2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

February 2025

26: 🎂

20: Another day, another Costco run 🥜🥨

19: More lab fun in LA to close out a great meeting!

16,17,18: Congrats to Adam, Jeremy, and Matthew who were ALL selected to give talks at this year's Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in LA!!

jeremy bps
matthew bps

January 2025

15: Congrats to Jeremy who gave an invited seminar for the Western Washington University Department of Biology in Bellingham!

15: Melody gives a seminar (about Jeremy's work) at Oregon State University!

10: Adam's paper, Structural and functional characterization of integrin a5-targeting antibodies for anti-angiogenic therapy, is out on biorxiv! This has been a fantastic collaboration with the Meves group at the Mayo Clinic. The project was envisioned and started at Mayo Clinic by Joel Heim and Alex Meves, and Adam's fantastic structural work ushered in intriguing new dimensions to the project! Excited to try review commons!

06: Welcome to Eva Alleman who joins us from MCB for her rotation! Thirlled to have you here!