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Engineered recognition of tetravalent zirconium and thorium by chelator-protein systems: toward flexible radiotherapy and imaging platforms
Inorganic Chemistry (2016) 55(22), pp. 11930-6
Barasch, J., Hollmen, M., Deng, R., Hod, E.A., Rupert, P.B., Abergel, R.J., Allred, B.E., Xu, K., Darrah, S.F., Tekabe, Y., Perlstein, A., Wax, R., Bruck, E., Stauber, J., Corbin, K.A., Buchen, C., Slavkovich, V., Graziano, J., Spitalnik, S.L., Bao, G., Strong, R.K., Qiu, A.
Disposal of iron by a mutant form of lipocalin 2
Nature Communications (2016) 7:12973
Strong, R.K., Finton, K.A.
The broadly neutralizing, anti-HIV antibody 4E10: an open and shut case? [Letter to the Editor]
Journal of Virology (2016) 90(6), pp. 3274-5
McGuire, A.T., Gray, M.D., Dosenovic, P., Gitlin, A.D., Freund, N.T., Petersen, J., Correnti, C., Johnsen, W., Kegel, R., Stuart, A.B., Glenn, J., Seaman, M.S., Schief, W.R., Strong, R.K., Nussenzweig, M.C., Stamatatos, L.
Specifically modified Env immunogens activate B-cell precursors of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies in transgenic mice
Nature Communications (2016) 7:10618
Allred, B.E., Rupert, P.B, Gauny, S.S., An, D.D., Ralston, C.Y., Sturzbecher-Hoehne, M., Strong, R.K.,
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Siderocalin-mediated recognition, sensitization, and cellular uptake of actinides
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Kisiela, D.I., Avagyan, H., Friend, D., Jalan, A. Gupta, S., Interlandi, G., Liu, Y., Tchesnokova, V., Rodriguez, V.B., Sumida, J.P., Strong, R.K., Wu X.R., Thomas, W.E., Sokurendo, E.V.
Inhibition and reversal of microbial attachment by an antibody with parasteric activity against the FimH adhesin of uropathogenic E. coli
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Rosinski, S.L., Storb, R., Strong, R.K., Sale, G.E., Stone, D.M., Gewe, M.M, Friend, D.J., Abrams, V.K,
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Anti-CD28 antibody-initiated cytokine storm in canines
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Correia, B.E., Bates, J.T., Loomis, R.J., Baneyx, G., Carrico, C., Jardine, J.G., Rupert, P., Correnti, C., Kalyuzhniy, O., Vittal, V., Connell, M.J., Stevens, E., Schroeter, A., Chen, M., Macpherson, S., Serra, A.M., Adachi, Y., Holmes, M.A., Li, Y., Klevit, R.E., Graham, B.S., Wyatt, R.T., Baker, D., Strong, R.K., Crowe, J.E. Jr., Johnson, P.R.,
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Proof of principle for epitope-focused vaccine design
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Finton, K.A., Friend, D., Jaffe, J., Gewe, M., Holmes, M.A., Larman, H.B., Stuart, A., Larimore, K., Greenberg, P.D., Elledge, S.J., Stamatatos, L., Strong, R.K.
Ontogeny of recognition specificity and functionality for the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibody 4E10
PLoS Pathogens (2014) 10(9): e1004403
López-Yglesias, A.H., Zhao, X., Quarles, E.K., Lai, M.A., Vanden Bos, T., Strong, R.K., Smith, K.D.
Flagellin induces antibody responses through a TLR5- and inflammasome-independent pathway
Journal of Immunology (2014) 192(4), pp. 1587-96
Ruiz, M., Ganfornina, M.D., Correnti, C., Strong, R.K., Sanchez, D.
Ligand binding-dependent functions of the lipocalin NLaz: an in vivo study in Drosophila
The FASEB Journal (2014) 28(4), pp.1555-67
Steigedal, M., Marstad, A., Haug, M., Damås, J.K., Strong, R.K., Roberts, P.L., Himpsl, S.D., Stapleton, A., Hooton, T.M., Mobley, H.L., Hawn, T.R., Flo, T.H.
Lipocalin 2 imparts selective pressure on bacterial growth in the bladder and is elevated in women with urinary tract infection
Journal of Immunology (2014) 193(12), pp.6081-9
Allred, B.E., Correnti, C., Clifton, M.C., Strong, R.K., Raymond, K.N.
