In Situ Survivors Involved in Gaining Health Answers Together (INSIGHT)

Grant Title: Risk Factors for Second Primary Breast Cancer among DCIS Survivors
Study Title: In Situ Survivors Involved in Gaining Health Answers Together (INSIGHT)
Role: Co-Investigator
R01 CA097271 (Christopher Li, MD)

The INSIGHT study is investigating how epidemiological, clinical, and histopathological characteristics of DCIS impact the risk of second primary breast cancers among the growing population of DCIS survivors. The study’s primary aims are to answer these questions:

  1. How do epidemiological risk factors for breast cancer, including reproductive characteristics, anthropometric measures, use of exogenous hormones, mammographic density, and family history of breast cancer, influence the risks of second primary breast cancer overall, invasive second primary breast cancer, and contralateral second primary breast cancer among DCIS survivors?
  2. How do the clinical and histopathological features of DCIS, including treatments, tumor grade, and histological subtype impact risks of second primary breast cancer overall, invasive second primary breast cancer, and contralateral second primary breast cancer among DCIS survivors?

A secondary aim of this project is to develop a panel of risk predictors (combining relevant epidemiological, clinical, and tumor characteristic data) with sufficient predictive ability to stratify DCIS survivors into high, average, and low risk categories with respect to risk of second primary breast cancer.