Yongming Dong

Yongming Dong

Title: Staff Scientist

Yongming grew up in Wuzhi, a town in central China. He attended the Huazhong University of Science and Technology for his undergraduate career and majored in biology. For graduate work, he joined Dr. Tao Xu’s laboratory in the same university where Yongming studied Dense Core Vesicles exocytosis using patch clamp on primary cultured rat pancreatic beta and Caenorhabditis elegans embryo cells. For his postdoctoral work, Yongming joined Dr. Shawn Xu’s laboratory at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor to study molecular mechanism of sensory (light, temperature, olfactory and osmolality) using C. elegans. Now, he is trying to explore the synaptic vesicle cycle using electrophysiological techniques. 

Yongming Dong
Yongming Dong