Cathy C. Laurie, Tamar Sofer, Timothy A. Thornton, Chancellor Hohensee, Rebecca D. Jackson, Charles Kooperberg, Yun Li, Raul Mendez-Giraldez, Marco V. Perez, Ulrike Peters, Alexander P. Reiner, Zhu-Ming Zhang, Jie Yao, Nona Sotoodehnia, Kent D. Taylor, Ziuqing Guo, Leslie A. Lange, Elsayed Z. Soliman, James G. WIlson, Jerome I. Rotter, Susan R. Heckbert, Deepti Jain, and Eric A. Whitsel. Heart Rhythn14, 1675-1684.

Replication of genome-wide association study findings of longevity in white, African American, and Hispanic Women: The Women's Health Initiative. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander P. Reiner, Sonia Jain, JoAnn E. Manson, Chancellor Hohensee, Caroline A. Macera, Richard A. Shaffer, Linda C. Gallo, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Journal of Gerontology A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences72, 1401-1406.

GWAS of the electrocardiographic QT interval in Hispanics/Latinos generalizes previously identified loci and identifies population- specific signals. Raul Mendez-Giraldez, Stephanie M. Gogarten, Jennifer E. Below, Jie Yao, Amanda A. Seyerle, Heather M. Highland, Charles Kooperberg, Elsayed Z. Soliman, Jerome I. Rotter, Kathleen F. Kerr, Kelli K. Ryckman, Kent D. Taylor, Lauren E. Petty, Sanjiv J. Shah, Matthew P. Conomos, Nona Sotoodehnia, Susan Cheng, Susan R. Heckbert, Tamar Sofer, Xiuqing Guo, Eric A. Whitsel, Henry J. Lin, Craig L. Hanis, Cathy C. Laurie, and Christy L. Avery. Scientific Reports7, 17075.

Long-term oral bisphosphonate therapy and fractures in older women: The Women's Health Initiative. Rebecca L. Drieling, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Shirley A. A. Beresford, Denise M. Boudreau, Charles Kooperberg, Rowan T. Chlebowski, Marcia G. Ko, and Susan R. Heckbert. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society65, 1924-1931.

Associations of accelerometer-measured and self-reported sedentary time with leukocyte telomere length in older women. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Caroline A. Macera, Richard A. Shaffer, Sonia Jain, Linda C. Gallo, Michael J. LaMonte, Alexander P. Reiner, Charles Kooperberg, Cara L. Carty, Chongzhi Di, Todd M. Manini, Lifang Hou, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. American Journal of Epidemiology185, 172-184.

Rare variants in fox-1 homolog A (RBFOX1) are associated with lower blood pressure. Karen Y. He , Heming Wang, Brian E. Cade, Priyanka Nandakumar, Ayush Giri, Erin B. Ware, Jeffrey Haessler, Jingjing Liang, Jennifer A. Smith, Nora Franceschini, Thu H. Le, Charles Kooperberg, Todd L. Edwards, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Xihong Lin, Aravinda Chakravarti, Susan Redline, Xiaofeng Zhu. PLoS Genetics13, e1006678.

Genome-wide physical activity interactions in adiposity - A meta-analysis of 200,452 adults. Mariaelisa Graff, Robert A. Scott, Anne E. Justice, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS Genetics13, e1006678.

Fifteen new risk loci for coronary artery disease highlight arterial-wall-specific mechanisms. Joanna M. M. Howson, Wei Zhao, Daniel R. Barnes, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics49, 1113-1119.

Genetic loci associated with heart rate variability and their effects on cardiac disease risk. Ilja M. Nolte, M. Loretto Munoz, Vinicus Tragante, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications8, 15805.

Genome-wide meta-analysis of 241,258 adults accounting for smoking behaviour identifies novel loci for obesity traits. Anne E. Justice, Thomas W. Winkler, Mary F. Feitosa, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications8, 14977.

Systematic evaluation of pleiotropy identifies 6 further loci associated with coronary artery disease. Thomas R. Webb, Jeanette Erdmann, Kathleen E. Stirrups, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the American College of Cardiology69, 823-836.

Large-scale analyses of common and rare variants identify 12 new loci associated with atrial fibrillation. Ingrid E. Christophersen, Michiel Rienstra, Carolina Roselli, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics49, 946-952.

Discovery of novel hert rate-associated loci using the Exome Chip. Marten E. van den Berg, Helen R. Warren, Claudia P. Carbera, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics26, 2346-2363.

Single-trait and multi-trait genome-wide association analyses identify novel loci for blood pressure in African-ancestry populations. Jingjing Liang, Thu H. Le, Digna R. Valez Edwards, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLOS Genetics13, e1006728.

Trans-ethnic fine-mapping of genetic loci for body mass index in the diverse ancestral populations of the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study reveals evidence for multiple signals at established loci. Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Jian Gong, Jeffrey Haessler, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Genetics136, 771-800.

Genome-wide trans-ethnic meta-analysis identifies seven genetic loci influencing 2 erythrocyte traits and a novel role for RBPMS in erythropoiesis. Frank J. A. van Rooij, Rehan Qayyum, Albert V. Smith, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics100, 51-63.

Generalization and fine mapping of European ancestry-based central adiposity variants in African ancestry populations. Sachiko Yoneyama, Jia Yao, Xiuqing Gao, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Obesity41, 324-331.

Rare and low-frequency coding variants alter human adult height. Eirini Marouli, Mariaelisa Graff, Carolina Medina-Gomez, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature542, 186-190.

SOS2 and ACP1 loci identified through large-scale exome chip analysis regulate kidney development and function. Man Li, Yong Li, Olivia Weeks,..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the American Society of Nephrology28, 981-994.

Leisure-time physical activity and leukocyte telomere length among older women. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Michael J. LaMonte, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander P. Reiner, Cara L. Carty, Todd M. Manini, Lifang Hou, Chongzhi Di, Caroline A. Macera, Linda C. Gallo, Richard A. Shaffer, Sonia Jain, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Experimental Gerontology95, 141-147.

Leukocyte telomere length, T cell composition and DNA methylation age. older women. Brian H. Chen, Cara L. Carty, Masayuki Kimura, Jeremy D. Kark, Wei Chen, Shengxu Li, Tao Zhang, Charles Kooperberg, Daniel Levy, Themistocles Assimes, Devin Absher, Steve Horvath, Alexander P. Reiner, and Abraham Aviv. Aging9, 1983-1995.

Genetic architecture of lipid traits in the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos. Mariaelisa Graff, Leslie S. Emery, Anne E. Justice, Esteban Parra, Jennifer E. Below, Nicholette D. Palmer, Chuan Gao, Qing Duan, Adan Valladares-Salgado, Miguel Cruz, Alanna C. Morrison, Eric Boerwinkle, Eric A. Whitsel, Charles Kooperberg, Alex Reiner, Yun Li, Carlos Jose Rodriguez, Gregory A. Talavera, Carl D. Langefeld, Lynne E. Wagenknecht, Jill M. Norris, Kent D. Taylor, George Papanicolaou, Eimear Kenny, Ruth J. F. Loos, Yii-Der Ida Chen, Cathy Laurie, Tamar Sofer, and Kari E. North. Lipids in Health and Disease16, 200.

Association of accelerometer-measured physical activity with leukocyte telomere length among older women. Aladdin H. Shadyab, Michael J. LaMonte, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander P. Reiner, Cara L. Carty, Todd M. Manini, Lifang Hou, Chongzhi Di, and Andrea Z. LaCroix Journal of Gerontology A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences72, 1532-1537.

New blood pressure-associated locu identified in meta-analysis iof 475,000 individuals. Aldi T. Kraja, James P. Cook, Helen R. Warren, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics10, e001778.


Group association test using a hidden Markov model. Yichen Cheng, James Y. Dai, and Charles Kooperberg. Biostatistics17, 221-234.

Augmented case-only designs for randomized clinical trials with failure time endpoints. James Y. Dai, Xinyi Cindy Zhang, Ching-Yun Wang, and Charles Kooperberg. Biometrics72, 30-38.

Fine-mapping of lipid regions in global populations discovers ethnic-specific signals and refines previously identified lipid loci. Niha Zubair, Mariaelisa Graff, Jose Luis Ambite, ..., Charles Kooperberg, and Cara L. Carty. Human Molecular Genetics25, 5500-5512.

Strategies for enriching variant coverage in candidate disease loci on a multiethnic genotyping array. Stephanie A. Bien, Genevieve L. Wojcik, Niha Zubair, Christopher R. Gignoux, Alicia R. Martin, Jonathan M. Kocarnik, Lisa W. Martin, Steven Buyske, Jeffrey Haessler, Ryan W. Walker, Iona Cheng, Mariaelisa Graff, Lucy Xia, Nora Franceschini, Tara Matise, Regina James, Lucia Hindorff, Loic Le Marchand, Kari E. North, Christopher A. Haiman, Ulrike Peters, Ruth J. F. Loos, Charles Kooperberg, Carlos D. Bustamante, Eimear E. Kenny, and Christopher S. Carlson. PLoS ONE11, e0167758.

Variant discovery and fine mapping of genetic loci associated with blood pressure traits in Hispanics and African Americans. Nora Franceschini, Cara L. Carty, Yingchang Lu, Ran Tao, Yun Ju Sung, Ani Manichaikul, Jeff Haessler, Myriam Fornage, Karen Schwander, Niha Zubair, Stephanie Bien, Lucia A. Hindorff, Xiuqing Guo, Suzette J. Bielinski, Georg Ehret, Joel D. Kaufman, Stephen S. Rich, Christopher S. Carlson, Erwin P. Bottinger, Kari E. North, D. C. Rao, Aravinda Chakravarti, Paula Q. Barrett, Ruth J. F. Loos, Steven Buyske, and Charles Kooperberg PLoS ONE11, e0164132.

Adult height, coronary heart disease and stroke: a multi-locus Mendelian randomization meta-analysis. Eveline Nuesch, Caroline Dale, Tom M. Palmer, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Epidemiology45, 1927-1937.

Validity of self-reported medication use compared with pharmacy records in a cohort of older women: findings from the Women's Health Initiative. Rebecca L. Drieling, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Shirley A. A. Beresford, Densise M. Boudreau, Charles Kooperberg, and Susan R. Heckbert. American Journal of Epidemiology184, 233-238.

Discovery and refinement of genetic loci associated with cardiometabolic risk using dense imputation maps. Valentina Iotchkova, Jie Huang, John A Morris,..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics48, 1303-1311.

