Grant Title: Breast Cancer Prognostic Factors/Pathobiology
Study Title: QUILT
Role: Co-Investigator
R01 CA098858 (Kathleen Malone, PhD)

The QUILT study is investigating predictors of disease progression and recurrence in women diagnosed with breast cancer at ages 45-79 to:

  • Identify pre- and post-diagnosis exposures and events that may increase the risk of recurrence;
  • Assess pre-diagnosis exposures for their association with tumor characteristics and risk of recurrence; and
  • Evaluate how tumor markers, both ones currently used in clinical care and novel ones not currently in use, relate to breast cancer progression or recurrence across age groups.

The Quilt Study is a unique cohort of over 2,300 women diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 45-79 during the years 1993-1999, all of whom generously participated in one of three earlier risk factor studies.