Outcomes and Risk Factors among Breast Cancer Survivors (ORCA)

Grant Title: Epidemiology of the four most frequent cancers following breast cancer
Study Title: Outcomes and Risk Factors among Breast Cancer Survivors (ORCA)
Role: Co-Investigator
R01 CA192438 (Christopher I. Li, MD, PhD & Kathleen Malone, PhD)

ORCA is a population-based case-cohort study consisting of 2,600 breast cancer survivors focused on epidemiologic, clinical and molecular determinants of the four most common second primary cancers diagnosed after a first diagnosis of invasive breast cancer. Data from detailed medical record reviews and patient interviews conducted by the epidemiology group and pathology reviews, genome-wide tumor assays, and targeted gene-expression assays performed in the Porter Lab will address these aims:

  1. To assess associations between epidemiologic/medical factors (including lifestyle factors such as weight, alcohol, smoking; medications use for common medical conditions; family history of cancer) and risk of subsequent primary cancer of the breast, lung, colon and endometrium.
  2. To assess associations between treatments for first primary breast cancer and risk of subsequent primary cancer of the breast, lung, colon and endometrium.
  3. To assess associations between routinely collected clinical tumor characteristics of the first primary cancer (histology, tumor size, nodal status, grade, ER status, PR status, and HER2 status) and risk of subsequent primary cancer of the breast, lung, colon and endometrium.
  4. To discover and preliminarily validate novel tumor biomarkers associated with risk of subsequent primary cancer of the breast, lung, colon and endometrium using a genome-wide gene expression platform.