Long-term oral bisphosphonate use in relation to fracture risk in postmenopausal women with breast cancer: findings from the Women's Health Initiative. Rebecca L. Drieling, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Shirley A. A. Beresford, Densise M. Boudreau, Charles Kooperberg, Rowan T. Chlebowski, Margery Gass, Carolyn J. Crandall, Catherine R. Womack, and Susan R. Heckbert. Menopause23, 1168-1175.

A reference panel of 64,976 haplotypes for genotype imputation. Shane McCarthy, Sayantan Das, Warren Kretzschmar, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics48, 1279-1283.

Meta-analysis identifies common and rare variants influencing blood pressure and overlapping with metabolic trait loci. Chunyu Liu, Aldi Kraja, Jennifer Smith, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics48, 1162-1170.

Four susceptibility loci for gallstone disease identified in a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. Amit D. Joshi, Charlotte Andersoson, Stephan Buch, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Gastroenterology151, 351-363.

Coding Variation in ANGPTL4, LPL, and SVEP1 and the risk of coronary disease. Nathan O. Stitziel, Kathleen E. Stirrups, Nicholas G.D. Masca, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... New England Journal of Medicine354, 1134-1144.

Trans-ethnic fine mapping highlights kidney-function genes linked to salt sensitivity. Anubha Mahajan, Aylin R. Rodan, Thu H. Le, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics99, 636-646.

Identification of a novel susceptibility locus at 13q34 and refinement of the 20p12.2 region as a multi-signal locus associated with bladder cancer risk in individuals of European ancestry. Jonine D. Figueroa, Candace D. Middlebrooks, A. Rouf Banday ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics25, 1203-1214.

A meta-analysis of 120 246 individuals identifies 18 new loci for fibrinogen concentration. Paul S. de Vries,Daniel I. Chasman, Maria Sabater-Lleal, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics25, 358-370.

Gene by Environment Investigation of Incident Lung Cancer Risk in African-Americans. Sean P. David, Ange Wang, Kristopher Kapphahn, Haley Hedlin, Manisha Desai, Michael Henderson, Lingyao Yang,Kyle M.Walsh,Ann G.Schwartz, John K. Wiencke, Margaret R. Spitz, Angela S. Wenzlaff, Margaret R. Wrensch, Charles B. Eaton, Helena Furberg, W. Mark Brown, Benjamin A. Goldstein, Themistocles Assimes, Hua Tang, Charles Kooperberg, Charles P. Quesenberry, Hilary Tindle, Manali I. Patel, Christopher I. Amos, Andrew W. Bergen, Gary E. Swan, and Marcia L.Stefanick EBioMedicine4, 153-161.

Female chromosome X mosaicism is age-related and preferentially affects the inactivated X chromosome. Michell J. Machiela, Weiyin Zhou, Eric Karlins, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications7, 11843.

Testing the role of predicted gene knockouts in human anthropometric trait variation. Samuel Lessard, Alisa K. Manning, Cecile Low-Kam, Paul L. Auer, Ayush Giri, Mariaelisa Graff, Claudia Schurmann, Hanieh Yaghootkar, Jian'an Luan, Tonu Esko, Tugce Karaderi, NHLBI GO Exome Sequence Project, GOT2D, T2D-GENES, GIANT Consortium, Erwin P. Bottinger, Yingchang Lu, Chris Carlson, Mark Caulfield, Marie-Pierre Dube, Rebecca D. Jackson, Charles Kooperberg, Barbara McKnight, Ian Mongrain, Ulrike Peters, Alex P. Reiner, David Rhainds, Nona Sotoodehnia, Joel N. Hirschhorn, Robert A.Scott, Patricia B. Munroe, Timothy M. Frayling, Ruth J. F. Loos, Kari E. North, Todd L. Edwards, Jean-Claude Tardif, Cecilia M. Lindgren, and Guillaume Lettre. Human Molecular Genetics25, 2082-2092.

Three new pancreatic cancer susceptibility signals identified on chromosomes 1q32.1, 5p15.33 and 8q24.21. Mingfeng Zhang, Zhaoming Wang, Ofure Obazee, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Oncotarget7, 66328-66343.


Genetic variation predicts serum lycopene concentrations in a multiethnic population of postmenopausal women. Niha Zubair, Charles Kooperberg, Jingmin Liu, Chongzhi Di, Ulrike Peters, and Marian Neuhouser. Journal of Nutrition145, 187-192.

Leveraging multi-ethnic evidence for mapping complex traits in minority populations: An empirical Bayes approach. Marc A. Coram, Sophie I. Candille, Qing Duan, Kei Hang K. Chan, Yun Li, Charles Kooperberg, Alex P. Reiner, and Hua Tang American Journal of Human Genetics96, 740-752.

Exome sequencing identifies rare LDLR and APOA5 alleles conferring risk for myocardial infarction. Ron Do, Nathan O. Stitziel, Hong-Hee Won, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature518, 102-106.

Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture. Hou-Feng Zheng, Vincenzo Forgetta, Yi-Hsiang Hsu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature526, 112-117.

Analysis of heritability and shared heritability based on genome-wide association studies for thirteen cancer types. Joshua N. Sampson, William A. Weeler, Meredith Yeager, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the National Cancer Institute 110, djv279.

Large-scale genomic analyses link reproductive aging to hypothalamic signaling, breast cancer susceptibility and BRCA1-mediated DNA repair. Felix R. Day, Katherise S. Ruth, Deborah J. Thompson, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics47, 1294-1303.

New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution. Dmitry Shungin, Thomas W. Winkler, Damien C. Croteau-Chonka, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature518, 187-196.

Leukocyte telomere length and risks of incident coronary heart disease and mortality in a racially diverse population of postmenopausal women. Cara L. Carty, Charles Kooperberg, Jingmin Liu, Megan Herndon, Themistocles Assimes, Lifang Hou, Candyce H. Kroenke, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Masayuki Kimura, Abraham Aviv, and Alexander P. Reiner. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biolohy35, 2225-2231.

SNPs and breast cancer risk prediction for African American and Hispanic women. Richard Allman, Gillian S. Dite, John L. Hopper, Ora Gordon, Athena Starlard-Davenport, Rowan Chlebowski, and Charles Kooperberg. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment154, 583-589.

Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology. Adam E. Locke, Bratati Kahali, Sonja I. Berndt, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature518, 197-206.

Association of exome sequences with plasma C-reactive protein levels in > 9000 participants. Ursula Schick, Paul L. Auer, Joshua C. Bis, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics24, 559-571.

TERT gene harbors multiple variants associated with pancreatic cancer susceptibility. Daniele Campa, Cosmeri Rizzato, Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomong, ... Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Cancer137, 2175-2183.

Hormone Use, Reproductive History, and Risk of Lung Cancer The Women's Health Initiative Studies. Ann G. Schwartz, Roberta M. Ray, Michele L. Cote, Judith Abrams, Robert J. Sokol, Susan L. Hendrix, Chu Chen, Rowan T. Chlebowski, F Allan Hubbell, Charles Kooperberg, JoAnn E. Manson, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Thomas Rohan, Marcia L. Stefanick, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Heather Wakelee, and Michael S. Simon. Journal of Thorac Oncology10, 1004-1013.

Characterization of large structural genetic mosaicism in human autosomes. Mitchell J. Machiela, Weiyin Zhou, Joshua N. Sampson, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics96, 487-497.

Copy number alterations detected by whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaohong Li, Yichen Cheng, Xin Sun, Xibin Sun, Steve Self, Charles Kooperberg and James Y. Dai. Human Genomics9, 22.

Pleiotropic and sex-specific effects of cancer GWAS SNPs on melanoma risk in the Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Jonathan M. Kocarnik, S. Lani Park, Jiali Han, Logan Dumitrescu, Iona Cheng, Lynne R. Wilkens, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Laurence Kolonel, Chris S. Carlson, Dana C. Crawford, Robert J. Goodloe, Holli H. Dilks, Paxton Baker, Danielle Richardson, Tara C. Matise, Jose Luis Ambite, Fengju Song, Abrar A. Qureshi, Mingfeng Zhang, David Duggan, Carolyn Hutter, Lucia Hindorff, William S. Bush, Charles Kooperberg, Loic Le Marchand, Ulrike Peters. PLoS ONE10, e0120491.

Genome-wide association study of colorectal cancer identifies six new susceptibility loci. Fredrick R. Schumacher, Stephanie L. Schmit, Shuo Jiao, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Communications8, 7138.

Rare and Coding Region Genetic Variants Associated With Risk of Ischemic Stroke: The NHLBI Exome Sequence Project. Paul L. Auer, Mike Nalls, James F. Meschia, .., Charles Kooperberg, ... JAMA Neurology72, 781-788.

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies genetic risk factors for stroke in African Americans. Cara L. Carty, Keith L. Keene, Yu-Ching Cheng, James F. Meschia, Wei-Min Chen, Mike Nalls, Joshua C. Bis, Steven J. Kittner, Stephen S. Rich, Salman Tajuddin, Alan B. Zonderman, Michele K. Evans, Carl D. Langefeld, Rebecca Gottesman, Thomas H. Mosley, Eyal Shahar, Daniel Woo, Kristine Yaffe, Yongmei Liu, Michele M. Sale, Martin Dichgans, Rainer Malik, W.T. Longstreth Jr, Braxton D. Mitchell, Bruce M. Psaty, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander Reiner, Bradford B. Worrall, and Myriam Fornage. Stoke46, 2063-2068.

Rare and low-frequency variants and their association with plasma levels of fibrinogen, FVII, FVIII, and vWF. Jennifer E. Huffman, Paul S. de Vries, Alanna C. Morrison, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ..., 26, 11, e19-e29.


A variational Bayes discrete mixture test for rare variant association. Benjamin A. Logsdon, James Y. Dai, Paul L. Auer, Jill M. Johnsen, Santhi K. Ganesh, Nicholas L. Smith, James G. Wilson, Russell P. Tracy, Leslie A. Lange, Shuo Jiao, Stephen S. Rich, Guillaume Lettre, Christopher S. Carlson, Rebecca D. Jackson, Christopher J. O'Donnell, Mark M. Wurfel, Deborah A. Nickerson, Hua Tang, Alexander P. Reiner, and Charles Kooperberg. Genetic Epidemiology38, 21-30.

Robust estimation for secondary trait association in case-control genetic studies. Jean de Dieu Tapsoba, Charles Kooperberg, Alexander Reiner, Ching Yun Wang, and James Y. Dai. American Journal of Epidemiology179, 1264-1272.