Siderocalin outwits the coordination chemistry of vibriobactin, a siderophore of Vibrio cholerae
ACS Chemical Biology (2013) 8(9), pp. 1882-7
Finton, K.A., Larimore, K., Larman, H.B., Friend, D., Correnti, C., Rupert, P.B., Elledge, S.J., Greenberg, P.D., Strong, R.K.
Autoreactivity and exceptional CDR plasticity (but not unusual polyspecificity) hinder elicitation of the anti-HIV antibody 4E10
PLoS pathogens (2013) 9(9): e1003639
Hoot, S., McGuire, A.T., Cohen, K.W., Strong, R.K., Hangartner, L., Klein, F., Diskin, R., Scheid, J.F., Sather, D.N., Burton, D.R., Stamatatos, L.
Recombinant HIV envelope proteins fail to engage germline versions of anti-CD4bs bNAbs
PLoS Pathogens (2013) 9(1):e1003106
Ruiz, M., Sanchez, D., Correnti, C., Strong, R.K., Ganfornina, M.D.
Lipid-binding properties of human ApoD and Lazarillo-related lipocalins: functional implications for cell differentiation
The FEBS Journal (2013) 280(16), pp. 3928-43
Correnti, C., Strong, R.K.
Mammalian siderophores, siderophore-binding lipocalins, and the labile iron pool
The Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012) 287(17), pp. 13524-31
Correnti, C., Richardson ,V., Sia, A.K., Bandaranayake, A.D., Ruiz, M., Suryo Rahmanto, Y., Kovačević, Ž., Clifton, M.C., Holmes, M.A., Kaiser, B.K., Barasch, J., Raymond, K.N., Richardson, D.R., Strong, R.K.
Siderocalin/Lcn2/NGAL/24p3 does not drive apoptosis through gentisic acid mediated iron withdrawal in hematopoietic cell lines
PloS One (2012) 7(8): e43696
Finton, K.A., Strong, R.K.
Structural insights into activation of antiviral NK cell responses
Immunological Reviews (2012) 250(1), pp. 239-57
Gründer, C., van Dorp, S., Hol, S., Drent, E., Straetemans, T., Heijhuurs, S., Scholten, K., Scheper, W., Sebestyen, Z., Martens, A., Strong, R., Kuball, J.
γ9 and δ2CDR3 domains regulate functional avidity of T cells harboring γ9δ2TCRs
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Azoitei, M.L., Correia, B.E., Ban, Y.E., Carrico, C., Kalyuzhniy, O., Chen, L., Schroeter, A., Huang, P.S., McLellan, J.S., Kwong, P.D., Baker, D., Strong, R.K., Schief, W.R.
Computation-guided backbone grafting of a discontinuous motif onto a protein scaffold
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Bandaranayake, A.D., Correnti, C., Ryu, B.Y., Brault, M., Strong, R.K., Rawlings, D.J.
Daedalus: a robust, turnkey platform for rapid production of decigram quantities of active recombinant proteins in human cell lines using novel lentiviral vectors
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Correia, B.E., Ban, Y.E., Friend, D.J., Ellingson, K., Xu, H., Boni, E., Bradley-Hewitt, T., Bruhn-Johannsen, J.F., Stamatatos, L., Strong, R.K., Schief, W.R.
Computational protein design using flexible backbone remodeling and resurfacing: case studies in structure-based antigen design
Journal of Molecular Biology (2011) 405(1), pp. 284-97
Correia, B.E., Holmes, M.A., Huang, P.S., Strong, R.K., Schief, W.R.
High-Resolution Structure Prediction of a Circular Permutation Loop
Protein Science (2011) 20(11), pp.1929-34
Correnti, C., Clifton, M.C., Abergel, R.J., Allred, B., Hoette, T.M., Ruiz, M., Cancedda, R., Raymond, K.N., Descalzi, F., Strong, R.K.
Galline Ex-FABP is an antibacterial siderocalin and a lysophosphatidic acid sensor functioning through dual ligand specificities
Structure (2011) 19(12), pp.1796-806
Davenport, T.M., Friend, D., Ellingson, K., Xu, H., Caldwell, Z., Selhorn, G., Kraft, Z., Strong, R.K., Stamatatos, L.
Binding interactions between soluble HIV envelope glycoproteins and quaternary-structure-specific monoclonal antibodies PG9 and PG16
Journal of Virology (2011) 85(14), pp. 7095-107
Hoette, T.M., Clifton, M.C., Zawadzka, A.M., Holmes, M.A., Strong, R.K., Raymond, K.N.