Analysis of metabolic syndrome components in >15,000 African Americans identifies pleiotropic variants: Results From the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology study. Cara L. Carty, Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, Jeff Haessler, Iona Cheng, Lucia A. Hindorff, Vanita Aroda, Christopher S. Carlson, Chun-Nan Hsu, Lynne Wilkens, Simin Liu, Elizabeth Selvin, Rebecca Jackson, Kari E. North, Ulrike Peters, James S. Pankow, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Charles Kooperberg. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics7, 505-513.

Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Brian M. Wolpin, Cosmeri Rizzato, Peter Kraft, Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics9, 994-1000.

Cross-cancer pleiotropic analysis of endometrial cancer: PAGE and E2C2 consortia. Veronica Wendy Setiawan, Fredrick Schumacher, Jennifer Prescott, Jeffrey Haessler, Jennifer Malinowski, Nicolas Wentzensen, Hannah Yang, Stephen Chanock, Louise Brinton, Patricia Hartge, Jolanta Lissowska, S. Lani Park, Iona Cheng, William S. Bush, Dana C. Crawford, Giske Ursin, Pamela Horn-Ross, Leslie Bernstein, Lingeng Lu, Harvey Risch, Herbert Yu, Lori C. Sakoda, Jennifer Doherty, Chu Chen, Rebecca Jackson, Shagufta Yasmeen, Michele Cote, Jonathan M. Kocarnik, Ulrike Peters, Peter Kraft, Immaculata De Vivo, Christopher A. Haiman, Charles Kooperberg and Loic Le Marchand. Carcinogenesis35, 2068-2073.

Leveraging population admixture to characterize the heritability of complex traits. Noah Zaitlen, Bogdan Pasaniuc, Sriram Sankararaman, Gaurav Bhatia, Jianqi Zhang, Alexander Gusev, Taylor Young, Arti Tandon, Samuela Pollack, Bjarni J. Vilhjalmsson, Themistocles L. Assimes, Sonja I. Berndt, William J. Blot, Stephen Chanock, Nora Franceschini, Phyllis J. Goodman, Anselm J. M. Hennis, Ann Hsing, Sue A. Ingles, William Isaacs, Rick A. Kittles, Eric A. Klein, Leslie A. Lange, Barbara Nemesure, Nick Patterson, David Reich, Benjamin A. Rybicki, Janet L. Stanford, Victoria L. Stevens, Sara S. Strom, Eric A. Whitsel, John S. Witte, Jianfeng Xu, Christopher Haiman, James G Wilson, Charles Kooperberg, Daniel Stram, Alex P. Reiner, Hua Tang, and Alkes L. Price. Nature Genetics46, 1356-1362.

Genome-wide association study of breast cancer in Latinas identifies novel protective variants on 6q25. Laura Fejerman, Nasim Ahmadiyeh, Donglei Hu, Scott Huntsman, Kenneth B. Beckman, Jennifer L. Caswell, Karen Tsung, Esther M. John, Gabriela Torres-Mejia, Luis Carvajal-Carmona, Maria Magdalena Echeverry, Anna Marie D. Tuazon, Carolina Ramirez, COLUMBUS Consortium, Christopher R. Gignoux, Celeste Eng, Esteban Gonzalez-Burchard, Brian Henderson, Loic Le Marchand, Charles Kooperberg, Lifang Hou, Ilir Agalliu, Peter Kraft, Sara Lindstrom, Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, Christopher A. Haiman, and Elad Ziv. Nature Communications5, 5260.

Functional redundancy in the nuclear compartmentalization of the late-replicating genome. Tobias Rogiczy, Agnes Telling, David Scalzo, Charles Kooperberg, and Mark Groudine. Nucleus5, 626-635.

Loss-of-function mutations in APOC3, triglycerides, and coronary disease. Jacy Crosby, Gina M. Peloso, Paul L. Auer, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... New England Journal of Medicine371, 22-31.

Evidence of heterogeneity by race/ethnicity in genetic determinants of QT interval. Amanda A. Seyerle, Alicia M. Young, Janina M. Jeff, Phillip E. Melton, Neal W. Jorgensen, Yi Lin, Cara L. Carty, Ewa Deelman, Susan R. Heckbert, Lucia A. Hindorff, Rebecca D. Jackson, Lisa W. Martin, Peter M. Okin, Marco V. Perez, Bruce M. Psaty, Elsayed Z. Soliman, Eric A. Whitsel, Kari E. North, Sandra Laston, Charles Kooperberg, and Christy L. Avery. Epidemiology25, 790-798.

Prospective associations of coronary heart disease loci in African Americans using the MetaboChip: The PAGE study. Nora Franceschini, Yijuan Hu, Alex P. Reiner, Steven Buyske, Mike Nalls, Lisa R. Yanek, Yun Li, Lucia A. Hindorff, Shelley A. Cole, Barbara V. Howard, Jeanette M. Stafford, Cara L. Carty, Praveen Sethupathy, Lisa W. Martin, Dan-Yu Lin, Karen C. Johnson, Lewis C. Becker, Kari E. North, Abbas Dehghan, Joshua C. Bis, Yongmei Liu, Philip Greenland, JoAnn E. Manson, Nobuyo Maeda, Melissa Garcia, Tamara B. Harris, Diane M. Becker, Christopher O'Donnell, Gerardo Heiss, Charles Kooperberg, and Eric Boerwinkle. PLoS ONE9, e01132o3.

Whole-exome imputation of sequence variants identified two novel alleles associated with adult body height in African Americans. Mengmeng Du, Paul L. Auer, Shuo Jiao, Jeffrey Haessler, David Altshuler, Eric Boerwinkle, Christopher S. Carlson, Cara L. Carty, Yii-Der Ida Chen, Keith Curtis, Nora Franceschini, Li Hsu, Rebecca Jackson, Leslie A. Lange, Guillaume Lettre, KeriL.Monda, NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project, Deborah A. Nickerson, Alex P. Reiner, Stephen S. Rich, Stephanie A. Rosse, Jerome I. Rotter, Cristen J. Willer, James G. Wilson, Kari North, Charles Kooperberg, Nancy Heard-Costa, and Ulrike Peters. Human Molecular Genetics23, 6607-6615.

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies two loci associated with circulating osteoprotegerin levels. Johnny S.H. Kwan, Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Ching-Lung Cheung, Josee Dupuis, Aude Saint-Pierre, Joel Eriksson, Samuel K. Handelman, Aaron Aragaki, David Karasik, Peter P. Pramstaller, Charles Kooperberg, Andrea Z. Lacroix, Martin G. Larson, Kam-Shing Lau, Mattias Lorentzon, Irene Pichler, Pak C. Sham, Daniel Taliun, Liesbeth Vandenput, Douglas P. Kiel, Andrew A. Hicks, Rebecca D. Jackson, Claes Ohlsson, Emelia J. Benjamin, and Annie W.C. Kung.

Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of white blood cell phenotypes. Margaux F. Keller, Alexander P. Reiner, Yukinori Okada, ... Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics23, 6944-6960.

Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33. Zhaoming Wang, Bin Zhu, Mingfeng Zhang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics23, 6616-6633.

Rare and low-frequency coding variants in CXCR2 and other genes are associated with hematological traits. Paul L. Auer, Alexander Teumer, Ursula Schick, Andrew O'Shaughnessy, Ken Sin Lo, Nathalie Chami, Chris Carlson, Simon de Denus, Marie-Pierre Dube, Jeff Haessler, Rebecca D. Jackson, Charles Kooperberg, Louis-Philippe Lemieux Perreault, Matthias Nauck, Ulrike Peters, John D. Rioux, Frank Schmidt, Valerie Turcot, Uwe Volker, Henry Volzke, Andreas Greinacher, Li Hsu, Jean-Claude Tardif, George A. Diaz, Alexander P. Reiner, and Guillaume Lettre. Nature Genetics46, 629-634.

Replication of associations between GWAS SNPs and melanoma risk in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Jonathan M. Kocarnik, Sungshim Lani Park, Jiali Han, Logan Dumitrescu, Iona Cheng, Lynne R. Wilkens, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Laurence Kolonel, Chris S. Carlson, Dana C. Crawford, Robert J. Goodloe, Holli Dilks, Paxton Baker, Danielle Richardson, Jose Luis Ambite, Fengju Song, Abrar A. Quresh, Mingfeng Zhang David Duggan, Carolyn Hutter, Lucia A. Hindorff, William S. Bush, Charles Kooperberg, Loic Le Marchand and Ulrike Peters. Journal of Investigative Dermatology134, 2049-2052.

Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data. Michael V. Holmes, Caroline E. Dale, Luisa Zuccolo, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... BMJ349, g4164.

The 19q12 bladder cancer GWAS signal: association with cyclin E function and aggressive disease. Yi-Ping Fu, Indu Kohaar, Lee E. Moore, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Research74, 5808-5818.

Genome-wide interaction study of smoking and bladder cancer risk. Jonine D. Figueroa, Summer S. Han, Montserrat Garcia-Clossas, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Carcinogenesis35, 1737-1744.

Pleiotropic associations of risk variants identified for other cancers With lung cancer risk: The PAGE and TRICL consortia. S. Lani Park, Megan D. Fesinmeyer, Maria Timofeeva, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Journal of the National Cancer Institute106, dju061.

Pleiotropic effects of genetic risk variants for other cancers on colorectal cancer risk: PAGE, GECCO and CCFR consortia. Iona Cheng, Jonathan M. Kocarnik, Logan Dumitrescu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Gut63, 800-807.

Pleiotropy of cancer susceptibility variants on the risk of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: The PAGE Consortium. Unhee Lim, Jonathan M. Kocarnik, William S. Bush, Tara C. Matise, Christian Caberto, Sungshim Lani Park, Christopher S. Carlson, Ewa Deelman, David Duggan, Megan Fesinmeyer, Christopher A. Haiman, Brian E. Henderson, Lucia A. Hindorff, Laurence N. Kolonel, Ulrike Peters, Daniel O. Stram, Maarit Tiirikainen, Lynne R. Wilkens, Chunyuan Wu, Charles Kooperberg, and Loic Le Marchand. PLoS ONE9, e89791.

Meta-analysis of loci associated with age at natural menopause in African-American women. Christina T. L. Chen, Ching-Ti Liu, Gary K. Chen, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics23, 3327-3342.

Meta-analysis of gene-level tests for rare variant association. Dajiang J. Liu, Gina M. Peloso, Xiaowei Zhan, Oddgeir L. Holmen, Matthew Zawistowski, Shuang Feng, Majid Nikpay, Paul L. Auer, Anuj Goel, He Zhang, Ulrike Peters, Martin Farrall, Marju Orho-Melander, Charles Kooperberg, Ruth McPherson, Hugh Watkins, Cristen J Willer, Kristian Hveem, Olle Melander, Sekar Kathiresan, Goncalo R Abecasis. Nature Genetics46, 200-204.

Genome-wide association study of survival in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Chen Wu, Peter Kraft, Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Gut20, 152-160.

Whole-exome sequencing identifies rare and low-frequency coding variants associated with LDL cholesterol. Leslie A. Lange, Youna Hu, He Zhang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics94, 233-245.

Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Gina M. Peloso, Paul L. Auer, Joshua C. Bis, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetcics94, 223-232.

Genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with bladder cancer risk. Jonine D. Figueroa, Yuanqing Ye, Afshan Siddiq, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics23,1387-1398.

Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height. Andrew R. Wood, Tonu Esko, Jian Yang, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics46,1173-1186.

Association of cancer susceptibility variants with risk of multiple primary cancers: The Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology study. S. Lani Park, Christian P. Caberto, Yi Lin, Robert J. Goodloe, Logan Dumitrescu, Shelly-Ann Love, Tara C. Matise, Lucia A. Hindorff, Jay H. Fowke, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Jennifer Beebe-Dimmer, Chu Chen, Lifang Hou, Fridtjof Thomas, Ewa Deelman, Ying Han, Ulrike Peters, Kari E. North, Gerardo Heiss, Dana C. Crawford, Christopher A. Haiman, Lynne R. Wilkens, William S. Bush, Charles Kooperberg, Iona Cheng, and Loic Le Marchand Cancer Epidemiology, Biomakers and Prevention23, 2568-2578.


Boosting for detection of gene-environment interaction. Hristina Pashova, Michael LeBlanc, and Charles Kooperberg. Statistics in Medicine32, 255-266.

Generalization and dilution of association results from European GWAS in populations of non-European ancestry: The PAGE Study. Christopher S. Carlson, Tara C. Matise, Kari E. North, Christopher A. Haiman, Megan D. Fesinmeyer, Steven Buyske, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Ulrike Peters, Nora Franceschini, Marylyn D. Ritchie, David J. Duggan, Kylee L. Spencer, Logan Dumitrescu, Charles B. Eaton, Fridtjof Thomas, Alicia Young, Cara Carty, Gerardo Heiss, Loic Le Marchand, Dana C. Crawford, Lucia A. Hindorff, and Charles Kooperberg. PLoS Biology11, e1001661.

Genome-wide characterization of shared and distinct genetic components that influence blood lipid levels in ethnically diverse human populations. Marc A. Coram, Qing Duan, Thomas J. Hoffmann, Timothy Thornton, Joshua W. Knowles, Nicholas A. Johnson, Heather M. Ochs-Balcom, Timothy A. Donlon, Lisa W. Martin, Charles B. Eaton, Jennifer G. Robinson, Neil J. Risch, Xiaofeng Zhu, Charles Kooperberg, Yun Li, Alex P. Reiner, and Hua Tang. American Journal of Human Genetics92, 904-916.

Menopausal hormone therapy and Health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women's Health Initiative randomized trials. JoAnn E. Manson, Rowan T. Chlebowski, Marcia L. Stefanick, Aaron K. Aragaki, Jacques E. Rossouw, Ross L. Prentice, Garnet Anderson, Barbara V. Howard, Cynthia A. Thomson, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Rebecca D. Jackson, Marian Limacher, Karen L. Margolis, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Shirley A. Beresford, Jane A. Cauley, Charles B. Eaton, Margery Gass, Judith Hsia, Karen C. Johnson, Charles Kooperberg, Lewis H. Kuller, Cora E. Lewis, Simin Liu, Lisa W. Martin, Judith K. Ockene, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Lynda H. Powell, Michael S. Simon, Linda Van Horn, Mara Z. Vitolins, and Robert B. Wallace. Journal of the American Medical Association310, 1353-1368.

Fine mapping and identification of BMI loci in African Americans. Jian Gong, Frederick Schumacher, Unhee Lim, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics93, 661-671.

Imputation of coding variants in African Americans: better performance using data from the exome sequencing project. Qing Duan, Eric Yi Liu, Paul L. Auer, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Bioinformatics29, 2744-2749.

OPG and sRANKL serum levels and incident hip fracture in postmenopausal Caucasian women in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study. Andrea Z. LaCroix, Rebecca D. Jackson, Aaron Aragakim Charles Kooperberg, Jane A. Cauley, Zhao Chen, Meryl S. LeBoff, David Duggan, and Jean Wactawski-Wende. Bone56, 474-481.

Common and rare von Willebrand factor (VWF) coding variants, VWF levels, and factor VIII levels in African Americans: the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project. Jill M. Johnsen, Paul L. Auer, Alanna C. Morrison, Shuo Jiao, Peng Wei, Jeffrey Haessler, Keolu Fox, Sean R. McGee, Joshua D. Smith, Christopher S. Carlson, Nicholas Smith, Eric Boerwinkle, Charles Kooperberg, Deborah A. Nickerson, Stephen S. Rich, David Green, Ulrike Peters, Mary Cushman, and Alex P. Reiner, on behalf of the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project. Blood122, 590-597.

Genome-wide association study of age at menarche in African-American women. Ellen W. Demerath, Ching-Ti Liou, Nora Franceschini, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Joanne M. Murabito, and Christopher A. Haiman. Human Molecular Genetics22, 3329-3346.

No evidence of interaction between known lipid-associated genetic variants and smoking in the multi-ethnic PAGE population. Logan Dumitrescu, Cara L. Carty, Nora Franceschini, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Kari E. North, Myriam Fornage and Dana C. Crawford. Human Genetics132, 1427-1431.

Post-genome-wide association study challenges for lipid traits: describing age as a modifier of gene-lipid associations in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Logan Dumitrescu, Cara L. Carty, Nora Franceschini, ..., Charles Kooperberg, Kari E. North, Myriam Fornage and Dana C. Crawford. Annals of Human Genetics77, 416-425.

Exome sequencing and directed clinical phenotyping diagnose cholesterol ester storage disease presenting as autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia. Nathan O. Stitziel, Sigrid W. Fouchier, Barbara Sjouke, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology33, 2909-2914.

Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and joint symptoms in postmenopausal women in the Women's Health Initiative randomized trial. Rowan T. Chlebowski, Mary Pettinger, Karen C. Johnson, Robert Wallace, Catherine Womack, Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani, Marcia Stefanick, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Laura Carbone, Bing Lu, Charles Eaton, Brian Walitt, Charles Kooperberg. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics113, 1302-1310.

Identification of genetic susceptibility loci for colorectal tumors in a genome-wide meta-analysis. Ulrike Peters, Shuo Jiao, Frederick R. Schumacher, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Gastroenterology144, 709-807.

An absolute risk model to identify individuals at elevated risk for pancreatic cancer in the general population. Alison P. Klein, Sara Lindstrom, Julie B. Mendelsohn, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE8, e72311.

A meta-analysis identifies new loci associated with body mass index in individuals of African ancestry. Keri L. Monda, Gary K. Chen, Kira C. Taylor, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics45, 690-698.

Investigation of gene-by-sex interactions for lipid traits in diverse populations from the population architecture using genomics and epidemiology study. Kira C. Taylor, Cara L. Carty, Logan Dumitrescu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... BMC Genetics14, 33.

A systematic mapping approach of 16q12.2/FTO and BMI in more than 20,000 African Americans narrows in on the underlying functional variation: results from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Ulrike Peters, Kari E. North, Praveen Sethupathy, ..., and Charles Kooperberg. PLoS Genetics9, e1003171.

Trans-ethnic fine-mapping of lipid loci identifies population-specific signals and allelic heterogeneity that increases the trait variance explained. Ying Wu, Lindsay L. Waite, Anne U. Jackson, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS Genetics9, e1003379.

A genome-wide association study of breast cancer in women of African ancestry. Fang Chen, Gary K. Chen, Daniel O. Stram, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Genetics132, 39-48.

Association of DXA-derived bone mineral density and fat mass with African ancestry. Heather M. Ochs-Balcom, Leah Preus, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Jing Nie, Nicholas A. Johnson, Fouad Zakharia, Hua Tang, Chris Carlson, Cara Carty, Zhao Chen, Thomas Hoffman, Carolyn M. Hutter, Rebecca D. Jackson, Robert C. Kaplan, Li Li, Song Liu, Marian L. Neuhouser, Ulrike Peters, John Robbins, Michael F. Seldin, Timothy A. Thornton, Cheryl L. Thompson, Charles Kooperberg, and Lara E. Sucheston. Journal of Clincal Endocrinology and Metabolism98, E713-E717.

Diabetes and risk of pancreatic cancer: a pooled analysis from the pancreatic cancer cohort consortium. Joanne W. Elena, Emily Steplowski, Kai Yu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Causes and Control24, 13-25.

Phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) for detection of pleiotropy within the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) network. Sarah A Pendergrass, Kristin Brown-Gentry, Scott Dudek, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS Genetics9, e1003087.

Polymorphisms in genes related to one-carbon metabolism are not related to pancreatic cancer in PanScan and PanC4. Max Leenders, Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee,Paolo Vineis, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Causes and Control24, 595-602.

Genome-wide association of body fat distribution in African ancestry populations suggests new loci. Ching-Ti Liu, Keri L. Monda, Kira C. Taylor, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS Genetics9, e1003681.

Generalization of adiposity genetic loci to US Hispanic women. Misa Graff, Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Simin Liu, Chris Carlson, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Marian Neuhouser, Alexander Reiner, Charles Kooperberg, Evadnie Rampersaud, JoAnn E. Manson, Lew H. Kuller, Barbara V. Howard, Heather M. Ochs-Balcom, Karen C. Johnson, Mara Z Vitolins, Lara Sucheston, Keri Monda, and Kari North. Nutrition and Diabetes3, e85.

African-American ethnicity but not genome-wide European ancestry is associated with atrial fibrillation among postmenopausal women. Marco V. Perez, Thomas J. Hoffman, Hua Tang, Timothy Thornton, Marcia L. Stefanick, Joseph C. Larson, Charles Kooperberg, Alex P. Reiner, Bette Caan, Carlos Iribarren, and Neil Risch. American Heart Journal166, 566-572.