Immune Interference in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Intracellular Iron Acquisition through
Siderocalin Recognition of Carboxymycobactins
ACS Chemical Biology (2011) 6(12), pp.1327-31
Lovelace, E., Xu, H., Blish, C.A., Strong, R., Overbaugh, J.
The role of amino acid changes in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane domain in antibody binding and neutralization
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Xu, B., Pizarro, J.C., Holmes, M.A., McBeth, C., Groh, V., Spies, T., Strong, R.K.
Crystal structure of a gammadelta T-cell receptor specific for the human MHC class I homolog MICA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011) 108(6), pp. 2414-9
Lu, C., Xu, H., Ranjith-Kumar, C. T., Brooks, M. T., Hou, T., Hu, F., Herr, A. B., Strong, R. K., Kao, C. C. & Li, P.
The structural basis of 5' triphosphate double-stranded RNA recognition by RIG-I C-terminal domain
Structure (2010) 18(8), pp. 1032-43
Correia, B. E., Ban, Y.-E. A., Holmes, M. A., Xu, H., Ellingson, K., Kraft, Z., Carrico, C., Boni, E., Sather, N., Zenobia, C., Burke, K. Y., Bradley-Hewitt, T., Bruhn-Johannsen, J. F., Kalyuzhniy, O., Baker, D., Strong, R. K., Stamatatos, L. & Schief, W. R.
Computational design of epitope scaffolds allows induction of antibodies specific for a poorly immunogenic HIV vaccine epitope
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Bao, G., Clifton, M., Hoette, T. M., Mori, K., Deng, S.-X., Qiu, A., Viltard, M., Williams, D., Paragas, N., Leete, T., Li, X., Lee, B., Kalandadze, A., Ratner, A. J., Pizarro, J. C., Schmidt-Ott, K. M., Landry, D. W., Raymond, K. N., Strong, R. K., & Barasch, J.
Iron Traffics in Circulation Bound to a Siderocalin (Ngal)-Catechol Complex
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Xu, H., Song, L., Kim, M., Holmes, M. A., Kraft, Z., Sellhorn, G., Reinherz, E. L., Stamatatos, L. & Strong, R. K.
Interactions Between Lipids And Human Anti-HIV Antibody 4E10 Can Be Reduced Without Ablating Neutralizing Activity
Journal of Virology (2010) 84(2), pp. 1076-88
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Structural Basis of Doublestranded RNA Recognition by the RIG-I like Receptor MDA5
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Siderocalins: siderophore-binding proteins of the innate immune system [review]
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Lipocalin 2 is required for pulmonary host defense against Klebsiella infection
Journal of Immunology (2009) 182(8), pp. 4947-56
Yang, J., Bielenberg, D. R., Rodig, S. J., Doiron, R., Clifton, M. C., Kung, A. L., Strong, R. K., Zurakowski, D. & Moses, M. A.
Lipocalin 2 promotes breast cancer progression
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2009) 106(10), pp. 3913-8
Kuball, J., Hauptrock, B., Malina, V., Antunes, E., Voss, R.-H., Wolfl, M., Strong, R. K., Theobald, M. & Greenberg, P. D.
Increasing functional avidity of TCR-redirected T-cells by removing defined N-glycosylation sites in the TCR constant domain
The Journal of Experimental Medicine (2009) 206(2), pp. 463-75
Hoette, T. M., Abergel, R. J., Xu, J., Strong, R. K. & Raymond, K. N.
The Role of Electrostatics in Siderophore Recognition by the Immunoprotein Siderocalin
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2008) 130(51), pp. 17584-92
Liyanage, W., Weerasinghe, L., Strong, R. K. & Del Valle, J. R.
Synthesis of Carbapyochelins via Diastereoselective Azidation of 5-(Ethoxycarbonyl)methylproline Derivatives
Journal of Organic Chemistry (2008) 73(18), pp. 7420-3
Abergel, R. J., Clifton, M., Pizarro, J. C., Warner, J. A., Shuh, D. K., Strong, R. K. & Raymond, K. N.
The Siderocalin/Enterobactin Interaction: A Link between Mammalian Immunity and Bacterial Iron Transport
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2008) 130(34), pp. 11524-34
Leng, X., Lin, H., Ding, T., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., Klumpp. S., Monaco, P., Belmont, J., Aderem, A., Strong, R. K. & Arlinghaus, R.