Two-stage testing procedures with independent filtering for genome-wide gene-environment interaction. James Y. Dai, Charles Kooperberg, Michael LeBlanc, and Ross L. Prentice. Biometrika99, 929-944.

Multivariate detection of gene-gene interactions. Indika Rajapakse, Michael D. Perlman, Paul J Martin, John A. Hansen, and Charles Kooperberg. Genetic Epidemiology36, 622-630.

Simultaneously testing for marginal genetic association and gene-environment interaction. James Y. Dai, Benjamin A. Logsdon, Ying Huang, Li Hsu, Alexander P. Reiner, Ross L. Prentice, and Charles Kooperberg. American Journal of Epidemiology176, 164-173.

A novel variational Bayes multiple locus Z-statistic for genome-wide association studies with Bayesian model averaging. Benjamin A. Logsdon, Cara L. Carty, Alexander P. Reiner, James Y. Dai, and Charles Kooperberg. Bioinformatics28, 1738-1744.

Powerful cocktail methods for detecting genome-wide gene-environment interaction. Li Hsu, Shuo Jiao, James Y. Dai, Carolyn Hutter, Ulrike Peters, and Charles Kooperberg. Genetic Epidemiology36, 183-194.

Genome-wide association and population genetic analysis of c-reactive protein in African American and Hispanic American women. Alex P. Reiner, Sandra Beleza, Nora Franceschini, Paul L. Auer, Jennifer G. Robinson, Charles Kooperberg, Ulrike Peters, and Hua Tang American Journal of Human Genetics91, 502-512.

Fine-mapping and initial characterization of QT interval loci in African Americans. Christy L. Avery, Praveen Sethupathy, Steven Buyske, Qianchuan He, Dan-Yu Lin, Dan E. Arking, Cara L. Carty, David Duggan, Megan D. Fesinmeyer, Lucia A. Hindorff, Janina M. Jeff, Liviu Klein, Kristen K. Patton, Ulrike Peters, Ralph V. Shohet, Nona Sotoodehnia, Alicia M. Young, Charles Kooperberg, Christopher A. Haiman, Karen L. Mohlke, Eric A. Whitsel, Kari E. North. PLoS Genetics8, e1002870.

Large-scale gene-centric meta-analysis across 32 studies identifies multiple lipid loci. Folkert W. Asselbergs, Yiran Guo, Erik P. A. van Iperen, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics91, 823-838.

Pathway analysis of genome-wide association study data highlights pancreatic development genes as susceptibility factors for pancreatic cancer. Donghui Li, Eric J. Duell, Kai Yu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Carcinogenesis33, 1384-1390.

Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer. Kevin B. Jacobs, Meredith Yeager, Weiyin Zhou, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics44, 651-658.

HNF1B and endometrial cancer risk: results from the PAGE study. Veronica Wendy Setiawan, Jeffrey Haessler, Fredrick Schumacher, Michele L. Cote, Ewa Deelman, Megan D. Fesinmeyer, Brian E. Henderson, Rebecca D. Jackson, Jens-S Vockler, Lynne R. Wilkens, Shagufta Yasmeen, Christopher A. Haiman, Ulrike Peters, Loic Le Marchand, and Charles Kooperberg. PLoS ONE7, e30390.

Evaluation of the metabochip genotyping array in African Americans and implications for fine mapping of GWAS-identified loci: The PAGE study. Steven Buyske, Ying Wu, Cara L. Carty, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE7, e35651.

Replication of loci influencing ages at menarche and menopause in Hispanic women: the Women's Health Initiative SHARe study. Christina T. L. Chen, Lindsay Fernandez-Rhodes, Robert G. Brzyski, Christopher S. Carlson, Zhao Chen, Gerardo Heiss, Kari E. North, Nancy F. Woods, Aleksandar Rajkovic, Charles Kooperberg, and Nora Franceschini. Human Molecular Genetics21, 1419-1432.

Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture. Karol Estrada, Unnur Styrkarsdottir, Evangelos Evangelou, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics44, 491-501.

Genome-wide association study of body height in African Americans: the Women's Health Initiative SNP Health Association Resource (SHARe). Cara L. Carty, Nicholas A. Johnson, Carolyn M. Hutter, Alexander P. Reiner, Ulrike Peters, Hua Tang, and Charles Kooperberg. Human Molecular Genetics21, 711-720.

Meta-analysis of new genome-wide association studies of colorectal cancer risk. Ulrike Peters, Carolyn M. Hutter, Li Hsu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Genetics131, 217-234.

Genotype imputation of metabochip SNPs using a study-specific reference panel of ~4,000 haplotypes in African Americans from the Women's Health Initiative. Eric Yi Liu, Steven Buyske, Aaron K. Aragaki, Ulrike Peters, Eric Boerwinkle, Chris Carlson, Cara Carty, Dana C. Crawford, Jeff Haessler, Lucia A. Hindorff, Loic Le Marchand, Teri A. Manolio, Tara Matise, Wei Wang, Charles Kooperberg, Kari E. North, and Yun Li. Genetic Epidemiology26, 107-117.

Fine mapping of 14q24.1 breast cancer susceptibility locus. Phoebe Lee, Yi-Ping Fu, Jonine D. Figueroa, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Genetics131, 479-490.

A meta-analysis and genome-wide association study of platelet count and mean platelet volume in African Americans. Rehan Qayyum, Beverly M. Snively, Elad Ziv, Michael A. Nalls, Yongmei Liu, Weihong Tang, Lisa R. Yanek, Leslie Lange, Michele K. Evans, Santhi Ganesh, Melissa A. Austin, Guillaume Lettre, Diane M. Becker, Alan B. Zonderman, Andrew B. Singleton, Tamara B. Harris, Emile R. Mohler, Benjamin A. Logsdon, Charles Kooperberg, Aaron R. Folsom, James G. Wilson, Lewis C. Becker, and Alexander P. Reiner. PLoS Genetics8, e1002491.

Characterization of gene-environment interactions for colorectal cancer susceptibility loci. Carolyn M. Hutter, Jenny Chang-Claude, Martha L. Slattery, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Research72, 2036-2044.

Associations between incident ischemic stroke events and stroke and cardiovascular disease-related genome-wide association studies single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology study. Cara L. Carty, Petra Buzkova, Myriam Fornage, Nora Franceschini, Shelley Cole, Gerardo Heiss, Lucia A. Hindorff, Barbara V. Howard, Sue Mann, Lisa W. Martin, Ying Zhang, Tara C. Matise, Ross Prentice, Alexander P. Reiner, and Charles Kooperberg. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics5, 210-216.

Statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and physical performance in older women. Shelly L. Gray, Aaron K. Aragaki, Michael J. LaMonte, Barbara B. Cochrane, Charles Kooperberg, Jennifer G. Robinson, Nancy F. Woods, and Andrea Z. LaCroix. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society60, 2206-2214.

Gene-centric meta-analysis of lipid traits in African, east Asian and Hispanic populations. Clara C. Elbers, Yiran Guo, Vinicus Tragante, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... PLoS ONE7, e50198.

Methods for SNP regression analysis in clinical studies: selection, shrinkage and logic. Michael LeBlanc, Bryan Goldman, and Charles Kooperberg. In Handbook of Statistics in Oncology, Third Edition(J. Crowley and A. Hoering, eds.), 591-604


A phenomics-based strategy identifies loci on APOC1, BRAP, and PLCG1 associated with metabolic syndrome phenotype domains. Christy L. Avery, Qianchuan He, Kari E. North, Jose L. Ambite, Eric Boerwinkle, Myriam Fornage, Lucia A. Hindorff, Charles Kooperberg, James B. Meigs, James S. Pankow, Sarah A. Pendergrass, Bruce M. Psaty, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Jerome I. Rotter, Kent D. Taylor, Lynne R. Wilkens, Gerardo Heiss, and Dan Yu Lin. PLoS Genetics7, e1002322.

The next PAGE in understanding complex traits: design for the analysis of Population Architecture using Genetics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Tara C. Matise, Jose Luis Ambite, Steven Buyske, Christopher S. Carlson, Shelley A. Cole, Dana C. Crawford, Christopher A. Haiman, Gerardo Heiss, Charles Kooperberg, Loic Le Marchand, Teri A. Manolio, Kari E. North, Ulrike Peters, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Lucia A. Hindorff, and Jonathan L. Haines for the PAGE Study. American Journal of Epidemiology174, 849-859.

Replication of breast cancer GWAS susceptibility loci in the Women's Health Initiative African American SHARe study. Carolyn M. Hutter, Alicia M. Young, Heather M. Ochs-Balcom, Cara L. Carty, Tao Wang, Christina T.L. Chen, Thomas E. Rohan, Charles Kooperberg, and Ulrike Peters. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention20, 1950-1959.

25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration, vitamin D intake and joint symptoms in postmenopausal women. Rowan T. Chlebowski, Karen C. Johnson, Dorothy Lane, Mary Pettinger, Charles L. Kooperberg, Jean Wacttawski-Wende, Tom Tohan, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Shagufta Yasmeen, Robert A. Hiatt, James M, Shikany, Mara Vitolins, Janu Khandekar, and F. Allan Hubbell. Maturitas68, 73-78.

The use of Phenome-Wide Association Studies (PheWAS) for exploration of novel genotype-phenotype relationships and pleiotropy discovery. Sarah Pendergrass, K. Brown-Gentry, S. Dudek, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Genetic Epidemiology35, 410-422.

Meta-analysis of dense genecentric association studies reveals common and uncommon variants associated with height. Matthew B. Lanktree, Yiran Guo, Muhammed Murtaza, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Human Genetics88, 6-18.

Estrogen receptor polymorphsisms and the vascular effect of hormone therapy. Jacques Rossouw, Paul Bray, Jingmin Liu, Charles Kooperberg, Judith Hsia, Cora Lewis, Mary Cushman, Denise Bonds, Susan hendrix, George Papanicolaou, Timothy Howard, and David Herrington. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vacsular Biology31, 464-469.


Risk prediction using genome-wide association studies. Charles Kooperberg, Michael LeBlanc, and Valerie Obenchain Genetic Epidemiology34, 643-652.

Boosting predictions of treatment success. Michael LeBlanc and Charles Kooperberg Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA107, 13559-13560.

Variant ABO blood group alleles, secretor status, and risk of pancreatic cancer: results from the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium. Brian Wolpin, Peter Kraft, Mousheng Xu, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and prevention19, 3140-3149.

The cross-sectional relationship between body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and cognitive performance in postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative. Diana R. Kerwin, Yinghua Zhang, Jane M. Kotchen, Mark A. Espeland, Linda Van Horn, Kathleen M. McTigue, Jennifer G. Robinson, Lunda Powell, Charles Kooperberg, Laura H. Cooker, and Raymond Hoffmann. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society58, 1427-1432.

Alcohol intake and pancreatic cancer: A pooled analysis from the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan). Dominique S. Michaud, Alina Vierling, Li Jiao, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Causes and Control21, 1213-1225.

Family history of cancer and risk of pancreatic cancer: A pooled analysis from the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan). Eric J. Jacobs, Stephen J. Chanock, Charles S. Fuchs, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... International Journal of Cancer127, 1421-1428.

Anthropometric measures, body mass index, and pancreatic cancer. Alan A. Arslan, Kathy J. Helzlsouer, Charles Kooperberg, ... Archives of Internal Medicine170, 791-802.

Low-fat dietary pattern and lipoprotein risk factors: the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial. Barbara V. Howard, J. David Curb, Charles B. Eaton, Charles Kooperberg, Judith Ockene, John B. Kostis, Mary Pettinger, Aleksandar Rajkovic, Jennifer G. Robinson, Jacques Rossouw, Gloria Sarto, James M. Shikany, and Linda Van Horn American Journal of Clinical Nutrition91, 860-874.

A genome-wide association study identifies pancreatic cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 13q22.1, 1q32.1 and 5p15.33. Gloria M Petersen, Laufey Amundadottir, Charles S Fuchs, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Nature Genetics42, 224-228.

Pancreatic cancer risk and ABO blood group alleles: Results from the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium. Brian Wolpin, Peter Kraft, Myron Gross, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Cancer Research70, 1015-1023.

Performance of common genetic variants in breast-cancer risk models. Sholom Wacholder, Patricia Hartge, Ross Prentice, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... New England Journal of Medicine362, 986-993.


Structures and assumptions: strategies to harness gene x gene and gene x environment interactions in GWAS. Charles Kooperberg, Michael LeBlanc, James Y. Dai, and Indika Rajapakse. Statistical Science24, 472-488.

Postmenopausal estrogen and progestin effects on the serum proteome. Sharon J. Pitteri, Samir M. Hanash, Aaron Aragaki, Lynn M. Amon, Lin Chen, Tina Busald Buson, Sophie Paczesny, Hiroyuki Katayama, Hong Wang, Melissa M. Johnson, Qing Zhang, Martin McIntosh, Pei Wang, Charles Kooperberg, Jacques E. Rossouw, Rebecca D. Jackson, JoAnn E. Manson, Judith Hsia, Simin Liu, Lisa Martin, and Ross L. Prentice. Genome Medicine1, 121.

SHARE: an adaptive algorithm to select the most informative set of SNPs for candidate genetic association. James Y. Dai, Michael LeBlanc, Nicholas L. Smith, Bruce Psaty, and Charles Kooperberg. Biostatistics10, 680-693.

  • The software for SHARE is available as the CRAN package SHARE.

Multivariate nonparametric regression. Charles Kooperberg and Michael LeBlanc. High-dimensional data analysis in oncology (Eds: X. Li, R. Xu), Springer: New York, 35-58.

Adaptively weighted association statistics. Michael LeBlanc and Charles Kooperberg. Genetic Epidemiology33, 442-452.

Inflammation and stress-related candidate genes, plasma interleukin-6 levels, and longevity in older adults. Jeremy D. Walston, Amy M. Matteini, Caroline Nievergelt, Leslie A. Lange, Dani M. Fallin, Nir Barzilai, Elad Ziv, Ludmila Pawlikowska, Pui Kwok, Steve R. Cummings, Charles Kooperberg, Andrea LaCroix, Russell P. Tracy, Gil Atzmon, Ethan M. Lange, and Alex P. Reiner. Experimental Gerontology44, 350-355.

The emergence of nuclear self-organization from coordinate gene regulation. Indika Rajapakse, Michael D. Perlman, David Scalzo, Charles Kooperberg, Mark Groudine, and Steven T.Kosak. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA106, 6679-6684.

Inflammation and thrombosis biomarkers and incident frailty in postmenopausal women. Alexander P. Reiner, Aaron K. Aragaki, Shelly L. Gray, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Jane A. Cauley, Barbara B. Cochrane, Charles Kooperberg, Nancy F. Woods, Andrea Z. LaCroix American Journal of Medicine122, 947-954.

Genome-wide association study identifies variants in the ABO locus associated with susceptibility to pancreatic cancer. Laufey Amundadottir, Peter Kraft, Rachael Z Stolzenberg-Solomon, ..., Charles Kooperberg,... Nature Genetics41, 986-992.

A multistage genome-wide association study in breast cancer identifies two new risk alleles at 1p11.2 and 14q24.1. Gilles Thomas, Kevin B, Jacobs, Peter Kraft, ..., Charles Kooperberg,... Nature Genetics41, 579-584.

Semiparametric estimation exploiting covariate independence in two-phase randomized trials. James Y. Dai, Michael LeBlanc, and Charles Kooperberg. Biometrics65, 178-187.

  • The software for this method is available as the CRAN package TwoPhaseInd.

Angiotensin coverage enzyme use and incident frailty in women age 65 and older: prospective findings from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study. Shelly L. Gray, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Aaron K. Aragaki, Mary McDermott, Barbara B. Cochrane, Charles Kooperberg, Anne M. Murray, Beatriz Rodriguez, Henry Black, and Nancy F. Woods. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society57, 297-303.

Homocysteine levels and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Meryl S. LeBoff, Rupali Narweker, Andrea LaCroix, LieLing Wu, Rebecca Jackson, Jennifer Lee, Douglas C, Bauer, Jane Cauley, Charles Kooperberg, Cora Lewis, Asha M. Thomas, and Steven Vummings. Journal of Clinical Endriconology and Metabolism94, 1207-1213.

Significance testing for small microarray experiments. Charles Kooperberg, Aaron Aragaki, Charles C. Carey, and Suzannah Rutherford. In Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics and Genomics (R. Guerra and D. R. Goldstein, eds.), 113-134.

Cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer: A pooled analysis from the pancreatic cancer cohort consortium. Shannon M. Lynch, Alina Vrieling, Jay H. Lubin, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... American Journal of Epidemiology170, 403-413.


Increasing the power of identifying gene x gene interactions in genome-wide association studies. Charles Kooperberg and Michael LeBlanc. Genetic Epidemiology32, 255-263.

  • The software for approximate power calculations is available as the CRAN package powerGWASinteraction.

Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of breast cancer. Rowan T. Chlebowski, Karen C. Johnson, Charles Kooperberg, Mary Pettinger, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Tom Rohan, Jacques Rossouw, Dorothy Lane, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Shagufta Yasmeen, Robert A. Hiatt, James M. Shikany, Mara Vitolins, Janu Khandekar, F. Allan Hubbell. Journal of the National Cancer Institute100, 1581-1590.

Variation in 24 hemostatic genes and associations with non-fatal myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. Nicholas L. Smith, Joshua C. Bis, Sara Biagiotti, Kenneth Rice, Thomas Lumley, Charles Kooperberg, Kerri L. Wiggins, Susan R. Heckbert, Bruce M. Psaty. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis6, 45-53.

Cystatin-C, renal function, and incidence of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Andrea Z. LaCroix, Jennifer S. Lee, LieLing Wu, Jane A. Cauley, Michael G. Shlipak, Susan M. Ott, John Robbins, J. David Curb, Meryl Leboff, Douglas C. Bauer, Rebecca D. Jackson, Charles L. Kooperberg, and Steven R. Cummings Journal of the American Geriatrics Society56, 1434-1441.

Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, hormone use, and the risk of ischemic stroke in postmenopausal women. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Charles Kooperberg, Aileen P. McGinn, Robert C. Kaplan, Judith Hsia, Susan L. Hendrix, JoAnn Manson, Jeffrey S. Berger, Lewis H. Kuller, Matthew A. Allison, and Alison E. Baird. Hypertension51, 1115-1122.

Walking speed and risk of incident ischemic stroke among postmenopausal women. Aileen P. McGinn, Robert C. Kaplan, Joe Vegese, Daniel M. Rosenbaum, Bruce M. Psaty, Alison E. Baird, John K. Lynch, Philip A. Wold, Charles Kooperberg, Joesph C. Larson, and Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller. Stroke39, 1233-1239.

Conjugated equine estrogens and breast cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial and Observational Study. Ross L. Prentice, Rowan T. Chlebowski, Marcia L. Stefanick, JoAnn E. Manson, Robert D. Langer, Mary Pettinger, Susan L. Hendrix, F. Allan Hubbell, Charles Kooperberg, Lewis H. Kuller, Dorothy S. Lane, Anne McTiernan, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Jacques E. Eossouw and Garnet L. Anderson. American Journal of Epidemiology167, 1407-1415.

Estrogen plus progestin therapy and breast cancer in recently postmenopausal women. Ross L. Prentice, Rowan T. Chlebowski, Marcia L. Stefanick, JoAnn E. Manson, Mary Pettinger, Susan L. Hendrix, F. Allan Hubbell, Charles Kooperberg, Lewis H. Kuller, Dorothy S. Lane, Anne McTiernan, Mary Jo O'Sullivan, Jacques E. Eossouw and Garnet L. Anderson. American Journal of Epidemiology167, 1207-1216.

Associations of serum sex hormone-binding globulin and sex hormone concentrations with hip fracture risk in postmenopausal women. Jennifer S. Lee, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Liling Wu, Jane A. Cauley, Rebecca Jackson Charles Kooperberg, John Robbins Cora E. Lewis, Doug C. Bauer, and Steve R. Cummings. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism93, 1796-1803.

Statin use and incident frailty in women ages 65 and older: Prospective findings from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study. Andrea Z. LaCroix, Shelly L. Gray, Aaron Aragaki, Barbara B. Cochrane, Anne B. Newman, Charles Kooperberg, Henry Black, J. David Curb, Philip Greenland, and Nancy F. Woods. Journal of Gerontology A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences63, 369-375.

Inflammation and hemostasis biomarkers for predicting risk of ischemic stroke in women: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study. Robert C. Kaplan, Aileen P. McGinn, Alison E. Baird, Susan L. Hendrix, Charles Kooperberg, John K. Lynch, Daniel M. Rosenbaum, Karen C. Johnson, Howard D. Strickler, and Sylvia Wasserthei-Smoller. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases17, 344-355.