Lipocalin 2 is required for BCR-ABL-induced tumorigenesis
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Kaiser, B. K., Pizarro, J. C., Kerns, J. & Strong, R. K.
Structural Basis for NKG2A/CD94 Recognition of HLA-E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2008) 105(18), pp. 6696-701
McBeth, C., Seamons, A., Pizarro, J. C., Fleishman, S. J., Baker, D., Kortemme, T., Goverman, J. M. & Strong, R.K.
A New Twist In TCR Diversity Revealed By A Forbidden αβ TCR
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Lengyel, C. S. E., Willis, L. J., Mann, P., Baker, D., Kortemme, T., Strong, R. K. & McFarland, B. J.
Mutations designed to destabilize the receptor-bound conformation increase MICA-NKG2D association rate and affinity
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2007) 282(42), pp. 30658-66
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Polyspecificity of T cell and B cell Receptor Recognition [workshop review]
Seminars in Immunology (2007) 19(4), pp. 216-24
Kaiser, B. K., Yim, D., Chow, I-T., Gonzales, S., Dai, Z., Mann, H. H., Strong, R. K., Groh, V. & Spies, T.
Disulfide isomerase-enabled shedding of tumour-associated NKG2D ligands
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Vigdorovich, V., Miller, A. D. & Strong, R. K.
Ability of Hyaluronidase-2 To Degrade Extracellular Hyaluronan Is Not Required for Its Function as a Receptor for Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus
Journal of Virology (2007) 81(7), pp. 3124-9
Andersen-Nissen, E., Smith, K. D., Bonneau, R. Strong, R. K., & Aderem, A.
A conserved surface on Toll-like receptor-5 recognizes bacterial flagellin
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The anthrax pathogen evades the mammalian immune system through stealth siderophore production
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Fischbach, M. A., Lin, H., Zhou, L., Yu, Y., Abergel, R. J., Liu, D. R., Raymond, K. N., Wanner, B. L., Strong, R. K., Walsh, C. T., Aderem, A. & Smith, K. D.
The pathogen-associated iroA gene cluster mediates bacterial evasion of lipocalin 2
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2006) 103(44), pp. 16502-7
Abergel, R. J., Moore, E. G., Strong, R. K. & Raymond, K. N.
Microbial Evasion of the Immune System: Structural Modifications of Enterobactin Impair Siderocalin Recognition
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Hyal2, where are you? [Letter to the Editor]
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Interactions between NKG2x immunoreceptors and HLA-E ligands display overlapping affinities and thermodynamics
Journal of Immunology (2005) 174(5), pp. 2878-84
Hvidberg, V., Jacobsen, C., Strong, R. K., Cowland, J. B., Moestrup, S. K. & Borregaard, N.
The Endocytic Receptor Megalin Binds the Iron Transporting Neutrophil-gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) with High Affinity and Mediates its Cellular Uptake
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Siderocalin (Lcn 2) Also Binds Carboxymycobactins, Potentially Defending against Mycobacterial Infections through Iron Sequestration
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Expression and Characterization of a Soluble, Active Form of the Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus Receptor, Hyal2
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Flo, T. H., Smith, K. D., Sato, S., Rodriguez, D., Holmes, M. A., Strong, R. K., Akira, S. Aderem, A.
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This Little pIgR Went to the Mucosa [Preview Article]
Structure (2004) 12(11), pp. 1919-20
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Characterization of a Noncovalent Lipocalin Complex by Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
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Somersalo, K., Anikeeva, N., Sims, T. N., Thomas, V. K., Strong, R. K., Spies, T., Lebedeva, T., Sykulev, Y. & Dustin, M. L.
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes form an antigen-independent ring junction
Journal of Clinical Investigation (2004) 113(1), pp. 49-57
McFarland, B. J. & Strong, R. K.
Thermodynamic Analysis of Degenerate Recognition by the NKG2D Immunoreceptor: Not Induced Fit but Rigid Adaptation
Immunity (2003) 19(6), pp. 803-12
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Strong, R. K.
Part I, Section A, Chapter 14: NK receptors [review]
In Handbook of Cell Signaling, Volume 1. (Bradshaw, R. A. & Dennis, E. A., eds.) Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego (2003)
McFarland, B. J., Kortemme, T., Yu, S. F., Baker, D. A. & Strong, R. K.
Symmetry recognizing asymmetry: analysis of the interactions between the C-type lectin-like immunoreceptor NKG2D and MHC class I-like ligands
Structure (2003) 11(4), pp. 411-22
Strong, R. K., Holmes, M. A., Li, P., Braun, L., Lee, N. & Geraghty, D. E.