Inflammatory, lipid, thrombotic, and genetic markers of coronary heart disease risk in the Women's Health Initiative trials of hormone therapy. Jacques E Rossouw, Mary Cushman, Philip Greenland, D. M. Lloyd-Jones, Paul Bray, Charles Kooperberg, Mary Pettinger, Jennifer Robinson, Susan Hendrix, and Judith Hsia. Archives of Internal Medicine168, 2245-2263.


Can biomarkers identify women at increased stroke risk? The Women's Health Initiative hormone trials. Charles Kooperberg, Mary Cushman, Judith Hsia, Jennifer G. Robinson, Aaron K. Aragaki, John K. Lynch, Alison E. Baird, Karen C. Johnson, Lewis H. Kuller, Shirley A. A. Beresford, and Beatriz Rodriguez. PLoS Clinical Trials2, e28.

Monitoring and reporting of the Women's Health Initiative randomized hormone therapy trials. Garnet L. Anderson, Charles Kooperberg, Nancy Geller, Jacques E. Roussouw, Mary Pettinger, Ross L. Prentice. Clinical Trials4, 207-217.

Mutant huntingtin's effects on striatal gene expression in mice recpitulate changes observed in human Huntington's disease brain and do not differ with mutant huntingtin length or wild-type huntingtin dosage. Alexandre Kuhn, Darlene R. Goldstein, Angela Hodges, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics16, 1845-1861.

Conservation of regional gene expression in mouse and human brain. Andrew D. Strand, Aaron K. Aragaki, Zachary C. Baquet, Angela Hodges, Philip Cunningham, Peter Holmans, Kevin R. Jones, Leslie Jones, Charles Kooperberg, and James M. Olson. PLoS Genetics3, e59.

Renin-angiotensin system haplotypes and the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in pharmacologically treated hypertensive patients. Kristen D. Marciante, Joshua C. Bis, Marc J. Rieder, Alexander P. Reiner, Thomas Lumley, Stephanie A. Monks, Charles Kooperberg, Christopher Carlson, Deborah A. Nickerson, Susan R. Heckbert and Bruce M. Psaty. American Journal of Epidemiology166, 19-27.

Logic regression for analysis of the association between genetic variation in the renin-angiotensin system and myocardial infarction or stroke. Charles Kooperberg, Joshua C. Bis, Kristin D. Marciante, Susan R. Heckbert, Thomas Lumley, and Bruce M. Psaty. American Journal of Epidemiology165, 334-343.

Intra-strand annealing leads to the formation of larger DNA palindrome and determine the boundaries of genome amplification in human cancer. Hisashi Tanaka and Yi Cao and Donald A. Bergstrom and Stephen J. Tapscott and Meng-Chao Yao. Mollecular and Cellular Biology27, 1993-2002.

Expression profiling of Huntington's Disease models suggests BDNF depletion plays a major role in striatal degeneration. Andrew D. Strand, Zachary C. Baquet, Aaron K. Aragaki, Peter Holmans, Lichuan Yang, Carine Cleren, M. Flint Beal, Leslie Jones, Charles Kooperberg, James M. Olson, and Kevin R. Jones. Journal of Neuroscience27, 11758-11768.

Factors associated with five year risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women: from the Women's Health Initiative. John Robbins, Aaron K. Aragaki, Charles Kooperberg, Nelson B. Watts, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Rebecca D. Jackson, Cora E. Lewis, Zhao Chen, Marcia L. Stefanick and Jane A. Cauley. Journal of the American Medical Association298, 2389-2398.


Imputation methods to improve inference in SNP association studies. James Y. Dai, Ingo Ruczinski, Micheal LeBlanc, and Charles Kooperberg, Genetic Epidemiology30, 690-702.

Effects of conjugated equine estrogen on stroke in the Women's Health Initiative. Susan L. Hendrix. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Karen C. Johnson, Barbara V. Howard, Charles Kooperberg, Jacques E. Roussouw, Maurizio Trevisan, Aaron Aragaki, Alison E. Baird, Paul F. Bray, Julie E. Bering, Michael H. Criqui, David Herrington, John K. Lynch, Stephen R. Rapp, and James Torner. Circulation113, 2425-2434.

Assessment of the relationship between pre-chip and post-chip variables for Affymetrix GeneChip expression data. Leslie Jones, Darlene R, Goldstein, Gareth Hughes, Andrew D. Stand, Francois Collin, Stephen B. Dunnett, Charles Kooperberg, Aaron Aragaki, James M. Olson, Sarah J. Augood, Richard L. M. Faull, Ruth Luthi-Carter, Valentina Moskvina, and Angela K. Hodges. BMC Bioinformatics7, 211.

Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington's disease brain. Angela Hodges, Andrew D. Strand, Aaron K. Aragaki, ..., Charles Kooperberg, ... Human Molecular Genetics15, 965-977.

Extreme regression. Michael LeBlanc, James Moon, and Charles Kooperberg. Biostatistics7, 71-84.

Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and the risk of colorectal cancer. Jean Wactawski-Wende, Jane Morley Kotchen, Garnet L. Anderson, ..., Charles L. Kooperberg, ... New England Journal of Medicine354, 684-696.

Global and gene-specific analyses show distinct roles for Myod and Myog at a common set of promoters. Yi Cao, Roshan M. Kumar, Bennett H. Penn, Charlotte A. Berkes, Charles Kooperberg, Laurie A. Boyer, Richard A. Young, and Stephen J Tapscott. The EMBO Journal25, 502-511.

Electrocardiographic abnormalities that predict coronary heart disease events and mortality in postmenopausal qomen: The Women's Health Initiative. Pentti M. Rautaharju, Charles Kooperberg, Joseph C. Larson, and Andrea LaCroix. Circulation113, 473-480.

Electrocardiographic predictors of incident congestive heart failure and all-cause mortality in postmenopausal women: The Women's Health Initiative. Pentti M. Rautaharju, Charles Kooperberg, Joseph C. Larson, and Andrea LaCroix. Circulation113, 481-490.


Significance testing for small sample microarray experiments. Charles Kooperberg, Aaron Aragaki, Andrew D. Strand, and James M. Olson. Statistics in Medicine24, 2281-2298,

Gene expression in Huntington's disease skeletal muscle: a potential biomarker. Andrew D. Strand, Aaron K. Aragaki, Dennis Shaw, Thomas Bird, Janice Holton, Christopher Turner, Stephen J. Tapscott, Sarah J. Tabrizi, Anthony H. Schapira, Charles Kooperberg, and James M. Olson. Human Molecular Genetics14, 1863-1876.

Prior oral contraception and postmenopausal fracture: a Women's Health Initiative observational cohort study. David Barad, Charles Kooperberg, Jean Wactawski-Wende, James Liu, Susan L. Hendrix, and Nelson B. Watts. Fertility and Sterility84, 374-383.

Identifying target populations for screening or not screening using Logic regression. Holly Janes, Margaret Pepe, Charles Kooperberg, and Polly Newcomb. Statistics in Medicine24, 1321-1338.

Identifying interacting SNPs using Monte Carlo Logic Regression. Charles Kooperberg and Ingo Ruczinski. Genetic Epidemiology28, 157-170.

  • The software described in Identifying interacting SNPs using Monte Carlo Logic Regression. is available: click here for the Logic regression program.


Comparison of parametric, bootstrap, and Bayesian approaches to obtaining confidence intervals for logspline density estimation. Charles Kooperberg and Charles J. Stone, Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics13, 106-122.

Exploring interactions in high-dimensional genomic data - an overview of logic regression, with applications. Ingo Ruczinski, Charles Kooperberg, and Michael LeBlanc. Journal of Multivariate Analysis90, 178-195.

Comparison of self-report, discharge diagnosis, and adjudication of cardiovascular events in the Women's Health Initiative. Susan R. Heckbert, Charles Kooperberg, Monika M. Safford, Bruce M. Psaty, Judith Hsia, Anne McTiernan, A. Barbour, J. M. Gaziano, W. H. Frishman, and J. David Curb. American Journal of Epidemiology, 160, 1152-1158.

Validity of self-report for fractures among a postmenopausal multiethnic cohort: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study and Clinical Trials. Zhao Chen, Charles Kooperberg, Mary B. Pettinger, T. Bassford, Jane A. Cauley, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Cora E. Lewis, S. Kipersztok, M. C. Borne, and Rebecca D. Jackson, Menopause11, 264-274.

The histone modification pattern of active genes revealed through genome-wide chromatin analysis of a higher eukaryote. Dirk Schubeler, David M. MacAlpine, David Scalzo, Christiane Wibelauer, Charles Kooperberg, Fred van Leeuwen, Daniel E. Gottschling, Laura P. O'Neill, Bryan M. Turner, Jeffrey Delrow, Stephen P. Bell, and Mark Groudine. Genes and Development18, 1263-1271.

PSA and free PSA in early detection of prostate cancer: do combination tests improve detection? Ruth Etzioni, Seth Falcon, Peter Gann, Charles Kooperberg, David F. Penson, and Meir J. Stampfer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention13, 1640-1645.


Recreational physical activity and the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women - The Women's Health Initiative cohort study. Anne McTiernan, Charles Kooperberg, Emily White, Sara Wilcox, Ralph Coates, Lucile L. Adams-Campbell, Nancy Woods, and Judith Ockene. Journal of the American Medical Association290, 1331-1336.

Effect of estrogen plus progestin on stroke in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Susan Hendrix, Marian Limacher, Gerardo Heiss, Charles Kooperberg, Alison Baird, Theodore Kotchen, J. David Curb, Henry Black, Jacques Rossouw, Aaron Aragaki, Monika Safford, Evan Stein, Somchai Laowattana, and W. Jerry Mysiw. Journal of the American Medical Association289, 2673-2684.

A rapid neurobehavioral assessment reveals that FK506 delays symptom onset in R6/2 Huntington's Disease mice. Sally Ditzler, Jennifer Stoeck, Michael LeBlanc, Charles Kooperberg, Stacey Hansen, Leslie Coppin, and James M. Olson. Preclinica1, 115-126.

Combining biomarkers to detect disease with aplication to prostate cancer. Ruth Etzioni, Charles Kooperberg, Margaret Pepe, Robert Smith, and Peter Gann, Biostatistics4 523-538.

Directed indices for exploring gene expression data. Michael LeBlanc, Charles Kooperberg, Tom Grogan, and Tom Miller, Bioinformatics19, 686-693.

Yeast Usw 1p forms two separable complexes with overlapping, yet distinct, in vitro and in vivo activities. Jay Vary, Vamsi Gangaraju, Jun Qin, Carolyn Church Landel, Charles Kooperberg, Blaine Bartholomew, and Toshio Tsukiyama. Molecular and Cellular Biology23, 80-91.

Logic regression. Ingo Ruczinsiki, Charles Kooperberg, and Michael L. LeBlanc, Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics12, 475-511.

  • The software described in Logic regression is available: click here for the Logic regression program.

Outcomes assertainment and adjudication methods in the Women's Health Initiative. J. David Curb, Anne McTiernan, Susan Heckbert, Charles Kooperberg, Janet Stanford, Michael Nevitt, Karen Johnson, Lori Proulx-Burns, Lisa Pastore, Michael Criqui, and Sandra Daugherty. Annals of Epidemiology13, S122-S128.


Genome-wide DNA replication profile for Drosophila melanogaster: A link between transcription and DNA replication. Dirk Schubler, David Scalzo, Charles Kooperberg, Bas van Steensel, Jeffrey Delrow, and Mark Groudine, Nature Genetics32, 438-442.

Evaluating test-statistics to select interesting genes in microarray experiments. Charles Kooperberg, Simonetta Sipione, Michael L. LeBlanc, Andrew D. Strand, Elena Cattaneo, and James M. Olson. Human Molecular Genetics11, 2223-2232.

Estimating significance levels for gene expression changes observed with oligonucleotide arrays. Andrew D. Strand, James M. Olson, and Charles Kooperberg. Human Molecular Genetics11, 2207-2221.

Dysregulation of gene expression in the R6/2 model of polyglutamine disease: parallel changes in muscle and brain. Ruth Luthi-Carter, Sarah A. Hanson, Andrew D. Strand, Donald A. Bergstrom, Wanjoo Chun, Nikki L. Peters, Annette M. Woods, Edmond Y. Chan, Charles Kooperberg, Dimitri Krainc, Anne B. Young, Stephen J. Tapscott, and James M. Olson. Human Molecular Genetics11, 1911-1926.

Polyglutamine and transcription: gene expression changes shared by DRPLA and Huntington's disease mouse models reveal context-independent effects. Ruth Luthi-Carter, Andrew D. Strand, Sarah. A. Hanson, Charles Kooperberg, Gabrielle Schilling, Albert R. LaSpada, Diane M. Merry, Anne B. Young, Christopher A. Ross, David R. Borchelt, and James M. Olson. Human Molecular Genetics11, 1927-1937.

Increased huntingtin protein length reduces the number of polyglutamine-induced gene expression changes in mouse models of Huntington's disease. Edmond Y. W. Chan, Ruth Luthi-Carter, Andrew Strand, Steven M. Solana, Sarah A. Hanson, Molly M. DeJohn, Charles Kooperberg, Kathryn O. Chase, Marian DiFiglia, Anne B. Young, Blair R. Leavitt, Jang-Ho J. Cha, Neil Aronin, Michael R. Hayden, and James M. Olson. Human Molecular Genetics11, 1939-1951.

Early transcriptional profiles in Huntington inducible striatal cells by microarray analyses. Simonetta Sipione, Dorotea Rigamonti, Marta Valenza, Chiara Zucatto, Luciano Conti, Joel I. Pritchard, Charles Kooperberg, James M. Olson, and Elena Cattaneo. Human Molecular Genetics11, 1953-1965.

Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: Principal results from the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled trial. Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative. Journal of the American Medical Association288, 321-333.

Distribution of beta sheets in proteins with application to structure prediction. Ingo Ruczinsiki, Charles Kooperberg, Richard Bonneau, and David Baker. Proteins48, 85-97.

Spline adaptation in extended linear models (with discussion). Mark H. Hansen and Charles Kooperberg. Statistical Science17, 2-51.

Improved background correction for spotted DNA microarrays. Charles Kooperberg, Thomas G. Fazzio, Jeffrey J. Delrow, and Toshio Tsukiyama. Journal of Computational Biology9, 55-66.

  • The software for background correction is available: click here for the R code.

Logic regression - methods and software. Ingo Ruczinski, Charles Kooperberg, and Michael LeBlanc. Proceedings of the MSRI workshop on Nonlinear Estimation and Classification (Eds: D. Denison, M. Hansen, C. Holmes, B. Mallick, B. Yu), Springer: New York, 333-344.

Confidence intervals for logspline density estimation. Charles Kooperberg and Charles J. Stone. Proceedings of the MSRI workshop on Nonlinear Estimation and Classification (Eds: D. Denison, M. Hansen, C. Holmes, B. Mallick, B. Yu), Springer: New York, 285-296.


Widespread collaboration of Isw2 and Sin3-Rpd3 chromatin remodeling complexes in transcriptional repression. Thomas G. Fazzio, Charles Kooperberg, Jesse P. Goldmark, Cassandra Neal, Ryan Basom, Jeffrey Delrow and Toshio Tsukiyama. Molecular and Cellular Biology21, 6450-6460.

Sequence analysis using logic regression. Charles Kooperberg, Ingo Ruczinski, Michael L. LeBlanc and Li Hsu. Genetic Epidemiology21, S626-S631.


Functional ANOVA modeling for proportional hazards regression. Jianhua Z. Huang, Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone, and Young K. Truong. Annals of Statistics28, 961-999.

Logspline density estimation for binned data. Ja-Yong Koo and Charles Kooperberg. Statistics and Probability Letters, 46, 133-147.

Correlates of serum lycopene in older women. Deborah Casso, Emily White, Ruth E. Patterson, Tanya Agurs-Collins, Charles Kooperberg, and Pamela S. Haines. Nutrition and Cancer36, 163-169.


Stochastic optimization methods to fit polyclass and feed-forward neural network models. Charles Kooperberg and Charles J. Stone. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics8,, 169-189.

Improved recognition of native-like protein structures using a combination of sequence dependent and sequence independent features of proteins. Kim T. Simons, Ingo Ruczinski, Charles Kooperberg, Brian Fox, Chris Bystroff, and David Baker. Proteins34, 82-95.

Logspline density estimation under censoring and truncation. Ja-Yong Koo, Charles Kooperberg and Jinho Park. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics26, 87-105.

Linear regression for bivariate censored data via multiple imputation. Wei Pan and Charles Kooperberg. Statistics in Medicine18, 3111-3121.


Triogram models. Mark Hansen, Charles Kooperberg and Sylvain Sardy. Journal of The American Statistical Association93, 101-119.

Bivariate density estimation with an application to survival analysis. Charles Kooperberg. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics7, 322-341.


The use of polynomial splines and their tensor products in extended linear modeling (with discussion). Charles J. Stone, Mark Hansen, Charles Kooperberg, and Young K. Truong. Annals of Statistics25, 1371-1470.

Polychotomous regression. Charles Kooperberg, Smarajit Bose and Charles J. Stone. Journal of The American Statistical Association92, 117-127.

  • The software described in Polychotomous Regression is available: click here for the POLYCLASS program.

Hazard regression with interval-censored data. Charles Kooperberg and Douglas B. Clarkson. Biometrics53, 1485-1494.

Assembly of protein tertiary structures from fragments with similar local sequences using simulated annealing and Bayesian scoring functions. Kim T. Simons, Charles Kooperberg, Enoch Huang and David Baker. Journal of Molecular Biology268, 209-225.


Predictive oscillation patterns: A synthesis of methods for spatial-temporal decomposition of random fields. Charles Kooperberg and Finbarr O'Sullivan. Journal of The American Statistical Association91, 1485-1496.

Statistical modeling to predict elective surgery time: comparison with a computer scheduling system and surgeon-provided estimates. Ian H. Wright, Charles Kooperberg, Barbara A. Bonar, and Gerard Bashein. Anesthesiology85, 1235-1245.


On conditional and intrinsic sutoregressions. Julian Besag and Charles Kooperberg. Biometrika84, 733-746.

Hazard regression. Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone and Young K. Truong. Journal of the American Statistical Association90, 78-94.

  • The software described in Hazard regression is available: click here for the HARE and HEFT programs.
  • A summary (only 4 pages!) of this paper, which is an entry to the Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, is available here. Hazard Regression (Polynomial Splines in Survival Analysis). Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone, Young K. Truong (1998). In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (S. Kotz, C. B. Read, D. L. Banks, eds.), Update Volume 2, 302-305.

The L2 rate of convergence for hazard regression. Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone and Young K. Truong. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics22, 143-158.

Logspline estimation of a possibly mixed spectral distribution. Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone and Young K. Truong. Journal of Time Series Analysis16, 359-388.

  • The software described in Logspline estimation of a possibly mixed spectral distribution is available: click here for the LSPEC program.

Rate of convergence for logspline spectral density estimation. Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone and Young K. Truong. Journal of Time Series Analysis16, 389-402.

Trees and splines in survival analysis. Orna Intrator and Charles Kooperberg. Statistical Methods in Medical Research5, 237-261.


Is there evidence of multiple equilibria in planetary-scale amplitude statistics? Gregor Nitsche, John. M. Wallace, and Charles Kooperberg. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences51, 314-322.


Logspline density estimation for censored data. Charles Kooperberg and Charles J. Stone. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics1, 301-328.

  • The software described in Logspline density estimation for censored data is available: click here for the LOGSPLINE program.


Using logistic regression to estimate the adjusted attributable risk of low birth weight in an unmatched case control study. Charles Kooperberg and Diana B. Petitti. Epidemiology2, 363-366.

A study of logspline density estimation. Charles Kooperberg and Charles J. Stone. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis12 , 327-348.


Robust confidence bounds for extreme upper quantiles. Leo Breiman, Charles J. Stone and Charles Kooperberg. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation37, 127-149.


Circuit layout and yield. Charles Kooperberg. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits23, 887-892.

Statistical Modeling with Spline Functions: Methodology and Theory

Mark H. Hansen, University of California at Los Angeles,
Jianhua Z. Huang, Texas A&M University,
Charles Kooperberg, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Charles J. Stone (deceased), University of California at Berkeley
Young K. Truong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

These are draft chapters of a monograph which we have worked on from 1999 through 2005. The monograph discusses polynomial splines, their use in extended linear modeling, and theoretical properties of such spline models. The monograph is currently incomplete. In particular:

  • The earlier chapters especially miss critical references, not always giving credit where credit is due.
  • For most of the chapters the references are incomplete, and the chapters are lacking a bibliography.
  • There is no index.
  • Cross-references are missing, and the notation is inconsistent.

Nevertheless, we believe that parts of this monograph may be useful. This material may or may not be revised in the future.

All chapters are copyright by M.H. Hansen, J. Z. Huang, C. Kooperberg, C. J. Stone, and Y. K. Truong.