HLA-E allelic variants: correlating differential expression, peptide affinities, crystal structures and thermal stabilities
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2003) 278(7), pp. 5082-90
Goetz, D. H., Holmes, M. A., Borregaard, N., Bluhm, M. E., Raymond, K. N. & Strong, R. K.
The Neutrophil Lipocalin NGAL is a Bacteriostatic Agent that Interferes with Siderophore-mediated Iron Acquisition
Molecular Cell (2002) 10(5), pp. 1033-43
Yang, J., Goetz, D., Li, J. Y., Wang, W., Mori, K., Setlik, D., Du, T., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Strong, R. & Barasch, J.
An iron delivery pathway mediated by a lipocalin
Molecular Cell (2002) 10(5), pp. 1045-56
Holmes, M. A., Li, P., Petersdorf, E. W. & Strong, R. K.
Structural Studies of Allelic Diversity of the MHC Class I Homolog MIC-B, a Stress-Inducible Ligand for the Activating Immunoreceptor NKG2D
Journal of Immunology (2002) 169(3), pp. 1395-400
Strong, R. K.
Asymmetric ligand recognition by the activating natural killer receptor NKG2D, a symmetric homodimer [review]
Molecular Immunology 38 (2002) pp. 1029-37
Li, P., McDermott, G. & Strong, R. K.
Crystal structures of RAE-1beta and its complex with the activating immunoreceptor NKG2D
Immunity (2002) 16(1), pp. 77-86
Parhami-Seren, B., Viswanathan, M., Strong, R. K. & Margolies, M. N.
Structural Analysis of Mutants of High-Affinity and Low-Affinity p-Azophenylarsonate-Specific Antibodies Generated by Alanine Scanning of Heavy Chain Complementarity-Determining Region 2
Journal of Immunology (2001) 167(9), pp. 5129-35
Steinle, A., Li, P., Morris, D. L., Groh, V., Lanier, L. L., Strong, R. K. & Spies, T.
Interactions of human NKG2D with its ligands MICA, MICB, and homologs of the mouse RAE-1 protein family
Immunogenetics (2001) 53(4), pp. 279-87
Li, P., Morris, D. L., Willcox, B. E., Steinle, A., Spies, T. & Strong, R. K.
Complex Structure of the Activating Immunoreceptor NKG2D and its MHC Class I-like Ligand MICA
Nature Immunology (2001) 2(5), pp. 443-51
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Strong, R. K.
Structural Immunology of MHC Class I Proteins, Homologs and Receptor Complexes [review]
Modern Aspects of Immunobiology (2000) 3 pp. 125-8
Li, Z., Groh, V., Strong, R. K. & Spies, T.
A single amino acid substitution causes loss of expression of a MICA allele
Immunogenetics (2000) 51(3), pp. 246-8
Strong, R. K.
Class (I) will come to order - not [News and Views]
Nature Structural Biology (2000) 7(3), pp. 173-6
Goetz, D. H., Willie, S. T., Armen, R. S., Bratt, T., Borregaard, N. & Strong, R. K.
Ligand preference inferred from the crystal structure of Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL)
Biochemistry (2000) 39(8), pp. 1935-41
Parhami-Seren, B., Viswanathan, M., Strong, R. K. & Margolies, M. N.
Structural Analysis of Mutants of High-Affinity and Low-Affinity p-Azophenylarsonate-Specific Antibodies Generated by Alanine Scanning of Heavy Chain Complementarity-Determining Region 2
Journal of Immunology (2001) 167(9), pp. 5129-35
Bauer, S., Willie, S. T., Spies, T. & Strong, R. K.
Expression, purification, crystallization & crystallographic characterization of the human MHC class I related protein MICA
Acta Crystallographica (1998) D54, pp. 451-3
Strong, R. K., Bratt, T., Cowland, J. B., Borregaard, N., Wiberg, F. C. & Ewald, A. J.
Expression, purification, crystallization & crystallographic characterization of dimeric and monomeric human Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL)
Acta Crystallographica (1998) D54, pp. 93-5
Yu, S. F., Edelmann, K., Strong, R. K., Moebes, A., Rethwilm, A. & Linial, M. L.
The carboxy-terminus of the human foamy virus Gag protein contains separable nucleic acid binding and nuclear transport domains
Journal of Virology (1996) 70(12), pp. 8255-62